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video; maelstroms December 20 2011, 06:30:12 UTC
Regardless of what may have happened, your father was right, Tomoe-san.

[ Without realizing it, she said, and that is what troubles him the most. Does this have any direct correlation to...?

Perhaps it does, and if so - ]

The past must have been on your mind, for the Forge to pick it up. But then is not now, please remember that.


action; maelstroms December 25 2011, 06:42:20 UTC
Don't be sorry, Tomoe-san.

[ He supports her when her legs threaten to give out, gathering her into his arms without a word. This isn't the first time he's carried her to safety, and it won't be the last. If Hotaru is too weak to stand on her own, Ukitake will pick her up however many times it takes.

Always, he will. ]

Just have faith in me, too.


action; alldevouring December 26 2011, 06:56:47 UTC
[Still, she holds onto him. As soon as she stops crying, she can collect herself. For several moments Hotaru doesn't say anything other than-]

Ukitake-san... I think I have to tell you something that you should know.


action; maelstroms December 27 2011, 23:33:57 UTC
[ By nature, he is a patient man, and though he remains silent, steady as he holds her in his arms, he rests his face against her hair, his voice soft when he says - ]

Of course. You may tell me anything you wish.


action; alldevouring December 28 2011, 01:26:51 UTC
[In a way, he reminds her so much of her father and that's why she feels like she can trust him. Confide in him. Hotaru doesn't really like mentioning this, she has barely gotten a chance to even talk to Chibiusa about this, as much as she wants to.]

Sometimes it feels like... I'm not myself.

[She's already said this before.]

I don't feel like myself, I don't remember anything... it feels like something inside of me is very mad.

[It's vague at best and it's not an easy confession to give. But Hotaru would like to say "sometimes it feels like there's someone inside of me" without sounding crazy.]


action; maelstroms December 28 2011, 02:26:56 UTC
[ He is quiet for a good while after that, clutching her small frame closer to him all the more tightly, as he considers and as he realizes that she has spoken word of this to him before, and he'd been a fool enough to dismiss it. It is a vague confession yes, but it is still a step, however small, in putting an end to this. ]


[ Mad enough to speak that which she does not mean, and cause hurt and harm that she otherwise has no intention of bringing. ]

Do you know why, Tomoe-san?


Re: action; alldevouring December 28 2011, 02:30:20 UTC
[Instantly, she can feel her chest tightening -- it could be the emotions that came with confessing it or it could be something else. Hotaru, herself, remains unchanged. Good thing she has someone to keep her stable.]

I... I don't know...


action; maelstroms December 28 2011, 02:50:02 UTC
It's all right that you don't.

[ For now, at least. And if she finds she cannot answer him, so be it then. He will make no attempt to pressure nor force any such personal revelation from her. Not now, after confiding such a secret in him, and certainly not after reliving that memory. ]

And if it troubles you, you needn't think on it right now.


action; alldevouring December 28 2011, 02:51:24 UTC
I just don't want to hurt anyone anymore.

[She adds in very quickly. Hotaru tugs on him.]

Ukitake-san, promise you won't tell anyone?


action; maelstroms December 28 2011, 02:59:17 UTC
[ The tug, though gentle, does manage to surprise him while what she asks of him does not. But immediately after, his expression softens, and he bows his head, seeking out her eyes - ]

You have my word. I wouldn't dare think of betraying your confidence.


action; alldevouring December 28 2011, 03:35:23 UTC
[Her face relaxes and for once, so does her body. Her trembling stops and Hotaru's tears have long since dried.]

Thank you, Ukitake-san. I know I can count on you.


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