[Active | Closed]

Jan 07, 2010 10:35

Who: Valeria (fights_further) and Sephiroth (givesdespair)
When: January 2nd - Around 5:30 PM
Where: The ferris wheel at the carnival
Format: Action
What: Having successfully worked Miracle #1 (getting Sephiroth to go with her to the carnival), Valeria aims to work Miracle #2 (getting Sephiroth to participate beyond being there). More to be added.
Warnings: None

[ The smile on Valeria's face does not waiver, but widens along with her eyes as she lifts them to the ferris wheel. It looks like fun-had looked like fun when she had first laid eyes on it that morning, but she hadn't wanted to push the envelope so soon. After all, convincing Sephiroth to go with her to the carnival had not been an easy task. SOLDIER members need to get out and have a little fun sometimes, even Sephiroth; though, she doesn't think he's enjoying himself at all. Having worked with and lived near the man for almost two weeks now, she knows he isn't one to put on a show for the benefit of others. No laughing, no real smiles... getting him to do anything but be there hasn't exactly... happened.

This time, though... this time, she is confident she can and will change that. She got him to come to the carnival, didn't she? Without Zack's help, too! Not that they'd really had a chance to talk a lot since they'd gotten there, there was just so much to do that she had gotten a little carried away! Okay, more than a little carried away, but she really does want him to have fun, to enjoy himself, and they need to talk. (Genesis... they're both Firsts. They talked like they had a history... did they hang out? What did they do for fun, if they did?) They need to talk about a lot of things.

Nodding to herself, she waits, a milder smile replacing the last. Sephiroth's presence is a familiar one by now. As he approaches, she keeps her eyes on the ferris wheel. ]

I wonder what the view is like up there. It must be great if so many people are lining up to see it!

[ She pauses, as though a thought has dawned, and looks out of the corners of her eyes to the tall, silver-haired man. Her smile widens gradually. ]

Hey, Sephiroth...

turk knife "valeria", sephiroth

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