first log - open

May 03, 2010 23:50

Who: jaytodd  , and anyone in the street at that time
When:  afternoon of Monday 3rd
Where: the streets, from the Outlander community block to the library
Format: paragraph.
What: Jason's looking for answers - and alternatively, for food and people to beat up.
Warnings:  probably for language.

Have a grumpy guy in leather limping through the streets. )

garrus vakarian, -complete, heine rammsteiner, sakura haruno, jason todd, namine

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Comments 60

here have a tiny girl c: dollchains May 3 2010, 23:10:37 UTC

It wasn't a great day, really -- well, it was okay, but it wasn't the best day she'd ever had. Not that Namine tended to get 'great days', honestly, though since coming here things had actually brightened up ( ... )


Re: here have a tiny girl c: jaytodd May 4 2010, 08:46:47 UTC
Jason wiped his hands on his pants. Hitting the shithead who had thought him an easy target had been briefly satisfaying and all, but not enough. Poor sucker hadn't had a chance or a ivory to his name.

This place, with a few minor adjustments, was almost like that Victorian Gotham, the one he had been serious about returning to. It missed a Batman though.
He didn't have to think about that.

Emerging from the side street, he saw a blond kid sitting on the ground - there was seomthing different about the girl. Ah, probably, well, one of us. She was watching him. He raised an eyebrow.

"You okay, kid?"


Re: here have a tiny girl c: dollchains May 5 2010, 00:21:51 UTC
Her gaze fell to his hands -- wiping the blood from them, the sticky red sinking into the legs of his pants. A call back to Castle Oblivion days. She wasn't going to think about it.

Namine blinked up as the man neared her, and spoke. It was strange, almost, to be noticed so frequently here.

Beat. "Oh, um, yes. Thank you. I'm sorry, I just..." She stretched on her knees, reaching for the brown sketchbook. It was almost too far to get, but stretching her fingers to the extreme finally netted it for her. Had she really fallen that hard...?


sorry for the delay, I'm in GMT+1 time zone jaytodd May 5 2010, 11:28:55 UTC
She looked disoriented. He did not miss how she had looked at his hands. Reaching to help her up would be interesting... instead, he picked her pencil up, grunting a bit when he got back up.

"Here. Watch here you're putting your feet."


officer_garrus May 4 2010, 01:50:53 UTC
Garrus made mental notes of every building he walked past, checking his Forge to see if it was listed. There was more than one pub in this city, as he'd come to see, but some places were solitary examples. The turian wouldn't mind taking another look outside the Twins' Manor.

He also knew he would have to get a job and permanent place to stay soon. It looked like Anatole didn't have any use for a vigilante, or even a cop. Garrus didn't like the idea of doing some low-pay menial job, but a turian had to eat.

The vigilante was so absorbed in his thoughts that he nearly ran into an unfamiliar young man.


jaytodd May 4 2010, 09:54:12 UTC
"Hey, watch out, big guy!"

Jason stepped aside before he got ran into by the first obvious non-human he had met here so far. The big guy stood out like a sore thumb, Jason could almost see the zone the natives kept clear of around him.
He winced from the unplanned side step, twinges of pain shooting up his leg. Walking without a stick hadn't been a good idea, this city was larger than the plans led to belive.


officer_garrus May 4 2010, 14:21:31 UTC
Garrus ignored the man's attitude. He'd dealt with the type back at C-Sec and learned how to deal with them. If they were a civilian, he just had to ignore them.

What he couldn't ignore was the pain that the young man was obviously in. Once again, the turian's instinct to help others took charge. Putting his Forge away in the pack on the back of his armor, Garrus turned towards the man. "You okay?"


jaytodd May 4 2010, 14:57:53 UTC
His first instinct was to bark, "None of your business." Yay, way to go Jay, people were generally more inclined to answer questions when the one on the other side was a least civil - or had a big gun, but his Glocks hadn't made the trip.

He used a hand to lean on the nearest wall, putting weight off his leg before he could go back to ignoring it. "I'd be better if you knew where's the exit to this place," he continued on a calmer tone.


stray_gunner May 4 2010, 20:31:29 UTC
Looking decidedly shifty, Heine was wandering around the library after a frustrating conversation with someone who said that no, taking care of mint leaves counts as gardening.

Heine let out a quiet breath and glanced around to see a man whose voice he recognized.

He didn't greet the man, preferring to watch him get into a quick fight with someone Heine was quite sure he didn't know.


jaytodd May 4 2010, 20:46:09 UTC
"And stay down, sucker!"
Jason finished the quick fight, the resulting crunch music to his ears. Limping his way up to the library had been like walking around with a tag saying 'oh mug me please!'.

Hopefully said library wasn't too far now.

There was another guy in the way. A little smaller than Jason, white-haired.


stray_gunner May 4 2010, 20:54:02 UTC
Heine tilted his head slightly to one side as the man sent his opponent down with apparent ease. Rather larger than he was, and noticeably more well-built.

"It's usually a better idea not to attract attention to yourself," Heine noted with his usual blank expression.


jaytodd May 4 2010, 21:04:13 UTC
"Can't help that I'm irresistible." He smirked. That was flat voice guy, the one who linked him to the info dump. The guy looked more than bored.
Of course that translated into Jason-speak as let's see what happens if you rib the guy. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Yeah, great, more good ideas. Put a lid on it Todd, the giving-cop-vibes alien from earlier could have ripped your head off your neck easily, there's no telling what this guy would do.

"'interesting to meet you face to face, 26103081."


sucker_punches May 5 2010, 22:49:42 UTC
Research was an old friend of Sakura's, and consequently she was very familiar with the library. She'd spent a lot of time in there herself, in the days before Mello's information post and when no one who was willing to speak to her knew anything.

Which was all right. Unlike Naruto, she didn't get restless at the prospect of a lot of reading. If all else failed, she'd go to Folkhaven to look it up. The librarians' glares hardly phased her any more.

She walked with a sure purpose--no point going over the roofs for this trip--and she noticed Jason mostly because of his limp. Medic instinct.

So she took a bit of a detour in his direction because really, the dolls weren't as pressing an issue now that they were giving the things they'd stolen back. (They're still too unsettlingly like puppet jutsu for her to let it go, though.)

"Are you all right?" she asks.


jaytodd May 6 2010, 12:17:30 UTC
Jason turned his head at the adress - a bit difficult to not notice it was directed at him when no-one had been willing to talk to him so far, aside from Scorcheds. He kept going, scowling at the pink-haired teen. She couldn't be much younger than him.

"How's that your business, honey?"

He didn't take inquiries (because he wasn't about to call it concern) about himself well on the best of days, and this was not a good day, and that was two good guy types in a row.


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