and finally, it seemed the spell was broken (open)

Sep 19, 2011 05:20

Who: thenobledie and other...people...
When: W E L P. Primarily, September 21st and on but as far back as September 18th, too. I guess. Whatever, ANY DATE.
Where: the Clinic
Format: Do yo' thang, bb. Do yo' thang.
What: okok, so. Malfatto drops Shirley off at the clinic on September 18th. SHE IS COMATOSE UNTIL THE 21ST (Arthur will be playing Prince Charming ( Read more... )

lilly rush, shirley, bellatrix lestrange, remus lupin, arthur pendragon

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Comments 92

18 - 21 / ota supercilious September 19 2011, 11:13:52 UTC
[ The moment he finds out she's in the Clinic, he's there. ]

Honestly, if you weren't the type to ignore all your messages, that would have been a far easier guessing game.

[ Arthur must come in half a dozen times a day. Sometimes ducking in before his patrol shift, other days bringing paperwork and just sitting with her, in the chair beside her bed, quill scratching away. And sometimes, when there's no-one else around, he speaks to her. ]

I don't know why I'm here. It's not as though we're particularly good friends.

[ A lie. He knows exactly why he's here. And he knows that he's drawn to Shirley, perhaps in a if-things-were-different sort of way the root of which lies with a ten year old boy who thought she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. ]

[ She looks ethereally beautiful now, skin almost as pale as the crisp linen where it's not marred, hair a shock against the pillow, all fine bones and traceries of blue veins. The room smells like jasmine and wildflowers and, being that he's there in his chainmail, metal and ( ... )


thenobledie September 19 2011, 13:16:51 UTC
[ she tries to remember him - it's all very automatic before she even realizes it. so she can assume form again. she must be lazy about it, that explains a lot. and she haunts this place because the feel of her own magic, residual but strong, is heavy on her skin. he knows her. but nothing comes, and shirley wonders if her memory has become that atrocious. it wasn't false when she took more than moments to remember rose's face, her voice, the way she carries responsibility upon her back like it's a heavy cloak.

but rose is comrade and sister and lost soul. he is?

(her head aches in her temples and behind her eyelids.) ]


[ shirley might have said more, but her mouth is dry, and her voice is raw. beneath the sheets, her feet move, muscles flexing. it's followed by the tiny sounds of joints cracking. (first, her toes. then, her whole foot. then, her ankles.) ]


supercilious September 19 2011, 21:52:47 UTC
It's ... good to see you awake.

[ A glimmer of vulnerability - three days, after all - and then it's gone. But he still looks happy. Arthur has no idea of Shirley trying to remember, the effort it takes just to speak his name, and he has no idea what to do at bedsides even though he's sat more than his share in his short life. Should he call for Remus or Raphael or some other assistance? Probably. Instead he lifts the pitcher of water universally common to hospital rooms and pours her a glass of cold water. ]

You must be thirsty.


thenobledie September 19 2011, 22:42:11 UTC
[ she nods without thinking, wants to sit up - stand, too, because she has the legs to. but just because you can do something doesn't mean you should, does it? her body is stiff, anyway, and shirley has to settle for propping herself on her elbows. only slightly awkward while drinking.

when she's had enough: ]

How long was I -?


whatever damn day you want :la ALSO OPEN IDGAF photosbythebed September 19 2011, 23:06:42 UTC
[It's not as if she'd sleep better in her own room. The best sleep she's had in days is nodding off in the infernally uncomfortable chair she finds herself in. Day after day, and even shitty sleep is better than no sleep.

Her home is full of ghosts even when all the ghosts have gone. Even with the door closed she could feel the emptiness, the lack of presence in the other room - open, closed and open again - it hadn't made a damn bit of difference.

What had made a difference was coming here.

She's brought a different mug each day, today's is particularly ridiculous. The coffee's gone cold by now, and her own mug is empty.]


night of the twenty-first? thenobledie September 19 2011, 23:32:30 UTC
So it is you.

[ a declaration to herself. she doesn't particularly mind either way of all the gifts that have been brought - no different than hopes to please her in exchange for life. (she misses her shrine, quiet and peaceful, where the magic that hangs in the air isn't terrible and foul. only hers and the creatures that have claimed her home as theirs, too.) but shirley is curious who has visited so often with familiarity and hope. ]


works for me;;; photosbythebed September 21 2011, 01:15:46 UTC

[Her voice is--

--when did it get so raw? Six cups of coffee and it still sounds like gravel. Clearing her throat and eyeing the pixie twined in Shirley's hair.

That hair - those same locks that had been on that broadcast, she's sure of it now. But that doesn't matter so much either. What matters is that she's here and she's awake and---

---oh, is she standing up now? She guesses she is.

There are a multitude of things she wants to say - can't think of words for half of them. Folds her arms tightly to hide the fact that her fingers are trembling and:]

Would you believe I was going to bring the cats?


thenobledie September 21 2011, 09:47:15 UTC
[ even dull, shirley is finding herself, yet again, less cold when others spill their emotions before her. this isn't familiarity and hope like respect and dependence, and it isn't fear of her that has moved any of them to her, she realizes. how many will she tell, "i don't remember you?" (now, please. don't disturb her carefully constructed numbness.) ]

Do they miss me, then?

[ or have they attached themselves like the pixie she has found close to her cheek? ]


20th lestrangestone September 19 2011, 23:43:35 UTC
[A tremor rocks her from toes to lips - a gasp although her eyes remain closed. Steadily mouthing words as her head lolls back, hair draped across the bed. Uneven breath as her fingertips twitch. Twirl in the air.

And then she's still.]


20th lumenrelegandus September 27 2011, 13:50:16 UTC
[He was there before the last finger fell still-the wards weren't only for protection, they also notified. He would sit and stay for as long as he could reasonably justify after. If not hoping for a repeat performance, then at least… trying to prepare.]


Re: 20th lestrangestone September 28 2011, 20:12:32 UTC
[She continues to sleep now, less fitful but somehow not wholly peaceful.

At some point she'll shift to her side, drawing into a loose ball - fingers curling against her cheek.

At a much later point, days

[ooc: i will do a wakeuppylog whenever you guys wish! if you wish!]


19th open photosbythebed September 21 2011, 01:17:37 UTC
[Lingering in the door, watching Shirley sleep. She's run out of coffee again. It's good. An excuse to move again, even though she wants nothing more than to stay.]


supercilious September 22 2011, 03:26:42 UTC
[ Arthur arrives and sees her framed in the doorway, pausing because he hasn't yet been here while others are around and isn't sure he wants to explain himself, isn't sure he can. ]

[ He doesn't bring tribute, or anything to do - it was just going to be a check in. But the stillness of the woman in the doorway tells him all he needs to know without even having to see Shirley's still-closed eyes. ]

[ He clears his throat anyway. ]


photosbythebed September 25 2011, 02:03:59 UTC
[A slow turn, and a nod of recognition. A blink at the shine in her eyes. It's exhaustion not sorrow. Tiredness not the threat of tears. These are the lies she tells herself at that moment, as she swallows hard and searches for her voice.]

Changing of the guard?


supercilious September 25 2011, 03:44:02 UTC
I wasn't staying long. I've got...

[ Other things to do. A life. But that seems tactless, here. ]

[ But no matter how Shirley is, they are still alive. Arthur comes to stand next to her. ]

You all right?


lumenrelegandus September 27 2011, 13:58:36 UTC
[She stood before him, in radiant white, her hair ablaze in the sun, face nearly unrecognisable in shadow.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he said, in spite of himself. "Maybe I could have helped."

"It wasn't your burden to bear," she answered. "You have enough of those. Of your own and of others'."

"You still should have asked."

She tilted her head so slightly, enough that some light fell upon it…

His chest tightened and said to Lily, "It should have been me you asked-"

Something made him start in his chair. His head came up from his chest. He hadn't realised he'd nodded off. Though his eyes had never left Shirley's face. She seems so small, asleep, as she never once did awake.

But she's not asleep, now; she's wincing at the sunlight. Still blinking away delusion, Lupin stretches his hand toward the window. In reaction to the motion of his fingertips, the drapes pull themselves closed.]


thenobledie September 27 2011, 15:28:47 UTC
[ ...well, that is interesting. she isn't particularly familiar with that kind of magic, but it's nice. shirley breathes deep and rolls onto her side, facing lupin. ]

Ah - you are Remus, then.

[ how many people will she find by this bedside, she wonders. it's startling - maybe that's why she fell asleep again. maybe. she isn't sure, and shirley just rolls with whatever comes her way. ]


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