[OPEN] Party Party?

Feb 13, 2010 20:06

When: Sunday Evening.
Where: The Ceolsige (A former ship, now event hall floating by the docks).
Format: Action? Prose? Work it out for yourselves, actually - whatever makes you happy.
What: It's a part on Valentine's Day, but not a Valentine's Day Party.
Warnings: Oh who even knows. Nothing so far, nudge me if I need ( Read more... )

sasori, helen, kaien shiba, erika furudo, light yagami, mei chan, namine, zack fair, arthur pendragon, tohru adachi, priscilla, scar

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Comments 250

dollchains February 14 2010, 07:23:31 UTC
[She'd never been to a party before. All the more reason to go, she'd supposed, but... It was a little bit daunting, honestly. So many people to talk to, so many things to do, but at least she had a friend there with her, even though they might split up five seconds post entering.

She and Mei had decided prior to pool their Ivory together and get something nice to wear, if only for one night. Maybe it'd be useful for other events, too. The only thing was, Namine had ended up with almost the exact same dress as she'd had before, but it didn't bother her to wear something so similar. It was a different fabric, a different feel on her skin. So, it was all right if it was rather similar.

The small girl eyed the crowd, a little unsure. So many people, but who was she supposed to strike up a conversation with first?]


pandamaiden February 14 2010, 07:41:00 UTC
[Mei had never known a 'party' before. Despite being a royal princess, she'd hardly ever filled any roles that one might think a princess would.

So when Namine had invited her to attend, even help her buy something suitable for party wear, she had jumped on it. The selection had been so strange, not anything she had ever saw her family wear, or even those in Amestris, but she had to admit, the dress is pretty cute. Namine had nice taste.

Xiao-Mei never left her side, so, in her arms is the small panda eying the food, though Mei doesn't appear to be paying attention.

The Xingese girl frowns and looks herself over, blushing a little bit. It's so different. Is this really appropriate here?]

Namine-san... are you sure this is okay?


dollchains February 14 2010, 21:52:39 UTC
[Namine paused, looking to the younger of the pair.] Is what okay? Being here? Um, I think so. [She doesn't sound too sure, though.]

I mean, it was on the network, right? [Have some uncertain hope.] Anyway, though... Your dress is pretty, Mei. Do you like it?


pandamaiden February 14 2010, 23:54:12 UTC
[She shifts Xiao-Mei in her arms.]

Not being here. I mean, these clothes... they're different.

[But a maiden does not turn down a compliment and she beams.] I wonder if he'll be here and see me in it.

Yours isn't very different though. Are you okay with that?


heartbetween February 14 2010, 08:56:38 UTC
[Well, of course Kaien would show up! A party was just the sort of thing needed to help calm everyone's nerves, and what with everything going on lately, everyone needed it.

Normally, he would have just come in his regular shinigami uniform but the party seemed like enough fun for him to be a more formal about it, and he shows up at the party decked out in a tuxedo.

He's grinning as big as ever as he easily strides through the hall, scoping out the familiar faces and not-so-familiar faces.]


internecineowl February 14 2010, 18:13:09 UTC
Nagi is already carrying a cup when he catches a glimpse of Kaien coming in, looking as composed and as cheerful as ever. He raises his glass - really more a tea cup - and steps forward.]

I'm glad to see you've made it.

[His mechanical voice hangs, toneless, though his smile makes up the difference.]


heartbetween February 15 2010, 07:54:03 UTC
[It's rarely ever mattered to Kaien that Nagi's voice was mechanical. He's wondered at it once in a while, but it was never anything he felt the need to ask about. Nagi's voice didn't need to have a tone to it; the warmth of a "regular" voice came from within him anyway. He sees Nagi approach, and greets with a wave, like he does when addressing the Forge network.]

I wouldn't have missed it for the world. This is really amazing, Nagi. All of this.


internecineowl February 15 2010, 20:12:45 UTC
Ah, I'm afraid I can't take all of the credit. Karako did a great deal of the work.

I'm not sure how I survived in Anatole without her for so long.


lonestray February 14 2010, 09:15:38 UTC
[For the record, he had no idea what the hell he was doing.

Here, in the events hall of this ship, in a party (of all things!) with all these people...Scar felt completely and utterly out of place. If you told him a few months ago that he would be stranded in an alternate dimension having a party with a bunch of people he only sort of knew, and it was so...

Exposed? Vulnerable?

Uncomfortable, definitely. He was standing there awkwardly by the bar tugging at his tie (that he knew how to tie a tie was a miracle in itself, really), wondering what the hell he ought to do this entire time. He was only here for Mei, really. The girl wanted to come, and well, Scar had felt responsible for her ever since her arrival, so he'd trudged along as well, dressing up in semi-formal wear just for the sake of not sticking out like a sore thumb any further.]


pandamaiden February 14 2010, 23:58:01 UTC
[When Mei spots Scar, she's rather excited. She didn't expect him to come, not when he's so socially awkward. She's rather excited that he's here and hurries over to greet him. After all, it must have taken a lot for him to come out here, dressed as he is. She can already tell he's not the most comfortable he's been.]

Scar-san! You came. Are you enjoying yourself?

[A pointless question, but she asks anyway. Don't forget her big smile.]


lonestray February 15 2010, 20:36:49 UTC
[He would've been content just to keep an eye on her from a distance, but when she comes to greet him, he forces an awkward approximation of a smile (which was likely an abject failure, but at least he tried?) and raises an arm in a wave.

He hates how the fabric clings to his arm, really. These clothes are so restrictive and uncomfortable compared to his usual attire, and he's not even sure if the chores he did for that vendor for this outfit (which he really couldn't have afforded otherwise!) were worth it.]

Yeah, I did. Left not long after you.

["No" would be the honest answer. But Mei seems to be enjoying herself, and no reason to rain on her parade. But he can't quite force out a "yes."]

I guess so.


pandamaiden February 15 2010, 21:11:39 UTC
[A woman's intuition is sharp. He was obviously not enjoying himself, or, some part of it. But she says nothing because she remembers Zack saying he's one of those proud types that doesn't like help.

She grins up at him, not a bubbly one, just a simple one that she always uses to show, 'I understand', an expression she used a lot with her Scar.]

It's really nice of them to put this all together. Have you eaten yet?

[It's not meant to be an afterthought, but it seems to sound that way.] Oh, you look really nice.


righttocarry February 14 2010, 10:03:36 UTC
[Adachi sidled in awkwardly, tugging at his crooked red tie as though that would make it sit straight. It was better if he didn't think of it as a party so much as- a gathering, right? Or maybe just a room with people in it. And drinks. Yeah, drinks were sounding like a good idea.

His head snapped around to follow the path of a pretty skirt through the crowd and he blinked a couple of times, gulping ominously. So all right, this was a party. But geez, did they all have to dress like that? How was a guy meant to keep his hands to himself when there was all that skin, and legs, and deceitful little eyes...

Maybe alcohol wasn't such a good idea. Adachi rerouted his beeline towards the bar, running a hand through the hair he'd combed so precisely barely an hour earlier and instantly sending it back to its usual dishevelment. Valentines Day. What a goddamned joke.]


OH MY GOD I AM SORRY ABOUT THIS. iwithoutaname February 14 2010, 18:28:49 UTC
[There's something about this one that intrigues him. Or should we say... "her"? Because as Johan approaches the bar, he touches the mind of this new Japanese man and by the time he sits down one seat away from him, Johan has disappeared into the visage of Anna, his beloved sister.]

[His favorite second face. If it counts as a second face.]

[Anna - no, Nina - she was not unknown here - a beautiful but unassuming face melting into the crowd at that Ramen shop where she works, which begs the question of which name should be used in introduction.]

[Let his companion lead the way. But first a little smile.]

Oh, hello.

[His voice sounds just like hers, too.]


SCREAM IT'S COOL, ALL CREEPERS TOGETHER. CREEPER PARTY. righttocarry February 14 2010, 18:44:16 UTC
[At first, Adachi doesn't actually think she's talking to him. He doesn't know any women who sound like that, or - he glances up - look like that, geez. But she's staring right at him, and a belated smile curves his lips in response.]

Well hi there.

[He swings around in his chair a little, uses the movement to scan the crowd - no-one's paying them any attention. Maybe this evening wouldn't be a total bust after all.]

I don't think I've seen you around. Have I seen you around? I'm, uh, pretty sure I would have remembered.

[One elbow leans on the bar and he presents his hand.]



The sad thing is, he doesnt actually need anything but clothes and a wig to look exactly like her. iwithoutaname February 14 2010, 19:01:26 UTC
I usually keep to myself But today is a good day for meeting new people. Having new experiences.

["She" smiles, pleasant and mild. Her voice is pleasant and mild, too, and she orders a light cocktail - one of those drinks flavored with fruit and sporting a little umbrella.]

It's lovely to meet you, Adachi. I'm Anna.

[She takes his free hand with her own - light and delicate.]


supercilious February 14 2010, 10:45:33 UTC
[ Arthur's idea of formal-wear was having Merlin shine his armour extra-bright. There was usually also a long cape and a coronet involved, but one worked with what one had.

The loose crowds of people, the soft tinkle of music and the food lining the walls all added up to an environment totally unlike any party Arthur had previously ever been to. Nevertheless, he strode into the room without introspection and moved to inspect the food - he wasn't particularly hungry, but examining an oddity afforded him something to do. ]


lenalee_lee February 15 2010, 02:34:07 UTC
[To be honest, Lenalee had wondered if he would come to the party. She wasn't even sure if he would enjoy this sort of thing, but was still of the opinion that it would be good for him, for everyone. She watched him cross the room over to the buffet table...

And just stand there.

With a sigh, Lenalee makes her way over to him, hands behind her back and a smile on her lips as she leans into his line of sight.]

Try the chocolate cake.


supercilious February 15 2010, 16:31:56 UTC
[Arthur turns his head to acknowledge her for a moment before looking back across the array of different food and raising an eyebrow. He points to a brightly-coloured tray of sliced sushi rolls.]

Actually, I'm considering trying one of those. Which is the chocolate cake?


lenalee_lee February 15 2010, 18:05:43 UTC
[A glance at the tray and her face brightens even more.]

Oh! You definitely should. Go ahead.

[Lenalee gives a nod to encourage him before glancing around the table, quickly spotting what she was looking for.]

Here we go. You can use your fingers or...

[She trails off, offering him a pair of chopsticks with a smile. Someone could lose an eye before it's over with.]

You could use these.


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