What's that coming over the hill?

Sep 13, 2010 06:05

Who: Kenpachi Zaraki (sinister_bells) and Yachiru Kusajishi (inpiecesofcloud)
When: After this.
Where: The Zaraki &Kusajishi residence
Format: Paragraph
What: Yachiru tells Kenpachi all about the big fight between Priscilla and Riful.
Warnings: None, really

Is it a monster? )

yachiru kusajishi, -complete, kenpachi zaraki

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Comments 13

inpiecesofcloud September 13 2010, 14:35:42 UTC
Yachiru was more tired and more hurt than she had been in a very long while. By the time she reached home, all her body wanted to do was fall into bed. Her mind had other ideas.

The door creaked when she opened it and walked into the apartment, her head hanging uncharacteristically low and the blood on her shoulder and soaked into her clothes sticky-dry. She rubbed an arm against her face to try to wipe away the tear-streaks, with very little success. It had been so hard to see Scilly like that, and scary. Yachiru was not the type of kid who scared easily but there were a very few things that could frighten her. And she had been terrified by that sensation, by feeling Scilly being swallowed up by her own power, lost in an inferno of energy she couldn't control.

Once in the room, she made a beeline for Ken-chan. Without a word, she jumped up and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight.


sinister_bells September 15 2010, 07:55:19 UTC
He'd been sitting on the bed, looking at the Forge - playing the footage over again - when Yachiru opened the door. Something had to be very wrong for her to look like that. His eyes widened, taking in the sight.

She'd been crying. Yachiru had been crying. Ikkauku was more likely to cry than her. What caused this?

"Yachiru-" Whatever he was going to say was cut off as she jumped into his arms. He hugged her back, feeling a little off-kilter by the whole thing. Could he even remember the last time something made her act like this?

"Kid, what's going on? What happen?"

He wasn't even going to ask about the blood he could feel on the shoulder of her robe. For once, blood didn't feel good. Not like this.


inpiecesofcloud September 15 2010, 09:47:55 UTC
"Ken-chan!" she sobbed, her face buried in his neck. "I wanna go home, I wanna go home." She was hugging him so tightly that only he could have borne it without any pain. "I don't want to stay here anymore, Ken-chan."

It wasn't exactly the truth, and even now she knew it. But for the moment she just wanted to hold onto him, shaking with sobs, and wish she was back in the Seireitei where nothing like this ever happened.

After a few minutes she pulled back, hiccuping, and she felt like there were no tears left inside her. She rubbed at her eyes with the back of one hand and continued to cling to Kenpachi with the other.

"It was- it was- Scilly," she choked out, still sniffling and gasping. "She was almost- almost gone."


sinister_bells September 16 2010, 04:10:37 UTC
"Go home" he muttered as she held on to him as if her life depended upon it. Go home wasn't an option. They were stuck here. Though somehow he figured that wasn't what was really going on. She wasn't someone to just give up on a place - particularly because things got hard.

He waited for her to calm down - no use in trying to question her until then. One hand rubbed her back as he listened to her sobs. Finally she stopped crying, sat back and dried her eyes.

"Priscilla?" He'd long ago grown accustomed to Yachiru's nicknames and was quite proficient at figuring them out. Why was she talking about her though?

"What about her?" Did she see the video? That wouldn't be too hard to explain. But then again, where'd the blood come from? There was grit from the ruins on her too.

She'd been there.

"What d'you mean, almost gone?"


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