This Masochist Who’s Stolen My First Name - TVD - Anna/Jeremy

Apr 17, 2010 20:51

Title: This Masochist Who's Stolen My First Name
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Anna/Jeremy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bloodplay, underage sexual contact. Spoilers for 1.16
Word Count: ~ 2,400
Disclaimer: I own nothing and am making no money off this, so please don't sue me.
Summary: Jeremy wants Anna to feed on him again. Inspired by that scene in There Goes the Neighborhood.
Notes: Beta'd by both lone_child and meiou_set. Title stolen from Blue October's Drilled a Wire through My Cheek.

Jeremy didn’t think he would like it so much.

There was a moment where he doubted. Somewhere between cutting his hand open and offering it up to Anna, he thought that just maybe it wasn’t a good idea to offer his bleeding hand to a vampire. That maybe a healthy amount of fear and caution would be a good thing.

“Go for it,” he had said anyway, staring down into her eyes, deep red and sunken in. His body felt so warm, burning hot. Anna had him pinned against the wall, her hand pressed firmly against his throat in a steel grip. His heart had been pounding so loudly. There was an uncomfortable churning in his gut, but it wasn’t fear. Something else. Something that couldn’t wait for her to do it already.

He thought it would hurt and it did when Anna closed her mouth over his palm. It stung slightly, as the tips of her viciously sharp teeth grazed his skin. But he couldn’t take his eyes off her. His jaw dropped and he gasped--but it wasn’t out of pain.

There was an edge to this, sharp and sweet; it reminded Jeremy of whenever he took a hit of a drug, strong and heady and so fucking intense. Something low stirred from deep in him, Jeremy’s body responding and coming alive even as she sucked the lifeblood from him. He couldn’t help the short pants his breathing was reduced to or the inaudible pleased sounds in the back of his throat as he watched Anna drink, the suction pressure of her mouth so close to undoing him.

At one point, he couldn’t think of anything coming before or after. Nothing existed except here and now, only Anna drinking from him and Jeremy just utterly enthralled and wanting.

Then it was over and Anna disappeared the instant he looked away. Jeremy jerked off in the bathroom after, his hand throbbing the entire time, coming with a low, almost pained groan. The sight of his blood running down his left hand and Anna’s fanged mouth were embedded in his thoughts the entire time.


Later, as he was getting ready for bed, his hand wrapped in a careful bandage, Jeremy couldn’t take his mind off Anna. He could still feel her, phantom teeth scratching the skin of his palm, blood running down his hand even though the cut was already healing.

He wanted to see her again. Not just so he could ask her to turn him-- he just wanted her. To see her. To touch her. To feel that again. It had been such a new feeling. He hadn’t wanted anything so bad since-

Not since Vicki.

Jeremy sighed, meeting his own eyes in the bathroom mirror’s reflection.

Sometimes, when Jeremy thought too much, too hard about Vicki, his brain stopped. He knew something was up with her disappearance, he knew there was more to it, but he couldn’t think beyond that. Every time he tried, it was like trying to go past a brick wall. His memories turned fuzzy and dream-like and he couldn’t clear up his mind.

He looked at his own reflection and couldn’t help but feel something was just off. Like there was something he should know, something he already knew, but he couldn’t reach it and every time he tried, it drifted farther and farther out of reach.

Sometimes, Jeremy looked at himself and was so sure something was wrong. Something was wrong with him-- he just had no clue what and it frustrated him so much. He looked at himself and only saw that something was missing. Somehow, he just knew Anna could help him and that somehow vampires were the key.

Jeremy tore his eyes away from his reflection and looked down at the razor on the sink. He wasn’t sure what gave him the idea or why he was even doing it, but he removed the blade from it. He twirled it around in his hand, his reflection glinting off it.

Jeremy pressed the edge of the blade to his hand, pushing down hard until he winced. He could feel his skin resisting the razor. The blade was sharp and he knew it wouldn’t take much more pressure to cut his skin open again but no-- he didn’t want to. Not without Anna. It wasn’t the same without her.

He turned around, getting ready to leave the bathroom-

And there she was, like a ghost summoned from his thoughts.

“What were you thinking?”


“I want you to turn me.”

There was nothing but silence in the room after Jeremy made his declaration. Anna’s face was blank and smooth in the face of his request.

“You what?”

“I want you to turn me into a vampire,” Jeremy repeated. The words sounded ridiculous in his mouth, like they didn’t belong there, but this time, he got his sentence out stronger, with more conviction. Like this was something that could really happen to him. Like it wasn’t a dream or a fantasy.

Anna regarded him with a wary stare, assessing.

“No,” she replied firmly.

“No?” Jeremy blinked. “Why?”

“Because,” she explained. “You’re young-”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t know what I want,” Jeremy protested, so sick of everyone treating him like he doesn’t know anything or his opinions don’t matter just because he’s a teenager.

“Why would you even want to be a vampire?” Anna snapped at him, her face twisted into something harsh and that hurt more than when she was feeding off him earlier.

Jeremy shifted on his feet, nervous. It was too complicated to try to think of all the reasons, to gather them together and present them. And it hurt too much to say them all out loud.

“Well,” he said, trying for casual. “It’s doesn’t look like a bad deal. And besides, I know now that it doesn’t mean I have to be a monster. Look at you, you’re great.”

“There is a lot you don’t know about me, Jeremy.”

“Anna, I trust-”

Anna quieted him with a stern glare. Jeremy looked her in the eye and for the first time, he saw something old and tired in them.

“It would mean ripping you away from your family, Jeremy-- do you want that?” She asked. Her voice sounded heavy in her mouth, layered with meaning Jeremy didn’t quite understand.

The words hit him like a blow. It brought up too much to the surface; Vicki, his parents, Elena, Jenna. Every wound still felt fresh. It still hurt to think of Vicki, even through his mind’s fog. It still hurt to think of Mom and Dad. He couldn’t understand Elena anymore. He couldn’t talk to Jenna about anything. They all expected him to just move on and be a good kid and be stable, be normal, make friends, stop being such a loner.

And he couldn’t.

“My parents are already dead, Anna. Elena’s off doing whatever it is she does now, I don’t even know anymore. And Jenna…I barely even know her. My family might as well be gone and I just…I don’t want to be alone anymore,” Jeremy admitted, so quiet as if it would hurt too much to say the words any louder.

Anna’s face softened, and Jeremy hated how the look of pity on his face, but he couldn’t bring himself to feel angry about. He just felt tired. Tired of this hole within him.

Anna shook her head.

“That’s not good enough, Jeremy. It’s a bad idea,” she said, turning away.

“Anna, wait, please,” Jeremy pleaded, but Anna was already facing the window.

He had to act fast; that was the only reason for what he did next. It surprised him, how fast he moved, how he just snatched up the razor blade that he left across the sink and sliced it across his shoulder without a thought. There was no other reason save for how he didn’t want Anna to leave so soon again.

Jeremy gritted his teeth, holding back a gasp. It had hurt when he dragged the knife across his hand earlier and this was worse, the razor’s blade sharper, slicing through his skin easily. It stung furiously, but a part of him liked the burn, the stab of pain making his heart pump harder with excitement and his dick twitch in anticipation.

Anna froze in place. She stared at him, watching his blood with narrowed eyes. They weren’t bloodshot and dark at the edges like they were last time, but they were fixated on the spot on his shoulder, watching intently like that was all there was in the room. Anna gazed at him like a cat about to pounce and despite the potential danger, he was glad to have her full attention now.

“Jeremy,” she breathed, cautious and slow, “What are you doing?”

He smiled at her, far too reassuring for the fire he was playing with.

“It’s okay,” Jeremy tilted his head to side, exposing more of the wound for her, yielding. “I’m okay with this. With you.”

He was hyper aware of everything, at how loud his heart must be beating, the way his veins throbbed in his neck. He wondered how it was for Anna, to see him like this; he wanted to know how it felt.

Anna made a soft noise, almost like a whimper, her eyes falling on the blood flowing. Her body started to shake slightly.

“I trust you,” Jeremy continued, “and…I want you to.”

“You really shouldn’t, Jeremy,” Anna shook her head, but she walked towards him all the same. “This is dangerous.”

Jeremy shrugged, a smile pulling at his lips. “I suppose if you hurt me too much, you’ll just have to turn me anyway.”

“That’s not funny,” she shook her head, but there was no real reprimand in her voice. She looked up at him with wide eyes, soft and vulnerable. She didn’t seem dangerous right then; she seemed like a girl his age, with pretty eyes and a delicate face.

But her eyes were fixated upon the wound on his shoulder, so close to his throat, staring with an intensity that would frighten Jeremy on anyone else. On Anna, it was just…thrilling. He could feel the blood running down. He could smell it too. He wondered how it must have looked to Anna, what he must smell like to her. The whole mess of it was setting his senses on edge, his skin trembling, waiting for it.

“Jeremy,” she whispered, trailing off, her eyes sliding shut. Her tone felt loaded but he wasn’t sure what she was trying to say.

“I want you to do it again, please,” he repeated softly, like a confession and Anna as his priest.

When Anna snapped her eyes open, they’ve gone red, her fangs extended and Jeremy could barely stifle his eager smile. He couldn’t stop himself from reaching out and tracing the veins around her eyes, her skin cool underneath his touch. He was utterly captivated with her in this moment. His fingers brushed up against her parted lips and slipped inside her mouth, sliding up against pointed canines. Jeremy couldn’t shut up the voice in his head, the small part that wanted that, wanted to know what that would be like.

A split second later, she had shoved him down on the bed, straddling him as she locked her mouth down on his wound.

Jeremy sucked in a breath, hips arching into her; he didn’t know what felt better, Anna grinding down on him, or her mouth licking him open, sharp teeth digging slightly into his flesh.

“Yeah,” he said in a breathless whisper, his hands hanging on to her shoulders tightly. His entire body felt electrified, vibrant with pleasure. The only thoughts in his mind had narrowed down to his cock arching up into Anna’s moving hips and the bloody ache in his shoulder. It felt like drugs and alcohol mixed together, heady and confusing and intense but so much better, the pain and the pleasure entwined together.

“Don’t stop, it’s okay,” he moaned as Anna moved over him. Her small body held him down, with no hope of Jeremy stopping her even if he wanted. He could feel Anna’s tongue, fervent and needy. He could hear soft whimpers and low groans against his chest. Anna rocked her hips against him, sensuous and predatory, taking his blood, consuming him and it set Jeremy’s body on fire.

Then Anna’s teeth sank into the throbbing wound, that burning mix of pain and pleasure exploding and that’s all it took for Jeremy to come in his pajama bottoms, letting out a moan, clinging painfully tight to Anna’s shoulders. White-hot pleasure erupted in him with a full-body shudder, like it was being ripped out of him in waves, each better than the last.

It ended too quickly again. He wanted it go on longer, but as he came down, flopping onto the bed, he was too tired to do much else but shut his eyes.

When Jeremy opened them again, Anna was still there, pressing a wet wash cloth against his shoulder. Her head was bent over, hair falling in her face, concentrating. She seemed normal again, the blood already washed off her mouth with no trace of anything dangerous left, like a normal girl. She touched him gently, completely different from what they’d just done and it set him at ease, his body relaxing.

“We shouldn’t do that again, not so soon. It--I could seriously hurt you,” Anna said, very matter-of-fact.

She moved, grabbing some gauze for his wound.

“You should cover that up for the next few days,” she continued. “Don’t want your family to see and start asking questions. And you should probably have some orange juice or something sugary before you go to sleep.”

Jeremy nodded, smiling. “It’s like you’re already my girlfriend or something.”

“Shut up,” Anna said but he thought he heard laughter coming through her voice.

Jeremy’s hand reached up to cover hers. Anna stopped with what she was doing, going still but didn’t look up to see him. Her hair covered enough of her face so he couldn’t get a good look at her expression.

He felt slightly dizzy and weak now; he really wanted to go to sleep soon.

“Are you going to turn me?” Jeremy managed to ask anyway.

“No,” Anna answered, going back to tending to his shoulder.

“Am I going to see you tomorrow?” He asked with a hopeful smile.

Anna looked up and Jeremy was relieved to see a girlish smile on her face

“Sure, of course.”

fanfic: het, fanfic, fandom, pairing: anna/jeremy, character: jeremy, fandom: the vampire diaries, character: anna

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