
Apr 25, 2011 20:11

Who: Gwaine and anyone else who would like in on troll killing.
When: Anytime after this post.
Where: Everything.
Format: Tag in with format of your choice.
What: Protecting the city, troll killing, you know how it goes.
Warnings: Violence, most certainly.

i have no clever cuttext :C )

helen, ch'rell, gwaine, lady, rex salazar, deneve, uryuu ishida

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Comments 13

naniteknight April 26 2011, 13:08:10 UTC
[By this time, Rex is damned sick of all these freaks running loose in Anatole and Dismas. Who the hell do they think they are? Honestly, in some ways they're worse than rampaging EVOS! Usually Rex isn't one for playing executioner, but there's no reasoning with these guys and no way to properly catch and contain them. Besides, the cannibalistic tendencies of some of them is just plain WRONG. He'll just have to treat them like he did the Swarm...]

[Time to take out the trash.]

[Encountering a troll down a dark alley, Rex grapples with the eight foot tall beastie using the Smackhands. And OH DAMN WALL ABUSE while they slam one another around in the alley. After getting his teeth rattled a few times, Rex manages to land a punch squarely and knock the troll clear out into the street. GOOOOAAAAAL!]


applelimber April 27 2011, 00:27:20 UTC
[The Drill Sword technique was aptly named, though Helen couldn't take credit for that. She'd only 'borrowed' it from Jean.

She hadn't just borrowed it, she'd improved it.

According to Helen, anyway. Though she wouldn't mind getting the chance to thank Jean properly.]

Okay. Let's see you regenerate from this.

[A grin crosses Helen's lips before she suddenly thrusts her arm forward, the rubbery limb stretching and starting to unwind right before the tip of her sword connects with the troll's body. The Drill Sword drills through it, sending monster bits flying everywhere. They splash the pavement, the walls and windows of nearby buildings. Some of it even spatters against Helen's cheek.

...Her grin widens. Today? Officially the most fun she's had in weeks.]


twoswordjuniper April 27 2011, 06:34:30 UTC
[One slight flaw of the drillsword, however, is that it leaves the user open to attack for the moment it takes her to wind her arm up. Luckily, Deneve isn't too far off as a second troll closes in on Helen. She throws one of her swords into its head to buy herself the two seconds she needs to come in for close combat. In one unintentionally graceful move, she pulls her thrown sword from the troll's forehead and decapitates him with the other. He falls with a heavy thud, a neat contrast to Deneve's soundless landing at Helen's side.

She raises an eyebrow at the gore on her partner's cheek.]

You couldn't be a little neater?


applelimber April 28 2011, 00:34:23 UTC
You make that look easy.

[Most normal people couldn't even handle one of the heavy trademark swords. But Helen's watched her fight that way for so long now, she can't imagine it being any other way.

Helen's arm returns to a normal length, and she wipes it against her face.]

C'mon Dene, it's like playing in the mud! The messier you get, the better!

[She turns her blonde head from left to right, looking for their next victim.

...Exactly who are the monsters here again?]


twoswordjuniper April 28 2011, 07:19:55 UTC
[Deneve rolls her eyes slightly before letting her eyelids slip closed. A battle like this only requires part of her attention anyway.]

The messier you get, the worse you'll smell later. Keep that in mind, too.

[She shakes the blood from her sword, tracing a small arc on the ground near her, and is ready for the next. This fight is at least a good stretch for her weary bones.

She's almost beginning to miss the island. At least Claymores can't get sick there.]


sewing_prince April 27 2011, 01:14:39 UTC
[He was never one to take kindly to those that went after those who were either weaker or could not protect themselves. Maybe it was a by product to his birth, or perhaps it was his grandfather's teachings taken to heart, but either way... it was the reason he found himself out among Anatole's buildings, bow out and fingers caressing the Ginto hidden within his pockets.]


ch_rell47 April 27 2011, 01:48:27 UTC

... )


theotokos April 27 2011, 02:20:32 UTC
[Paying no mind to anyone around her or the others who jumped in the fray, true to her word and promise, Lady had came in. Always armed, with the full arsenal. Her expression remain calm and expressionless, free of worry or agitation. But within her mind, she was already formulating the quickest way to bring them down, without any sort expensive of Kalina Ann's shells, her beloved rocket launcher on her back. It was always saved as a last minute option. It could have been a challenge, she would see, she certainly hadn't fought... trolls in her life.

Yet she's fought demons this size that were just as equally hard to pierce with regular ammunition. Fine! The two submachine guns resting at her sides, Lady would just wear them down and move onto the explosives, something to push them back and to move herself away from the others around her. Already, Lady's guns can be heard with their rapid fire, as she's on the balls of her feet, ready to move around just in case.]


godslaying April 28 2011, 23:47:05 UTC
[There's the sound of clapping, though she may not be able to hear it over the sound of guns and explosives. Her attacks certainly were noisy, but effective.

Meanwhile, Shinso was unsheathed and held under his arm, sharp-side down. Troll blood drips from the tip, puddling on the ground beside the fallen monsters.]


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