[Open] Russian Roulette is not the same

May 08, 2011 20:51

Who: Turks, ShinRa employees, and everyone else
When: Now. Late evening into night
Where: Tseng's apartment
Format: Any
What: Turks host a poker night for the first time. Hopefully you won't lose your shirt.
Warnings: Drinking. Gambling. Possible strip poker.

without a gun )

tseng, stephanie brown

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Comments 51

machiavellisms May 9 2011, 08:16:21 UTC
[For some odd reason, Ruffles the cat had decided that the best spot to be for poker night was on Rufus's lap. No matter where and when he put the small fiend down, he would climb right back on him.

Odd how the most powerful and hated man in all of Gaia was now a chair for a small cat.]

Remind how this is not a waste of time.


fingersloophole May 9 2011, 20:19:38 UTC
Because you will be making social connections and providing entertainment in a controlled and safe environment.

[Tseng has placed out snacks and various drinks. Alcoholic and non alcoholic. Though he's going to keep a watch on Rufus, knowing he had a problem as a younger man.]


machiavellisms May 10 2011, 09:26:05 UTC
I am quite capable of doing it on my own.

[Not really. Rufus is looking for a good scotch; the burning might make the night less painful.]


fingersloophole May 11 2011, 00:30:08 UTC
I'm sure you are but aren't we present to make your life easier?

[Tseng keeps all the good liquor behind some books on a shelf. For emergencies. Like religious ceremonies and cheating lovers.]


BIG APPLE, 9 PM (...waitasec) saner_sephiroth May 10 2011, 23:04:47 UTC
Sephiroth was always prompt. It was a habit that had been drilled into him as a young SOLDIER, and carried over into...well, he didn't have much of a personal life, did he? That habit is what brought him to Tseng's door at 9 on the nose.

He knocked twice, sharply enough to be heard but not so sharply that the door flew inward (which was within his ability). Masamune was nowhere to be seen, but that wasn't saying much; did he really need a weapon anyway? And he had his materia hidden under his coat.

Not for the first time, Sephiroth wondered why he was here. If he were honest with himself he'd admit that even he needed human companionship from time to time, loathe though he was to admit it. And with two of his friends dead and the third acting a little strangely lately, well...


*scrolls location across screen* fingersloophole May 11 2011, 00:32:49 UTC
Tseng was prepared for guests at exactly 9 PM. It would be shameful to invite others over then have them left standing. He checked to make sure Ruffles was still safely with Rufus (he loved using both their names in the same sentence) and opened the door.

It was Sephiroth. Tseng was almost a bit surprised he'd come but no man was an island. Even a man who had done those things. Would do those things. And not the same Sephiroth he'd told his parentage or had an odd little bonding m moment with in the midst of a kidnapping.

"General." Tseng nodded and stepped aside, allowing him entrance. "Drinks are over toward the kitchen. Please mind the cat; he likes to get underfoot." A pause. "I hope you found the place easily enough."


saner_sephiroth May 11 2011, 02:28:18 UTC

Sephiroth wasn't much for pointless pleasantries either, but the name and a nod were sufficient for his purposes, and so he stepped in after the Turk. His gaze briefly swept across the room, noting the fact that he appeared to be one of the first to arrive, before nodding in reply to Tseng's question. "There weren't any problems." And this was the well-maintained part too. At least he hadn't had to take a detour through the slums.

The Turk was given a very brief appraising look. Sephiroth only really knew his name and his face, after all. Whether he passed the inspection or not was unclear as the General took a step further into the room. "By the way, do you know who else is coming?"


fingersloophole May 11 2011, 02:47:10 UTC
Tseng nodded absently. "Elena. Zack Fair. Stephanie Brown..." He showed him the Forge, deciding that was an easier RSVP than to give one verbally. Miss Silk, no last name given. Desmond Miles.

"It looks like we'll have a managable crowd." Which was good because his apartment was not overly large. "And of course you know Rufus ShinRa." Probably not really, considering Rufus was about a decade older.

Tseng knew about Sephiroth. Had always known about Sephiroth since he took over as Director, really. But everyone did, at varying levels. "Can I get you anything before we begin?"


wellsuited May 11 2011, 01:51:50 UTC
[Elena was at least fifteen minutes early. It was an old habit, one that she would never give up. Sometimes fifteen minutes could make all the difference.

She had never been to the Turk Poker Nights, had never allowed herself to go. She'd told herself that it was a waste of time, anything that might keep her from wanting to go. Back then Elena had struggled a little more with the concept of "fun", not to mention she'd had the worst poker face in the history of the game.

But maybe things have changed, thanks to having worked security in the Dismas Casino. She could even do a nifty one-handed shuffle and cut trick.

It occurs to her that her first Turks Poker Night might also be her last...maybe they won't let her come back when she wins it all.]


fingersloophole May 11 2011, 02:50:04 UTC
[Tseng was still trying to wrestle Rufus into putting on clothes and being civil. One would have thought it would have been easier at this age, but the brief struggle with Geostigma had if anything made Rufus a worse pain.

But he went to the door to let Elena in, gesturing her to the tables. He'd almost assumed she wouldn't show up at all. For her age, she was very closed off and hadn't embraced the Turk social fold yet.]

Do a check if you would. And help yourself to anything you fancy. I get the feeling many people will be late.


wellsuited May 13 2011, 00:20:38 UTC
Yes Sir. I mean...Tseng.

[Elena nods her head as she says her name, but she can feel the warmth in her cheeks. She isn't on-duty now, which inspires both curiosity and discomfort.]

That doesn't surprise me. People really need to work on punctuality!

[Not because it was unprofessional. Well...not just because of that.

Elena stands there for a moment, eventually lifting the bag in her hand.]

I brought potato chips!

[And just to prove she's not a stick in the mud...]



fingersloophole May 13 2011, 01:17:04 UTC
You do like to live dangerously. [Because barbecue chips are totally proof of that. Not her career choice or anything else. He smiles at her and accepts the chips, opening them to dump them into a bowl. They aren't animals, after all.]

Come in. I assume you'd like to be the dealer for this occasion? [Best to give her a task and ease her into being a guest, isn't it?"


sonvisage May 11 2011, 12:46:02 UTC
[She'd strolled in a little late, giving no fucks. Also, wearing quite a few layers, several of which have been discarded. (A losing hand? The sake of comfort? Who knows.) They'd started wthout her, but that's alright. As far as she's concerned, the party hadn't begun until she'd shown up a few minutes past eleven.

Presently she's draped herself over her chair, finding that cleavage is a useful place to stand one's cards as she reaches across the table. (She'll bladefinger the damn thing toward her if they aren't in Dismas.) She peers curiously at the bottle in her hand and runs a finger over the label. Also looking for another shotglass. Where the hell had hers gone off to?]


fingersloophole May 12 2011, 05:53:51 UTC
[Okay, so card game had fallen apart. Or rather, sober card game had become drunken card game had become strip card game. And so far, all Tseng had lost was a hair tie and his shoes.

But it was on hold for the moment and he took another swallow of his drink, dark eyes drifting over to Silk. She's looking for something, so he just passes a bottle toward her.]

I think the next game needs to be 'Go Fish'.


sonvisage May 13 2011, 00:13:54 UTC
I don't know that one. Does it pay in ivories?

[This alcohol does not get her drunk like that magical wine had done. This is easily remedied by drinking much more of it, right? That is her plan.]

The clothes don't have to go back on for it, do they?

[Screw the shotglass. Drinking out of the bottle's just fine.]


fingersloophole May 13 2011, 01:19:26 UTC
If I didn't know better, I'd assume you were only here for the ivories, Miss Silk. [Except he's totally assuming that. Not that they are playing for very much, anyway.]

I'm sure we could manage it so someone loses ivories or clothing. Somehow.


breakspromises May 14 2011, 02:57:00 UTC
[Steph wanders in...mainly just to see the kitty. She has brought waffles to share with everyone. Cause waffles go with anything. Including beer.]

[She goes looking for her asian mommy Tseng so that she can say hi to him and then abandon him for the kitty.]


fingersloophole May 15 2011, 03:07:06 UTC
[Mama-san Tseng knows she's come for the kitty. Ruffles is scooped up and tucked under his arm where he peeks out at everyone. He wriggles upon smelling the waffles. Or possibly the beer they are to go with.]

Ms. Bro-...Stephanie. [Oops. Must remain informal.] Nice of you to come.


breakspromises May 17 2011, 14:44:50 UTC
Thanks for allowing me to come. [She wonders if Tseng owns anything besides formal attire.]

Aww he is so cute! [She's talking about Ruffles, sadly not you Mama-san.]


fingersloophole May 18 2011, 03:47:16 UTC
You brought waffles. That pays your entry fee. [He might be joking. And he totally owns more than suits, just snoop through his closet.]

He is, isn't he? I'm sure he has some siblings out there somewhere. They probably threw him out for being cute.


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