Question/Ukitake Birthday Newsflash

Dec 19, 2010 02:48

SO. It's Ukitake's birthday on the 21st December - he's a winter baby XD

Even limited to the coin he arrived with converted to ivories (thankfully he's from a wealthy family plus a keen and flamboyant drinker so at least he wasn't broke on arrival) Kyouraku is not going to let it pass without some kind of party. Fortunately, as well as some money he has the charm of a dozen fairytale princes, and I figure he probably tips well, so with luck he has earned the favour of a FEW locals.

It won't be much, given the lack of resources, buuuut...Cocoa and I have assumed that Kyouraku is currently "employed" in helping fix up the tea shop, so I think it's likely that's where he'd organise something, even though it's likely in a state of half-repair by now. I also hear there may be a largish pond near the public park and wondered if it might, by chance,  be conveniently frozen over during the current cold snap in Anatole? If so, I think Kyouraku will scrounge up a pair of skates and take Ukitake there as a surprise, then drag him back to the tea room for warm sake (a necessity! though he'd settle for mulled wine I imagine), plus hot tea and whatever food he has been able to afford (probably pretty to look at but of limited nutritional value, knowing him - likely also inclining to the sweet end of the spectrum since Ukitake likes that kind of thing).

Sadly, as this is not Hollywood, the half-fixed up tea room will not be miraculously finished in the hour that they were at the pond, but since I am pretty sure Rukia would ICly want to be involved (even though Luce is on hiatus) I am going to guess that she would happily take charge of making the best of it/decor and rustle up some homemade Chappy streamers and maybe paper lanterns or candles, probably. I'll check with Luce asap when she pops on line.

Kyouraku would probably hit up Kaien for this, and Dawn, and Sephiroth, and possibly (God help us) Bella, since they would be people Ukitake knows/has been treated kindly by. He'd also go for the Seireitei crowd and frankly might well invite anyone he sees (except Aizen and Gin hurr) because he's just like that. On the bright side he can throw a good party - he's had plenty of practice *rolls eyes*.

Given everyone is busy/hiatusing and whatnot, plus the auction just happened and it's a tight timeline for Xmas break, I'm not proposing that this has to be formally logged. This is more checking that a) it's okay to proceed and b) if so, a heads up to people that it will be happening on the 21st in the late afternoon just as it gets dark so if you want to say it happened/character was there/make up scandalous occurrences due to sake and candlelight, you can feel free to do so.

player run event, ooc, plotting

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