I could be wrong I could be right

Oct 19, 2011 16:35

 Who: Miata and open!
When: Shortly after her little...scream call.
Where:Allll around the city
Format: Paragraph, action, etc, whatever you're most comfortable with. Threadjacking is also totally allowed for this log.
What: Miata has not taken to being a Scorched, or being in a strange place well. So she finally snaps.
Warnings: Violence, angst, enough ( Read more... )

miata, michael

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Comments 60

/o/ bound_by_this October 20 2011, 00:00:17 UTC
     He wasn't even completely sure why he bothered. The city was large, and now was probably not the best of times to go running pell-mell through the place. And yet he was. His hair had been hastily braided, a loose rope of blond that trailed after him as he pulled on his coat and ran through the streets.

"Miata-!" he called out, expecting no response. It was cold out, and the eerie light of the lighthouse in the distance made the ambiance no better. Jack shivered, but stubbornly, he pressed on.


X3 lilbloodeyes October 20 2011, 06:38:24 UTC
She wouldn't ask him to follow her. She would have been happy if he was far away from danger. Far away from her. She was a thing that could be used against him right now.

But she was not one to lecture, though she could scold. But that would not come to mind.

At the moment, she was scrambling over roofs, much like a spider or a raccoon, on the move. Perhaps it would be hard to spot but...she paused at one point, her hair caught on a drain pipe. She snarled, an animalistic noise, and yanked it off the pipe-enough light and movement to give Jack pause.


bound_by_this October 20 2011, 06:49:46 UTC
     Jack jerked to a halt. What was that sound just then? He looked around, trying to determine the direction it had come from, and not long after did he begin to run again, hurrying down the street.

Was that her, so high above? He could just make out the lithe figure now. Well, there was no point in going back now that he'd found her. There was no excuse but to push on.

Again, he called her name. "Miata! Wait!"


lilbloodeyes November 2 2011, 18:29:56 UTC
Roofs. Roofs kept going on and on and on. She might miss something on the ground. Matching action to thought, she dropped like a stone. Thankfully, she bent her knees bent, else she might have broken an ankle, if not her neck. Not that she wasn't unaware of such a danger. But after shaking herself, for no reason other then she could, she paused for a moment. Perhaps long enough for Jack to find her? Maybe. But she needed to figure out another place to search. Where should she search next? The greenhouses? The underground? Both might contain more then people might be aware of...


mudhair October 20 2011, 00:06:55 UTC
[She's leaping and bounding at this rate. Just like back in Rabona when they faced off against Agatha- She's terrified, worried beyond belief about what could happen. The worst is to be feared.

Yet she also feels responsible. There's a lingering sense of guilt mixed with what could only be described as motherly concern.

The quick clattering of feet snaps her attention to the right. Yoki. There. And oh-so familiar.]

M... Miata! [It's doubtful that the other heard her. She sprints, trying- running. Always running.] Wait!


lilbloodeyes October 20 2011, 06:33:14 UTC
[No, she didn't hear her at all. She was running. Still running. Even if there was Clarice...

no. Did Clarice even see her? Take care of her anymore? Try to be a mother? Miata didn't know anymore. And that's why she continued to run. Heading for the ruins.]


mudhair October 23 2011, 18:30:00 UTC
W-wait! [So fast. Too fast. There was no way her already tired legs could keep up.

Yet she still continued. She wouldn't surrender the girl several yards away to an unseen, haunting force. A familiar chill crawled up her spine, the same feeling that Agatha had given.

Clarice yelled at the already fading figure. Loud. Louder than she had been for quite some time.]



lilbloodeyes November 2 2011, 18:13:13 UTC
[She stopped. She only stopped, because she heard that shout, heard the weariness and the fear that went with it. But either way, the thought of not moving forward anymore...not in searching to find free space for them both, not to be home...Miata quivered.

She couldn't disobey. She couldn't be still. Miata whimpered under her breath, her form rocking back and forth, unsure of what she should do. This was for her sake! For mama. It was all for her.]


not_of_avon October 20 2011, 04:40:19 UTC
[He has a smaller book today-a pocket dictionary, it proclaims-and he studies as he walks, tracing over the unfamiliar words in his mind. This, that, words to learn, words to remember, words to express what is there and what is not.

He sees her running, and he remembers.

Don't think so much.

What is it, concern? Curiosity? The unnamed thing grows up inside him and he finds himself running after, waiting to see if she will stop, and if not, to see the destination.]


lilbloodeyes October 20 2011, 06:17:13 UTC
[Maybe he realized that she was human and other, like the other women here. Maybe there was that uncommon advice. Did it matter, in the moment? Supposedly a whim.

She finally stopped, standing still as a statue in the middle of a courtyard. And yet, she wasn't tense at all, for all she had been running hell bent a moment before.]


not_of_avon October 20 2011, 19:21:24 UTC
[He stops when he sees her stop, keeping the respectful distance behind and waiting a moment before breaking the silence, voice kept low.]

Are you all right?


lilbloodeyes October 21 2011, 07:46:48 UTC

[Her voice is low at first; but as she speaks more and more, her voice raises in volume. But the tone is still flat as ever.]

This is a trap. It's only a trap, will stay a trap. Always. Don't...know humans. Anymore.

Do you?


reddenedrage October 21 2011, 03:00:29 UTC
Seeing a chick scream over the Forge wasn't something he particularly wanted to deal with. That could be ignored. Michael was perched atop a roof when it had originally went off, and after a while more, bored, had taken to the air, wings pumping idly as he circled the area. Raphael might be more prone to keeping his wings to himself but Michael had no such qualms. What was the point in hiding what you were, huh?

A figure darted beneath him, and he circled downward until the features were clear enough. Hmm. He moved ahead of her path, then dropped down to block her, arms folded across his chest. "Oy. What are you running from?"


lilbloodeyes October 21 2011, 07:27:54 UTC
No one liked to hear screaming; few people, unless the surprises were pleasant, liked to be shocked. Some people had bad reactions to being surprised. Unlike most, who paused in order to collect themselves, Miata...was the type to attack first, before asking questions.

She didn't even bother lifting her sword. Instead, one hand was lifted, akin to a blade, and made to pierce him through the gut. But at the sight of his eyes, the feel of his aura...the little warrior faltered. Perhaps not quick enough to keep from slamming into one another, but enough to stop an intent to kill.

"Running? Nothing. Searching? Yes."


reddenedrage October 22 2011, 03:33:32 UTC
The feel of the presence changed--became a killing intent and Michael reacted instantly to it, reaching to the sword on his back and bringing it forward to guard. Except the sense of the chick shifted again, the intent dispersing even as she continued to run into him. The angel flicked his wrist, turning the sword so the flat side struck her instead, and pushing out to fling her off. She was more animal than human by her reactions, and it wasn't something he could really disagree with.

A foot slid backwards to brace himself in case she ran at him again--otherwise it was as if nothing had happened. "Searching for what? You lose something?" Something to cause someone to break down to the basics, killing and hunting, the perfect aspects of a predator.


lilbloodeyes November 2 2011, 18:16:08 UTC
That sword swat didn't tickle. But it didn't break anything either. Which meant to her, that she was still in fighting condition. She landed purposefully in a crouch, sliding her sword onto the straps hidden within her armor. At least he seemed to understand what it was to fight. True, he had wings-an easy target-but he didn't gap in shock when she nearly killed him. More then many others around here.

Miata huffed out a breath of air, and stayed in her crouched position, comfortable the way she was. She could attack the legs, or jump off elsewhere if she had to. She was sick of standing anyway.

“The way out. Home.” She jerked her chin to where the Door was. She had, during her first days here, attempted to flee through the Door. But it had been more solid then the sword she had strapped to her back, unbreakable and unyielding.

“I want a Door. Want out now.”


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