[Open] Football in the park

Jun 13, 2010 04:46

Who: Utena (Princely_calyx) and whoever else shows up
When: Saturday, the afternoon.
Where: The park by the swing-set.
Format: Paragraph, action tags
What: Utena and a few others gather in the park to ball soccer/football
Warnings: It's...football?

Kicking the ball around, enjoying life )

johan andersen, utena tenjo

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Comments 31

wellsuited June 14 2010, 16:22:00 UTC
Elena had heard about the game through secondhand information. But any information was good information, and while she was still trying to figure out the game as a whole, there was one thing about it that had her interested -- goalkeeping. That was a position she wanted to learn more about. And since she was caught up on her own work (much to her disappointment) and had made a good little dent in the list she'd compiled from others, she decided to take just enough time to pay the park a visit. After all, firsthand information would always be the best.


I apologize for the extreme lateness D : princely_calyx June 28 2010, 07:09:25 UTC
As Utena warmed up her football skills, she saw a figure in the distance. As it came closer she identified it as one of the Scorched, a blonde who wore a suit that sometimes appeared over the Forge network. Well, it didn't matter to her who showed up. Heck, another friend would be great to have!

Utena waved the woman - what was her name again? - over, hoping that was indeed here for a game.

"Hello! You up for some football?"


thejewelergem June 15 2010, 08:56:09 UTC
Johan wandered into the park, staring at the screen of his Forge with the kind of dogged intensity only lost tourists desperately clinging to maps could possibly convey. He glanced up to see if anyone looking remotely sportish might be around, and spotted the pink-haired . . . girl . . . boy . . . person with the ball. Still a little cautious from that weird maze, but with optimistic personality still intact, he waved at the figure. "Hey!"

[ooc: iirc, Utena is a girl who lives as/dresses as/appears as/[some or all of the above] a man, y/n? If I'm mixing up All The Canons I Want To Watch But Haven't Yet, let me know and I can repost.]


Apologizes to you too! princely_calyx June 28 2010, 07:16:33 UTC
The "hey" turned Utena's attention from the approaching woman to a young boy she'd seen in the noodle shop during the maze. She smiled and waved back.

"Hey yourself! Come to play too? Great!"

[ooc:No worries on repost. He was seeing her from the back at a distance. I went with the anime version of Utena who looks a bit more like a girl, at least hair-wise, but she has it pulled back so she can play. So it was anyone's guess as to what gender she is.]


It's cool! thejewelergem June 28 2010, 07:48:20 UTC
" . . . I think so," he answered, still looking just a tad lost. "This is where everyone was called for a football game, right?"

[ooc: I looked up a couple of pictures of Utena and, um . . . there are all kinds of men with what I'd consider comparable hairstyles in Johan's fandom, so if it's good by you, can he just totally stay confused for a bit?]


Re: <3 princely_calyx June 28 2010, 08:11:48 UTC
"Yup! Hope you're ready to play!" She slid her foot under the ball, kicking it up into her hands. She tucked the ball under her left arm and held out her right hand.

"I'm Utena Tenjo. It's nice to meet you."

[ooc:Wow, those are pretty girlie. Especially that first one - it almost is Utena. I'm totally cool with the confusion. The series is all about gender-bending anyway, so yay! She does sound (hearing-wise, not speech pattern-wise) like a girl. So have at!]


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