[ Closed ] Seven Years' Time

May 17, 2011 02:08

Who: Raki (amongmonsters) and Clare (onequarter)
When: May 15, after this
Where: Raki's apartment, the Outlander Block
Format: Action/paragraph/whichever.
What: Clare and Raki finally fulfill their promise to each other.
Warnings: None yet! Will update if necessary

I want to see you right now, but I can't fly through the sky )

raki, clare

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Comments 4

onequarter May 20 2011, 15:58:21 UTC
Clare's energy hits the roof: usually she doesn't expend it just for moving around, since she is just about used to the way everything takes longer now. But there's an urge to reach Raki, as though she's racing shadowy figures (Isley, who'd known him so well? Worse - Priscilla?) As though if she isn't fast enough, all she'll find is an empty room ( ... )


amongmonsters May 20 2011, 23:17:40 UTC
There's just a moment to blink and stare at the door--confirm he didn't just imagine the knock due to the anticipation--before he reaches the door in a few short strides.

Raki can feel his heart pounding in his chest as he swings open the door...and then it's pounding for an altogether different reason and there's no way to mistake the huge grin that makes its way onto his face.

Before he even says a word to her, he throws his arms around her and squeezes tightly, resting his chin on her shoulder. He's grown tall enough to reach, now, and that's only the beginning of things that have changed for him.

"I missed you. So much."

Squeezes a little tighter, and she might feel a little wetness on the side of her cloak.


onequarter May 22 2011, 07:08:04 UTC
Clare feels knocked off her feet - not by the hug, but the weight and form of him, the way his face is harder and his smile wider, the fact that they're of a height. So many changes and yet the boy in her arms is still the glowing bundle of enthusiasm and caring who followed her from town to town.

"I looked for you every day."

Her voice is choked; she, too, has tears in her eyes and she presses them shut, sending thanks to the twin goddesses for bringing those she loves safely back to her, for giving her all this boundless love that she doesn't deserve.

Eventually she pulls him back and holds him at an arms-length, cataloging all the changes just as Teresa had done her. She's sad, to have these obvious markers of everything she missed, but the happiness at their reunion overwhelms it a thousand-fold. "Raki," she says, with a bittersweet smile around her tears. "When did you get so tall?"


amongmonsters May 23 2011, 20:49:26 UTC
He too, had looked, right up until he'd been captured and sent north. Even so, he'd never allowed a day to pass without thinking of her, of their promise to meet again. The drawing of the twin goddesses she'd found in his cell that day, seven years later, was testament to that.

And even when he was with Isley, he'd never forgotten. He'd asked to be taught the sword so he could become strong, so one day he could stand on his own and search for her, and as they'd gone south...he hoped constantly he would cross paths with her on their travels.

"I'm here, now." Grins a little, and it's triumphant. Because he knew Clare was alive, he just knew it. Even when that warrior had said she couldn't possibly be, he hadn't been willing to give up hope.

"We finally did it, Clare. We kept our promise."

He sniffs a little, wiping away his own tears, and then reaches forward to brush away hers.

"I don't know. Must've snuck up on me over the years."


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