Seventh Psalm [Broadcast Mind]

Dec 18, 2011 19:07

[He is your brother and he is the rightful King of France. It burns in your veins which each heartbeat. It makes your breath catch in your throat. The man you've loved for so long. The man who got a child on you. The man who you are going to marry because of that unborn child.

Were going to marry. Because now you've told him you can no longer ( Read more... )

-event: broadcast mind, !lia de beaumont, lelouch vi britannia, theon greyjoy, michael

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Comments 47

video bedsidemanners December 19 2011, 01:33:51 UTC
[This is one of the rare times he really almost doesn't want to respond. It confirms too much, exposes too much. She had been tricked-- she had been killed after all.]

[he's glancing down at first, uncertain]

... I'm sorry, Lia.


video takemysword December 19 2011, 01:43:34 UTC
[And she's staring at him, then looks away a bit. He knows all of this, but there are others who do not.]

It was not your have nothing to be sorry for.


video bedsidemanners December 19 2011, 02:01:57 UTC
I didn't want it to be true.


video takemysword December 19 2011, 02:14:54 UTC
I always knew it was true. But I did not want to believe it either.

[Pause. But she manages a smile again.]

There are worse ways to die.


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[Private // Text] takemysword December 19 2011, 02:17:44 UTC
It was...

No. It would never be Maximilien. He loves me.

The King of France. who rules. I have been led to believe he orchestrated it all.


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[Private // Text] takemysword December 19 2011, 02:39:52 UTC
I knew what His Majesty was capable of. I just never imagined...that he would hate it so. An unborn child and its father.

I would have never told Maximilien.


video. reddenedrage December 19 2011, 11:01:11 UTC
...I think everyone goes for their sister lately.

[ A beat. ]

So you're dead, huh?


video. takemysword December 19 2011, 18:01:28 UTC
I do not believe it is a particularly recent development. But we did not know. Not then. Not for years.

[She'll still burn for it. She won't argue that.]

It would appear so. I do not think there is recovery from that.


video. reddenedrage December 20 2011, 04:43:39 UTC
Eh. Whatever. There's better things to worry about than siblings going at it.

[ The subject by itself is annoying, but not the details of the content. ]

Good thing you know Raphael, then, huh.


video. takemysword December 20 2011, 04:48:38 UTC
Like when one of those siblings destroys a country, yes.

What does being dead have to do with knowing Raphael?


Video. turncloak December 20 2011, 13:33:32 UTC
[ There are so many dead people here, and Theon still believes this is the afterlife. And this is painful - not for any particular reason, bar the intrusive pain of all broadcasts. Hope crushed out, a sword through the chest. ]

Your brother?


Video. takemysword December 20 2011, 20:04:02 UTC
Half brother. The King's son while I was his bastard.

[Not that it makes things any better, she supposes.]

I would not have married him. I would not have had a child that was such a threat. Though perhaps I should be honored the King himself bothered to murder me.


Re: Video. turncloak December 22 2011, 09:35:28 UTC
I'm sure your death was considered quite prestigious, you unnatural wench.

[ He's somewhat teasing, somewhat not. His own sister all up in his business and then making a mockery of him has made him sensitive to this sort of thing. ]


takemysword December 22 2011, 09:44:00 UTC
Prestigious? No. I am a Knight. Knights die.

[She can't tell what he intends with this. She just looks at him, and frowns a bit.]

I was missed by my lover and my little brother. The men who matter most to me. That is enough prestige for me.


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