It's Kiddie Day Care Time

Aug 05, 2011 00:04

Who: popparazzi and YOU
When: some time after this post
Where: The safe house section of Out Post #1.
Format: Whichever you prefer~
What: Maes invades the outpost with children. He probably ends up on Byakuya's naughty list.

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spencer reid, elfangor-sirinial-shamtul, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, maes hughes, riza hawkeye

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Comments 56

brothercumface August 6 2011, 09:47:36 UTC
She had really only come here (sans tantrums and kicking and screaming and everything else an unhappy child would do) for the ice cream, really. Miss Shirley seemed the sort who didn't allow ice cream before dinner. Minatsuki had never outright asked, but she figured, and was too shy to really ask.

But this guy...he seemed a little more lax. While she had not reached the pique of her manipulative state (oh, no. That would happen at a later date, and several years from the point she was at now.) she wasn't past perhaps using a few tears to get what she wanted either. But before that route, she'd simply raise her hand.

"I want ice cream."


popparazzi August 8 2011, 03:43:17 UTC
Maes smiled down at the kid in front of him, crouching down to give her a smile. He was always a sucker for a cute kid, look at him with his own daughter.

"I remember you from the network. You wanted Strawberry, right?"


brothercumface August 8 2011, 04:07:59 UTC
Minatsuki smiled and bit her lower lip with excitement as she nodded.

"And chocolate," she reminded him, playing with the hem of her shirt and blinking benignly at him with big brown eyes.


popparazzi August 9 2011, 03:05:41 UTC
"And chocolate." Maes agreed with a grin and a nod. "Come on, let's go see if he's got it out then. If not, we'll just raid the freezer."


moarnomsplz August 6 2011, 23:09:51 UTC
Ax was not entirely certain about coming to this 'sleepover,' and he approached the site cautiously, glancing all around with his stalk eyes, and trying not to show his apprehension about being so different from all the other children he had seen on the strange and primitive network.

But the older human male who had encouraged all of them to come here seemed very kind, and he had not seemed to think Ax was terribly odd. And Ax was very curious, especially since hearing he would spend a lot of time in human morph in his future.

< I would like to taste human ice cream! >


hirac_utzum August 6 2011, 23:24:53 UTC
Elfangor had belatedly heard about this man offering sweets to children. While sweets were inherently a good thing, he had spent enough time on Earth to be wary about strangers handing out candy and the like. So, like the good older brother he tried to be, he stuck close to Aximili as they approached the outpost, keeping an alert eye out for any sign of trickery or danger.

< It may not be what you are expecting, > he quietly warned his brother. < Humans eat with their mouths, so it will possibly taste very different to your hooves. >


moarnomsplz August 7 2011, 23:50:39 UTC
< They... what? >

That was disgusting! Of course, Ax was even more curious to find out how that worked now. He imagined humans trying to walk on their funny two legs and two arms, with their faces close to the ground to graze. Surely they would be even more unstable that way!

< How? >


hirac_utzum September 5 2011, 03:56:49 UTC
Elfangor could easily assume what Aximili was imagining, having thought the same thing when he first learned of humans and how they functioned, and couldn't help but laugh.

< They do not eat grass as we do. They rely on a wider variety of foods, often processed because there are so many of them on their planet--they do not have enough space to grow their own food, in most of their living units. > He did not feel it appropriate to go into how humans were also omnivores rather than herbivores, concerned that it might put Aximili off too much.

< When they eat, they bring their food to their mouth-- > He pointed, on his own face, to where a human mouth would be, < and rend the food with sharp protrusions. Teeth. The food then goes from there, through passages called the throat and esophagus, to their stomach. Yes, they have only one stomach. >


firebornfidelis August 13 2011, 06:09:31 UTC
Riza lead the way into the room, a dog and a little boy in tow. She liked Miss Shirley a lot, but she felt bad that she and all the other children had been creating a ruckus in the clinic for so long that she thought it might be nice to at least remove herself and Spencer from the mess.

"He's nice," she explained to Spencer, meaning Hughes. "He helped me get out of that place full of guns where I woke up. And I think he's friends with somebody really really smart and trustworthy, so he must be good." Because in her eyes, anyone that was friends with Roy Mustang was beyond reproach.


threedoctorates August 13 2011, 19:09:53 UTC
Spencer nods, although his expression is guarded. Being on the same intellectual level as most adults made them hard to trust, especially since he was still so used to having watch what he said or did, as to not attract attention to either himself or his mother. Graduating at twelve had drawn enough attention, and he was thankful that this oversight on his part hadn't drawn the attention of anyone onto his mother and his living situation.

It didn't matter that apparently his mother wasn't there right now. He was still stuck in this mindset.

Even though, however, Riza was his friend, his only friend here in this strange world, really, and he wanted to trust her. So he nodded in agreement. "A friend of your's?" He asked, wondering who had garnered her trust do deeply.


firebornfidelis August 14 2011, 00:51:04 UTC
Riza had no illusions, even at the age of eleven, of being anywhere near the smartest person in her sphere of acquaintance. She did very well in school, but there was always her father and Mister Mustang who were much smarter than she was. But she didn't really resent people who were smarter than her. In fact, she found it rather comforting.

She nods at his question. "Mister Hughes is friends with Mister Mustang. After my father, Mister Mustang is the smartest person I ever knew. He's my father's student. Even back home where he's only fourteen, he knows more than all my teachers and everybody in the village. But he's also really really nice. He is the nicest person I ever met. He's all grown up here, though, which is pretty weird. He's almost as tall as my father, now ( ... )


threedoctorates August 14 2011, 05:38:28 UTC
He was never one to fit in. As a matter of fact, he had spent most of his childhood alone, with only his mother and books as his closest companions. He had no doubts that when he started college, it would be much of the same way there as well.

"He's older then the last time you saw him?"

Did Anatole do stuff like this often? Would he run into someone he knew only not? How strange.


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