
Apr 23, 2010 10:40

Who: Galatea (ofthewhite) and Priscilla (honorablesecond)
When: After Priscilla's post. sob I am slow DX
Where: To the ruins!
Format: Paragraph
What: Galatea and Priscilla go explore the ruins and have a small chat to discuss some things.
Warnings: None at the moment

Insert classy line here )

galatea, priscilla

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Comments 21

SOB I AM ALSO SLOW. And tl;dr. /)_(\ yetsleeping April 25 2010, 00:36:54 UTC
Priscilla was never given to tardiness. The Organization frowned on it, for one thing, and for another thing, being late meant a lack of functionality: things might not be where they were intended to be, for example, or in the case of team work, someone might get bored and wander off. Admittedly, this was less of a problem since her arrival in Anatole, but old habits are difficult to break, and anyway, isn't timeliness a virtue ( ... )


WE CAN BE SLOW TOGETHER XD. And s'okay~ ofthewhite April 26 2010, 17:37:41 UTC
Ah. There was that unfamiliar yoki.

Looking up from her sword the warrior sheathed it. She slowly stood up, and as one would guess her hair slightly covered her eyes and draped over her shoulders almost as if it were some kind of silk. The only thing that made her look different from her usual self was the fact that she looked much more weary than other times - and she wasn't wearing that smug face of hers....okay that was two things. Regardless, whether Galatea was perceived as complacent or not, she still carried that amused tone in her voice that her comrades were oh so familiar with.

"Hn. Time seems to get lost in a place like this, huh?"

She let her arms cross as she studied the other blonde before her, the woman looked a great deal younger than she expected. Then again it could have been because she was younger, Priscilla seemed to be somewhere in her later teens. The fact that someone so young was could have risen to a high rank such as herself (not that Galatea new the other's rank off bat...she assumed due to ( ... )


OHO I AM SLIGHTLY LESS SLOW THIS TIME. AMAZING. yetsleeping April 28 2010, 03:21:47 UTC
Priscilla gave a little smile, and a little nod, at Galatea's comment about time. It was, to put it lightly, an understatement. Just since her own arrival, over six months had slipped by her and she barely noticed them leaving. A little weird, actually - sometimes, when she thought about it, it seemed so much longer than it was, too.

"Maybe it's just the unfamiliarity," she said with a little wrinkle of her nose. "I heard a saying once about exciting things making time move more quickly. I don't think that's really literal, but--" was it exciting things or fun things? Colloquialisms were so difficult to remember. She sighed and glanced off, toward the mist.

"The farther you go the more powerful the creatures become. It's almost like the stronger ones can't leave the mist. Or maybe they just prefer not to. Still--" She looked, now, at Galatea. Up close, she looked so... well, tall. And graceful, and beautiful. And experienced - maybe it was just the way she carried herself. What was her ranking again? Three, wasn't ( ... )


YAAAAAY. AND SAME LOL. ofthewhite April 28 2010, 19:09:47 UTC
"Of course something like that tends to be perceived more in the mind," Unless someone was able to manipulate time, but so far Galatea had yet to see anything like that at home or here. "exciting things can be entertaining after all." A sound of acknowledgement came from her lips at Priscilla's next comment in regards to the ruins and needless to say it slowed Galatea down a bit in walking pace. Her gazed followed down more into the wreckage, just to see if she could spot or sense anything out of the norm. Nothing.

It might have been pure instinct when the woman subconsciously laid a hand back on the hilt of her claymore, but Galatea then was caught off guard. The younger warrior had mentioned she looked tired and Galatea couldn't help but chuckle just a tiny bit, shaking her head as she did so. Sure she was tired but she didn't think it'd show that much, besides it wasn't something she'd really admit to.

"It's nothing that raises concern, nights seem to be a little, ah, bizarre in Anatole" That should do for now.


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