I came back for you

Oct 23, 2009 18:40

Title:- I came back for you
Summary:- Jack finds a way to prove to Ianto that he came back for him.
Characters:- Jack, Ianto, Owen, Tosh, Gwen, Rhys
Rating:- Suitable for all
Setting:- Mid-S2
Word count:- 800 (approx)

A/N:- The first fanfic story I posted ever - originally posted to Whofic in July 2008. I didn't realise I hadn't posted it here. Now completely AU but it's one view of how things could (should?) have been. Hope you enjoy.


“Marry me.”

Ianto’s mind shot back to full wakefulness from the edge of sleep when he realised he had spoken the words aloud. Inwardly he froze as the words seemed to crash around Jack’s little bedroom under his office but Jack’s arms remained soft and loose around his waist and his breathing remained deep and calm - he was asleep. Thank goodness.

Jack had been teasing Ianto, suggesting all sorts of weird and wonderful ways to make the young Welshman believe him when he said he had come back to 21st century Cardiff, from wherever he had been with Martha and the Doctor, for him. As Ianto’s mind had drifted off to sleep he had suddenly thought of exactly what would convince him and the words had somehow slipped out.

Gradually, convincing himself that Jack had not heard his whispered desire, Ianto allowed his brain and body to relax into his lovers arms.

Jack Harkness marry him - like that was ever going to happen!


“Okay everyone - go home. Meet me tomorrow at the city library at 2.45,” Jack announced to everyone’s surprise. Although the last few days had been quiet with little rift activity it was still only 6pm - a very early finish for them.

“Go!” Jack reiterated when no one made a move to leave.

As Tosh and Owen headed for the big circular door leading out of the Hub before he could change his mind Jack called Gwen back.

“Tomorrow, bring Rhys along with you if he’s free - he may learn something that’ll make him happy,” he said, cryptically.

“Okay, I’ll ask,” Gwen replied. “Jack...”

“Go!” Jack cut her off. “See you tomorrow.”

She headed out.

When they had the Hub to themselves Jack turned to Ianto. “So tomorrow is the big day, huh?”

“I was tired, I didn’t know what I was saying,” Ianto said, almost pleadingly. “Jack, you don’t have to do this - really.”

“I do and I will,” replied Jack.


“So why am I here exactly?” Rhys asked again as he and Gwen approached the library the following afternoon.

“I told you, I don’t know,” Gwen sighed. “Jack just asked me to ask you to come along.”

They rounded the corned just as Tosh and Owen met them coming from the other direction. In front of the library they could see Ianto looking even more immaculate than normal chatting to Martha and a young, dark-haired man they did not recognise.

As they approached the little group something about Ianto caught Gwen’s attention. He seemed stiff, nervous somehow, as though something really bad was going to happen. He had looked so much more relaxed since Jack had come back but... As she reached the little group and all the introductions were made the thoughts went out of her head.

“You okay?” Martha asked Ianto quietly as they all drifted round the building to where Jack was waiting for them.

Ianto nodded, not trusting himself to say or do anything more. He could not believe he was here. Martha smiled slightly, a twinkle in her eye, and slipped her hand into his, giving it a little squeeze.

They all followed Ianto through the door he indicated and into the building, too engrossed in catching up with Martha, and her fiancé Tom, to notice the sign above the door.

Inside they looked around for Jack not recognising him straight away out of his normal work gear. He was wearing a suit and tie that exactly matched Ianto’s, cut to fit his larger frame perfectly. Only when he began pinning a buttonhole to Ianto’s lapel did the others realise where they were.

“Jack, Ianto, are you getting...?” Tosh asked in wonderment.

Jack nodded, glancing round at them. “Surrounded by the most important people in our lives,” he added, bathing them with the happiness of his smile.

A few short moments later he and Ianto were standing together in front of the registrar.
“Do you Jack Harkness take this man Ianto Geriant Jones...” she intoned.

Jack felt the warmth of Ianto’s hands in his and looked into his lovers face knowing that this was one decision he would never regret and took a deep breath. “I do”.


Ianto could remember little of that afternoon after Jack said those words he had so long dreamt of hearing until much later, after the celebrations, when they were alone in his flat once more - Martha and Tom were on their way back to London and the other members of Torchwood were scattered to their homes across the city.

Me and Jack, together forever, or as long as that means in Torchwood, he mused.

“So, now do you believe me?” Jack asked, fingering the discrete gold band he had placed on the young Welshmans finger earlier.

“I do,” Ianto whispered.

pairing:jack/ianto, character:ianto, torchwood, character:jack, fic:g

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