[ Masquerade ]

Jun 09, 2011 21:09

Who: Everyone! Even the grouches :D
When: Friday Evening
Where: Park
Format: Paragraph/action/whatever you like
What: Masquerade Par-tay!
Warnings: None...yet.

The park was lit up by lights and of course the stars that night. Tents were pitched up where refreshments and food were served. Tables and chairs were scattered throughout the space and ( Read more... )

spencer reid, stephanie brown, gwen tennyson, hitsugaya toshiro, irene, yachiru kusajishi, snake-eyes, bellatrix lestrange, nymphadora tonks, lilly rush, xerxes break, tseng, shirley, miranda lotto, quorra, rukia kuchiki, asellus, remus lupin, dawn summers, rin okumura, byakuya kuchiki, trevor belmont, ezio auditore da firenze, riza hawkeye, clare, juushirou ukitake, mei chan, john, priscilla, freya, lelouch vi britannia, rex salazar, buffy summers, lust, raki, spike, sebastian michaelis, zack fair, rhode kamelot

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Comments 778

[closedish to Tonks BUT I AM COOL WITH MULTIPLE THREADS] lestrangestone June 10 2011, 12:56:56 UTC
[Winding her way through the crowd, head high and mask-obscured, hair pulled into a reasonable coif, not even black-clad. She's gone for green instead - this is echoed in her careful and purposeful (will link here if i ever find the mask again) choice of mask.

She'd considered killing the shopgirl until her eyes had been caught by that piece.

A sign?


So close now as she passes them - some here and some there - a smattering of faces that she recognizes from the network, some that she's spoke to briefly. Some that she's spoke to at length.

Some she's hurled curses at with pride and fury and a smile.

Ah, look. There's one now.]


[ooc] lumenrelegandus June 10 2011, 17:47:41 UTC
[not this one?]


[ooc] lestrangestone June 10 2011, 18:14:35 UTC
[nail. head. you hit it, yes. although her mask is ...feline.]


this could be the end to everything wotchesyou June 14 2011, 14:55:27 UTC
[ If you know her, Tonks is noticeable.

She's wearing a mask, a simple purple one and is in the guise of one of Queen Titania's fairy servants, Peaseblossom. She is clumsier than some of the other guests. Her hair starts at turquoise but morphs into a glittering mess of magenta and amethyst hues at the end. It's not a wig, not even a high-priced one. The hair is Tonks herself.

When the music ends, she steps away from her dance partner. Briefly, she glances towards Remus. She smiles slightly but doesn't approach him. Truthfully, the last dance had left her feeling slightly parched and she wanted something to drink. She's not a clingy date. She can give him a bit of space.

She starts to walk towards the refreshment tent and passes by an elegant woman wearing green. ]

Excuse me.

[ Tonks says, for no other reason than politeness and how close she passes by her.

She should not have been so polite. ]


sonvisage June 10 2011, 18:35:20 UTC
[Standing under a lighted tree, watching the crowd with interest and holding a nearly empty glass of something. Black dress in stark contrast to alabaster skin - no bother taken to obscure the ouroboros, either. (Don't like it? Don't look.)

As she turns her head (she pays particular attention to the orchestra and her expression seems to shift subtly beneath her mask to follow the music) a bleach of bone sits in high and clean and white within the upswept waves of her hair. Each bone placed with the utmost care so that it still (mostly) resembles the face of the direwolf it belonged to.]


thenobledie June 11 2011, 02:17:44 UTC
An interesting choice of costume.

[sup, lust. let's stand next to each other and be totally hot together.]


sonvisage June 11 2011, 19:26:55 UTC
Isn't it?

[Another sip and now her glass is empty. She doesn't move to refill it right away, instead watching the crowd. Actually she's watching Scar watch Mei, but whatever. And then she's watching Remus.

In the hot chick corner, totally.]

I made the mask myself.


thenobledie June 11 2011, 19:34:41 UTC
[a pause and shirley's smile drops. time for some seriousness because damn, girl. you're hurting, and you're only making it worse by being stubborn.]

You do have the potential to move forward from this; the only person holding you back is yourself.


halcyonthird June 10 2011, 19:00:29 UTC
[Which is the stranger sight? Is it the choice of clothing, or the curious sight of a Claymore with a croquet mallet? Irene can see surprisingly well from behind that mask as she lines up her shot. Not that she has any idea what she is actually doing beyond this, but...]


inpiecesofcloud June 12 2011, 00:40:49 UTC
[Fairly oblivious to the fact that this is some kind of game (her games have much more action than this!) Yachiru toddles up just as Irene is about to hit the ball and gives a little tug on the fabric of the Claymore's dress to get her attention.]

What are you doing, Irrie-chan?

[She looks on in mild interest, a few chocolate cookies in one hand that she is slowly eating.]


/assumes her mask is on! halcyonthird June 12 2011, 23:24:24 UTC
[You mean besides trying to get used to this odd hairstyle? Oh, and quietly trying not to die of fear because she can feel Priscilla liek whoa?]

I am supposed to hit this ball.

[Oh, look. She hit it. There it goes. She'll watch it for a moment before smiling down (an actual smile) at Yachiru.]

Hm. Now then...

...you sound very familiar. And I do know a girl with hair almost just like yours, but it appears you're a kitten.


/comes and hangs out with the cool kids i_love_squats June 13 2011, 00:28:41 UTC
[Even behind his mask, Zack was blushing a little while he approached. See, Irene was pretty, really pretty, even moreso with the getup and a mallet (girls with weapons were always a show-stopper). And watching her interact with Yachiru? Well, that gave him the warm-fuzzies vibe, a comfortable sigh, let the tension of the last few months slide out of his shoulders. When was the last time he felt this? When was the last time they had something to smile over?]

You know, most cats have collars with bells on them so you can hear them coming. Think we should put one on this little kitty?

[He offered them both his plate of food; it was piled high with more goodies than he could count, but he was a gentleman. He knew how to share.] Whatcha doing?


fivepetals June 10 2011, 20:44:52 UTC
[ The sole fact that she got him here is a victory in her mind. Even though Hitsugaya complained the entire way to the Masquerade and she almost had to physically push him along, he's here beside her and that's all that matters. She'll just have to be sure that he won't regret the decision to accompany her...! If it kills her, she'll make sure he has a good time. Though from the look of things, it'll be a difficult task in the least. ]

Ah...! What do you want to do first Shiro-chan?

[ Almost wobbling in her heels, she attempts to steady herself, then moves to hook arms with Hitsugaya it will be easier to drag him around this way. ]


sorry for slow ;___; turquoice June 11 2011, 05:06:26 UTC
[In the end, he can only justify this to himself one way: with the amount of monsters this place apparently boasts, he can't afford to let everyone just party it up without someone there responsibly on the lookout for incoming threats.

That doesn't mean he has to look happy about being here. And his costume is basically limited to one simple ice blue mask, because he really finds the whole idea of disguising himself to be imbecilic: anyone who saw his hair and height would know who he was within seconds anyways]

How about leave?


doooon't worry about it! fivepetals June 11 2011, 05:49:45 UTC
But we just got here! Don't be such a downer.

[ She will not be swayed by his determination to be a buzz-kill grouch, smiling lightly she steers them in the direction of the refreshment table. ]

Maybe some champagne will cheer you up...?


<33 turquoice June 11 2011, 11:16:45 UTC

[He at least lets himself be steered, because he's not about to lose her in this crowd. He eyes the refreshment table skeptically, however, and closes his eye to reply haughtily:]

Matsumoto drinks enough for three people in my Company, which means I don't.


everadolescent June 10 2011, 21:37:58 UTC
[ For the very simple purposes of fitting in better, Rhode's let her height catch up to that of the dashing white-haired boy beside her, whose arm she's clinging to as they enter the party. Throngs of people everywhere Rhode turns to look -- so exciting! She loves parties, and this won't be any exception!

Her figure is more filled out, looking much more like an adult woman than the child she normally chooses to appear as, wearing a red dress in a style that makes her think of Alice's odd Wonderland. Though she's come tonight with no pantyhose and ankle-high buttoned boots instead of her usual Mary Janes, Rhode still feels just as cute as ever, and she doubts there will be a hard time finding people to troll bother chit-chat with~

She smiles brightly and tips her plain black top hat to everyone who passes by. ]


demon_andbutler June 12 2011, 21:01:44 UTC
[Oh, red. It's a colour that reminds Sebastian of the past, months and months before he ever came to Anatole, when he knew a woman who had adopted red as her name, and, well... a certain unhinged reaper who had almost done him in. He recognises the girl as well - she had spoken to him over the forge in regards to the party.]

Good evening, Miss. Would you care for a glass of wine?

[He offers her a tray from which she can take a flute of champagne or red wine.]


everadolescent June 14 2011, 20:59:46 UTC
[ Gives him a small, wily smirk as she takes some red wine. It's the butler who put everything together for this lovely affair~

Rhode practically beams at him, obviously enjoying herself. ]

Why thank you, Mister Butler! Are you having one yourself?


demon_andbutler June 17 2011, 22:24:22 UTC
That is very kind of you to offer, but I couldn't possibly while on duty.

[It just wouldn't be appropriate. He gives her a measured smile instead.]


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