Filling in the blanks...? [Closed]

Jul 31, 2011 04:39

Who: Rex Salazar (naniteknight usedrocketpunch) and Trevor Belmont (poweroflegend)
When: Backdated to the evening of Monday, July the 25th because LJ is fail
Where: The commercial district nearest the Outlander Community Block
Format: Prose.
What: After seeing that Rex has been de-aged like so many other Scorched, Trevor decides to go find the kid before trouble catches up to him.
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event : turn back the clock, trevor belmont, !rex salazar

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Comments 9

poweroflegend August 2 2011, 07:32:42 UTC
As brave a face as Rex had shown him over the Forge, Trevor knew a scared hungry child when he saw one. He'd seen it often enough in his own reflection, back when men had equated 'Belmont' with 'heretics' and 'fallen angels'. He'd be damned before he let any child go through what he had. Let alone one who'd been beaten half to death mere days ago and probably still had disgruntled participants looking to finish the job ( ... )


usedrocketpunch August 3 2011, 15:10:08 UTC
Rex glanced up at the sound of the familiar voice, almost a little taken aback at first by the sheer size of the man who had come looking for him. Clearly, the Forge had failed to properly get across just how tall Trevor Belmont was in person. Rex himself was a good few inches shorter than he was a sixteen, perhaps seventeen year old, making the gap between them greater than before.

Not that he recalled that at all, of course.

As Trevor knelt down, offering him a smile, Rex considered the question and shrugged. "I...don't really know. I guess? Kinda hard to tell when nothing around here makes any sense." A brief pause. He stole another glance at the people on the street. "And when I don't know anyone."

Brown eyes turned toward Trevor again. "How do I know you, anyway? I mean, if what someone else said is true and I'm supposed to older, do we work together or something?"


poweroflegend August 4 2011, 06:01:15 UTC
"To a point. Nearly all of us work together here, to some extent or another. Otherwise, you and I are simply friends." The hunter set his jaw, and the way he delivered his next words showed he meant every word of it. "And if there is one thing I hate, 'tis leaving friends alone when they clearly need a hand."

From somewhere just a few paces away came the hiss and sizzle of cooking oil. Then the mouthwatering scent of some exotic meat frying in a pan came wafting into the alley. Trevor's smile took on a warmer hue. "Or a bite to eat. Didn't you say you were hungry? Let me take care of it. What do you say?"

Up came a gloved hand and extended, palm up, towards Rex. A bridge to the gap between lost child and caring grown-up.


usedrocketpunch August 4 2011, 13:40:51 UTC
Well, if there was one thing Rex definitely needed was a friend. Trevor and Gwen seemed like his best possible bets and with Trevor offering food? How could the youngster say no, especially with the tempting smell of meat cooking so close by to remind him that his stomach was empty?

Rex eyed the offered hand with only a moment's hesitation before committing to the decision. At least one part of this was reassuring so far... If trouble came along and Trevor was being truthful, Rex would have one hell of a fighter on his side. The man looked strong enough to punch someone's jaw clean off.

"Yeah, like everything else I can't remember, I don't know when the last time I ate was," Rex admitted. "I just know my stomach feels totally empty. I feel like I could eat a whole pizza by myself right now!"


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