15. [Video]

Jan 15, 2010 14:55

[Well, today Priscilla is in her white bodysuit without the armor parts. She's also at the Headquarters, at a newly situated table, with a handful of papers in her hand, barely visible at the corner of the screen.]I've finally finished with partnership assignments and the new schedule for those on the Patrol Unit. I'm sorry it's taken so long! I ( Read more... )

senji "crow" kiyomasa, !priscilla, light yagami, leon scott kennedy, akira takizawa, kaien shiba, rorschach, xion, arthur pendragon, helen

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Comments 168

Voice applelimber January 15 2010, 20:11:16 UTC
[Man does she sound serious. But all things considered...]

What kind of problem?


Voice yetsleeping January 15 2010, 20:40:33 UTC
I have an appointment on Saturday. But it's in Dismas, so I can't show up in armor - it'll attract too much attention.

...so I need to find something else to wear.


Voice applelimber January 15 2010, 21:06:35 UTC
Oh, is that all? Just pick up anything. They do sell clothes here, you know.


Voice yetsleeping January 15 2010, 21:07:31 UTC
...I can't just pick anything, he's so weird about clothes.


ronchronchronch January 15 2010, 21:02:04 UTC
... Patrol unit?

[Sounds like the Crimebusters to him. But if they're working out shifts and things, it must have not fallen through.]


yetsleeping January 15 2010, 21:11:36 UTC
Yes. ...oh, you're new, aren't you?


ronchronchronch January 15 2010, 22:18:08 UTC
Yes. [His answer is short, and it seems that's all he's willing to say on the matter.]


yetsleeping January 16 2010, 00:02:37 UTC
...well. Welcome?

[Poor, confused girl.]


[audio | Private] cop_for_one_day January 15 2010, 23:10:03 UTC
How'd that happen? Your hand getting cut off, I mean.

No idea on the housebreaking. I've never actually had a cat, so I dunno how it works. Is she doing good otherwise?

As for Luke, I only talked to him once, but he said he was seeing things... before they happened. And hearing voices in his head.


[audio | Private] yetsleeping January 16 2010, 00:12:17 UTC
Oh, Senji cut it off.

[She sounds pretty irritated about it, too.]

She's doing fine!

I see. Thank you.


[ video ] heartbetween January 15 2010, 23:23:21 UTC
I don't mind taking that extra shift at all, if you still need it!

And I can help with your cat if you like. [slightly amused-seeming grin]


I never got a chance to talk to that Luke kid, unfortunately. No one in the city's willing to talk about it at all, either...[sigh]

[ooc: Kaien had a pet mountain boar...piglet thing, so he figures a cat can't be too difficult. xD]


[ video ] yetsleeping January 16 2010, 00:25:30 UTC
Thank you!

[Have a big, sunny smile from Priscilla!]

Have you tried dressing in local clothing to ask these questions? They don't trust us, but if they didn't know better--

But that's dishonest. I'm not sure what to do.

[She's not ignoring the offer, juuust distracted, sob.]


[ video ] heartbetween January 16 2010, 00:39:22 UTC
No problem! [Big grin right back atcha, Priscilla~]

[Nevermind that that makes four things now, with the other shift, work at Nagi's, and helping out with Naruto's self-defense lessons when he gets his schedule worked out. He'll work it out, he's sure.]


I haven't, no. But I get the feeling it won't work. Even the locals that don't mind talking to us--the ones like Duncan--freeze up as soon as they're mentioned. But it might be worth a try, if things go on like this.

[By which he means, if there's another murder. But he's really hoping it won't come to that. Really really hoping.]


[ video | Private ] yetsleeping January 16 2010, 01:03:01 UTC
That's... terrible.

I think we should be prepared for another attack.


[Voice] xnoble_reasonx January 15 2010, 23:46:34 UTC
... my name is Byakuya. [Nevermind he's just making it known now.]

[ Private ]

It is being looked into thoroughly. I will report to the Patrol should I discover something.


[Voice] yetsleeping January 16 2010, 00:26:25 UTC
[Choked little noise.]

I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to misspell it. I've fixed it, all right?


Thank you!


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