Apr 27, 2011 21:39

Who: 1. Anyone who isn't dead, but particularly delegation volunteers 2. Anyone who cares to be there!
When: Wednesday - midday and then evening
Where: a. The grand entry to one of Milena's homes in Dismas. 2. A makeshift clinic in the lot where the circus once operated.
Format: Any you like.
What: a. A pre-delegation gathering to rally the ( Read more... )

fai d. flourite, quatre raberba winner, rex salazar, kurogane, asellus

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Comments 96

Pre-Witch Delegation | In one of Milena's Dismas homes. scorchedevents April 28 2011, 01:41:15 UTC
[Milena's instructions had been clear - come to one of her Dismas homes at 3pm. Following the directions proves to be fairly tricky - she doesn't much care for the spotlight, after all. But once you arrive, it becomes immediately evident why she is known as the queen of the underworld: the house is massive, even by the standards of the wealthy. When her servant opens the door to allow you entry, the interior is no less impressive than the exterior - all fine furnishings and sweeping staircases, lit so brightly you might thing she'd captured the sunlight in her home.]

[There is food laid out, and you are told to help yourself.]


charmprince April 28 2011, 02:09:22 UTC
[It's a little gaudy for her taste, but Asellus is hanging back, conserving her energies for the upcoming plans and nibbling on a piece of fruit.

She's nervous, but she's not about to show that in this room. There will be time for thinking about this in depth when it's over.]


reflectedstasis April 29 2011, 14:07:36 UTC
[It doesn't take long before a few polite enquiries and glances to the Forge gives Fai the face to go with the name that Milena had mentioned.

After that, it was just a matter of making his way through the gathering people to the lady in question. He stops a respectful distance before her and smiles a small, friendly smile as he offers her a proper bow.

As he raises once more, he meets her gaze with a steady blue eye.]

...Miss Asellus, I believe? Mi'lady Milena mentioned we might work together, so I thought I'd introduce myself. Fai, at your service.


charmprince April 29 2011, 21:34:19 UTC
[She snaps out of her thoughtful reverie to offer a charming grin and a hand. She's not one for bowing and scraping-- they're equals here, after all, aren't they?]

It's a pleasure, Fai. I wish it were under better circumstances, but it seems I can't escape revolutions. [But for all her light words and smiles, there's a weariness in her red-violet eyes, and she's uncomfortable in the heavier, more formal clothing she chose to continue the illusion of a real delegation of supplicants. Half of the magic of Charm is appearances, after all.] Anyway, it's better that we don't do this as strangers, right? That might be strange to her, and my work will be easier if she's not suspicious in the first place.


Post-Delegation | In a makeshift clinic scorchedevents April 28 2011, 01:41:35 UTC
[The sun sinks beneath the horizon, and the process of healing Anatole's wounds begins. A makeshift clinic springs up inside the abandoned lot that once held an air balloon service, and then a fine circus. There are tents, now, and blankets. There is homemade food, and there are blankets for those in need of rest, and attention.]

[Anatolians and Scorched alike mill in the space, protecting one another, healing one another. For one moment, at least, the city's factions seem at peace with one another, united in suffering, and in triumph.]


charmprince April 28 2011, 02:06:05 UTC
[Asellus is leaning against a tent-pole, looking the next best thing to exhausted. It was a lot of work, maintaining those spells! They're not quite as painless as they were back home, and this is the first time she'd used Charm for anything longer than a few moments at a time, so she's pretty well-drained. At the moment, though, she's just keeping an eye on things-- just in case.

She'll be spending the night with a bottle of wine in her house, though. A lot of the past few days has been very taxing.]


godslaying April 28 2011, 23:40:37 UTC
That was a mighty impressive performance that folks put on today, don't you agree?

[And there he is again: the slender silver-haired man with the perpetual grin.]

Looks like it took a lot out of ya.


charmprince April 29 2011, 01:13:48 UTC
[She's beginning to get used to him phasing in and out, for serious. He's quiet, and she can't get a read on him-- even if she could, she was too tired for anything but existing at this point.]

It's.... A lot harder to maintain than it was back home. [She's not sure exactly how she feels about that, or about the fact that her skills are no longer really a secret... but it hardly matters. This was more important than being mysterious.] I feel like I've aged twenty years. [It'd been very difficult as the procession went on and on, but she'd managed to keep pouring Charm into the queen while maintaining that 'the girl's sweet, but she's really not that bright, is she?' face. When they'd gotten back here, when everything had calmed down, she'd had to push to take a seat of her own volition instead of just collapsing.

But she's not too tired to joke a little.] Maybe I should start draining the life out of people next. As far as I know, I don't have any vengeful daughters.


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