[Openish!] Move In Day at the House of Lulz... er, Mirth. Er. Phantomhive.

Sep 01, 2011 12:42

Who: Residents of the Phantomhive house, and any friends of tenants who would like to assist with the move-in. And no random hobos. I think.
When: September 1, all day.
Where: Phantomhive house! Visual reference here because I am a nerd.
Format: Setting the scene in action, then whatever you prefer.
What: Moving in! Meeting roommates! Mingling! ( Read more... )

elfangor-sirinial-shamtul, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, ciel phantomhive, sebastian michaelis, mey-rin, the trickster, verity kindle

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Comments 68

Second Floor demon_andbutler September 1 2011, 16:43:12 UTC
[Each tenant has his or her room on this floor, off of a long hallway with staircases at either end. Maybe you should say hello to your new neighbours?]


calamitousnaiad September 1 2011, 17:41:10 UTC
[Verity makes her way down the hall toward her new room with Watson the bulldog at her heels and a very small amount of luggage in her hands. Just a little valise in one hand and a rather large hatbox in the other. Happily, the contents of the hatbox seems to be asleep at the moment, because she hasn't made a peep since they entered the house.

Even so, her arms are full enough to cause her to fumble slightly with the doorknob. She can't quite see over the hatbox to open the door.]


i hope this is ok?? ;; if not lemme know! snipingmaid September 2 2011, 23:56:38 UTC
[ Thank Goodness for the staff, right? Mey-Rin had been doing some last minute window washing, hard at work to make things spic and span, shiny and new (...looking...ish.), her apron is a bit dirty from all the work and splashes of water have stained it. She doesn't think much of it though, dirt washes out easily with a little elbow grease and water is water, it won't pose much of a problem in the end. She hears footsteps, and looks over. Adjusting her glasses, she sees a lady attempting to get into a room, but... Right well, this is what she's here for! ]

Excuse me--! [ Her gravely voice calls, she stands and she wipes her hands on her apron. She begins walking towards the woman, a nervous smile on her face. ] I'm--I'm the maid, if you'd like I can help you... [ It is her job, and perhaps, helping someone settle in will bring a sense of normality to this life. (Or even, she might get Mr. Sebastian's praise--) ]


it's more than okay! I've been wanting to thread with Mey-Rin! calamitousnaiad September 3 2011, 05:24:29 UTC
[She brightens at the sight of the maid, smiling warmly and gratefully.]

Oh! Thank you very much!

[She shifts her grip on the hatbox enough to sort of reach her hand out to Mey-Rin, the little iron key there between her fingers.]

If you could just unlock my room and open the door, I'd be terribly grateful. I seem to have overestimated my ability to maneuver with this luggage!


Library/Sitting Room demon_andbutler September 1 2011, 16:44:06 UTC
[These two rooms are adjacent to each other, and in fact, connected. One might notice the crack in the wall or the book shelf that reveals a short, narrow door to the other. Sebastian has left out a tray with tea and brightly-coloured pastries in an attempt to make the sitting room look more cheery.]


chessmetaphor September 2 2011, 16:20:06 UTC
[Today, Ciel is hiding in the library. He has every intention on meeting all of the strangers who will be moving into his home... for appearance's sake, at the very least. But, for now, he's curled up in a chair in the library, absorbed in a book.]


Kitchen demon_andbutler September 1 2011, 16:45:03 UTC
[If the hour is past six p.m., here you can find Sebastian here, preparing the first meal for all the collective residents. If you like Victorian food, or have been dining at the Patrol in the last eight months, you’ll probably like what he’s preparing. If not… his desserts are usually a universal hit.

A door in the kitchen opens to a dark staircase heading down into an equally dark basement. There don’t appear to be any readily available light switches. Sebastian would tell you this is the way to the wine cellar, but you needn’t trouble yourself with a task meant for a servant. Of course, if Sebastian isn’t here...]


Kitchen trickster_treat September 2 2011, 00:57:00 UTC
[Trickster walks into the kitchen before dinner, whistling a cheery tune. It certainly seems like attending dinner will be a regular event, even if he technically never needs to eat. What use was having a human body after all if he didn't experience all the senses it was capable of to the fullest? He had no qualms about existing purely on sugar if the meals weren't sweet enough for his tastes.]

Good mooooorning, Starshine! The earth says hello~!


Kitchen demon_andbutler September 3 2011, 04:03:18 UTC
[Sebastian really shouldn't be surprised, but he is minutely startled by Trickster's appearance. He looks up from the meat he is preparing, just briefly, trying to decipher what on earth that greeting is supposed to mean. Eventually he gives up and ignores it completely.]

There's really no need for you to be here, sir. I assure you I have got everything in order.

[A member of the household venturing into the kitchen? Practically unheard of in the upper echelons of society. Of course... given the people Sebastian just let move in, they're far from the upper crust now.]


Kitchen trickster_treat September 3 2011, 18:43:45 UTC
The rooms are great. Whatcha working on there?

[Trickster peered over Sebastian's shoulder, practically breathing in the man's ear. The demon intrigued him, especially why he was so content to carry out menial tasks.]

Is the rent you're making really enough to cover feeding everybody? Most of us don't eat normal food anyway. Between me, the vampire, the blue fuzzies... well, I'll amend that. I've seen what they can put down in human bodies.


Dining Room demon_andbutler September 1 2011, 16:45:38 UTC
[The long wooden table is bare until around seven p.m., when Sebastian begins serving dinner. Then it seems like you can have a seat and help yourself.]


Back Garden demon_andbutler September 1 2011, 16:46:42 UTC
[You’ve descended the curving stone staircase from the house, and not that you’re out here there’s loads to explore. Hope you brought an umbrella, because the drizzle persists until dusk. And if you get the feeling that perhaps you’re being watched, if you turn quickly you might catch a pair of feline eyes gazing at you from underneath a bush. A black cat, it looks like, but she vanishes before you can try to coax her out.]


moarnomsplz September 2 2011, 23:59:47 UTC
[Ax has accumulated very few possessions so far in Anatole, and he arrives with only a small bag of clothings, a cookbook, and a bottle of cinnamon. He had a tin of flour, but used all of it in his attempts at baking.

He liked this hollow human dwelling the first time he visited it, and he is pleased to see that his room has a large window that overlooks the grounds. He immediately opens it when he enters the room that has been designated his quarters (far, far bigger than the ones he had on the Dome ship), and breathes in the damp, but pleasant-smelling, air.

He is quite curious about the maze, and after finding places for his belongings, which does not take long, he ventures back downstairs and outside. He does not take much notice of the drizzle, but he does notice the Earth cat, and he bends his human knees (carefully; he still does not quite trust his human body to balance correctly with its inadequate two legs) to kneel down close enough to the ground to peer under the bush.]


hirac_utzum September 5 2011, 15:38:15 UTC
[It takes but a moment for Elfangor to put his things away--which are not much, as the only possessions he has in this place are a few pieces of clothing. Not that he has no desire to accumulate more things, but he is still trying to reconcile his death with an ongoing existence in this place, and things make it all too easy to take for granted the curiosity of living.

But he does not wish to remain locked in such morose thoughts--no, best to lock those away, they are not useful here--and decides that he needs to get some air.

He is not particularly surprised to find Aximili in the gardens. But he is curious about what he brother might be looking at under the bush.] What's under there?


moarnomsplz September 8 2011, 03:09:52 UTC
An Earth cat. We still do not have enough, nuff, information, may-shun, about how the morf, morphing works in this world. I was thinking-ing I would try to ack, ah-kwi, acquire it. But it is proving-ing very difficult to touch.


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