When the money's gone, will you be my friend on a small rowboat till our ship comes in?

Sep 20, 2010 22:19

Who: fierycourage and thejewelergem
When: 5-ish? The day the bank opens.
Where: Bank, Dismas
Format: [action]
What: Celebrating the opening of the new bank! But the siren song has a few things to say, too . . .
Warnings: Um, boys doing kissy things.

You know what a fine life I give to you . . . will you still love me wherever we fall when the money's gone? )

juudai yuuki, johan andersen

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fierycourage September 21 2010, 02:25:24 UTC
[Juudai approaches the bank, ready to find out how its first day went. He waves when he sees Johan.] Hey! How'd it go today?


fierycourage September 21 2010, 04:11:16 UTC
Hmm... I see. [He follows Johan's lead.]


thejewelergem September 22 2010, 07:05:09 UTC
Here. [He holds open a door, still smiling. The interior is clean, if not particularly ornate.] There isn't a better place in all of Anatole I've found for fish.


fierycourage September 23 2010, 03:43:48 UTC
Wow, this place is really nice! I can't wait to try out the food here!


[Juudai now has several clean plates sitting in front of him. He looks up at Johan and smiles.] Was there anywhere else you wanted to go?


thejewelergem September 23 2010, 04:00:02 UTC
[Johan sips the last of his wine, then smiles.] I don't think so. [He holds up what remains of his glass.] To success?


fierycourage September 23 2010, 04:03:46 UTC
[He hold his up too.] To success! [He clinks his glass up against Johan's and then leans back in his chair.]

Are you tired? It's probably been a really long day for you.


thejewelergem September 23 2010, 04:07:30 UTC
A little. [He grins.] I'm kind of too excited to be tired. [He lays down his ivories.] Ready?


fierycourage September 23 2010, 04:10:53 UTC
[He laughs.] I can't blame you. It's not even my bank and I'm really excited about it!

Yeah. [He gets up from his chair.]


thejewelergem September 23 2010, 04:13:02 UTC
It's like getting to live my dream, making bridges . . . . even if they're not the bridges I thought I'd be making.

[Johan stands and reaches for Jyuudai's hand.] Let's get out of here. It's usually a good idea to be out of Dismas by dark.


fierycourage September 23 2010, 04:16:30 UTC
It's still a start, though!

[He takes his hand.] Yeah... going from what I've seen of it, it probably is.


thejewelergem September 23 2010, 04:19:10 UTC
Yeah. Maybe we could find a way to bring Duel Monsters here, too . . . I mean, it's got to be part of the twelve dimensions, doesn't it?

This way. There's a shortcut back to the stairs. [Johan tugs on his hand to lead him along.]


fierycourage September 23 2010, 04:21:38 UTC
Yeah! Once we find a way, it shouldn't be too difficult to get it here.

[He follows. After all, he'd rather not stay in Dismas for too much longer.]


thejewelergem September 23 2010, 04:34:18 UTC
There are booster packs in the found goods store. It's mostly getting mats and disks . . . and convincing people to play.

[Leading~ up the stairs and out?] Look . . . [He points.] You can't usually see the sunset here, but just now . . . that's really pretty.


fierycourage September 23 2010, 04:37:32 UTC
I'm sure we can convince people to play it! We would have to teach it, though.

Wow. It is really pretty! [He stares in awe.]


thejewelergem September 23 2010, 04:43:09 UTC
Yeah, maybe. Some people won't, but it's always like that, isn't it?

[Johan sort of leans against his shoulder.] Hey. Thanks for picking me up today. [Smile.] It was kind of the perfect finishing touch. [And, well, why not? Everything else has been going so totally well today . . . so, leaning up to kiss the corner of your mouth now, Jyuudai.]


fierycourage September 23 2010, 04:48:42 UTC
Yeah. We'll be able to convince a lot of people to play it, though!

[He smiles.] Hey, no problem. [He can't help but laugh a little as he feels his face getting hot.] What was that for?


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