PLAYER-RUN PLOT: tourney / ren fair.

Apr 23, 2011 00:17

YO DUDES. If you ever check the game calendar you may have noticed I am running an event in May? I finally bothered to get mod permission for it. It's a medieval tournament cum Renaissance faire run by Arthur, and though it won't happen until May 11, it has so many ways for you and your characters to get involved, so I want to start talking about ( Read more... )

player run event: tourney, plot

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Comments 102

girl_unlocking April 22 2011, 14:47:24 UTC
Dawn (with Al's help because he's making the paper flowers via Alchemy) will be making and selling cute and affordable flower circlets to help cover some costs, and she'll definitely hang up some flyers. Just not in that one alley. IF BUFFY WANTS TO HELP ASSEMBLE CIRCLETS THAT WOULD BE COOL, TOO. She would be more than happy to sponsor someone through the muffin shop, especially Kunsel (because he's Kunsel. And he has his own (grey frosted with silver sparkles) ...gingersnap muffincake thing. Which she will TOTALLY UNVEIL AND SELL AT THE FAIRE) or Kay (because she still feels guilty about the book.)

Lust is more than happy to overcharge for kisses and pocket some of that money, jsyk. She would have sponsored someone but that money is currently tied up in being blackmailed >.<

Irene will totes fight in the tourney, you know.

Lilly will cheer on some people and MAYBE THERE WILL BE SOME MOTORCYCLE RACING Y/N?.

And Bella gives no fucks.


supercilious April 22 2011, 14:58:53 UTC


swordofthenorth April 22 2011, 15:06:27 UTC
^_^ @ Irene


girl_unlocking April 22 2011, 16:35:04 UTC

i mean



newly_knighted April 22 2011, 14:50:11 UTC
I can't wait for this, oh man!

I don't think I have a character that won't participate in one fashion or another! Yazoo would be the most reluctant, but if everyone's there and the town is buzzing about it, he's bound to get curious...

Also, Kay wants to do more to help! Eager young man that he is.


supercilious April 22 2011, 14:56:31 UTC
Kay is going to be kept very busy! Since idek that I have left enough time for even running this to be feasible! So you are my hadwaving assistant. You and my magical manservant.

Is Isley gonna enter the sword tourney? a-and win?


newly_knighted April 22 2011, 15:03:57 UTC
...Kay should not be stupidly excited about being this helpful to Arthur, but he is. Especially if it means getting to work more with Merlin. On an OOC note, I'd be happy to help with the organization of anything you made need, too.

Isley will be eying up all of the events. He's going to be the most interested in the Archery event, the Fencing event, and the Jousting event. He'll participate in only ONE however, because um, hello? SKILLS COMING OUT HIS... *cough* But you get the point, right? People EXPECT him to do the Fencing, which means he might be inclined to steer away from it UNLESS people he's been training are involved in it, in which case he might enroll in that just to see how they do under pressure.


supercilious April 22 2011, 15:24:11 UTC
I think I'm okay since I have less paperwork than Arthur, and this whole thing is scheduled selfishly around my life. But the offer's appreciated and I may take you up on it as we get closer and I realize I've overloaded. ._.

Jousting would be amazing. Since idk how many people will do that! He can be his own horse!


becoming_gau April 22 2011, 15:12:28 UTC
Gau wants to be the crier~ He's got a good loud annoying voice!

Oh, and Kurogane will want to beat things up. I mean. Participate.


supercilious April 22 2011, 15:28:51 UTC
I'll put him down!


reflectedstasis April 22 2011, 15:14:34 UTC
Oh man - if there's prizemoney involved, Fai is so there for the fencing and archery contests.

He could also run a booth for the Casino if they'd have one there or even a pub stand!


brbpunchingmage April 22 2011, 15:43:42 UTC
.... *competes against him to be an ass*...


reflectedstasis April 22 2011, 15:45:39 UTC
...You might not like the outcome, Kurogane.


brbpunchingmage April 22 2011, 15:47:43 UTC
Were you talking to me?


threedoctorates April 22 2011, 16:24:42 UTC
Ishida is SO THERE for the Archery contest.


reflectedstasis April 22 2011, 16:54:56 UTC
You know...Fai would give him competition right up to the end, then probably intentionally lose.


threedoctorates April 24 2011, 00:42:04 UTC
Ishida would line face at him if he found out.


reflectedstasis April 24 2011, 00:46:17 UTC
Fai would just smile all serene-like. He deals with Kurogane's linefacing ALLL DAY LONG~


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