
Dec 12, 2011 23:59

[While Oberyn had meant to post as "audio," the video function starts. You can see a crooked view of his horse as he holds it close. He hisses slightly when he realizes what he has done.

No matter. He begins to address the camera directly now.]I have learned that several from my home are skilled fighters, and some others here no doubt are as well ( Read more... )

!oberyn martell

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Comments 14

Locked antesignano December 13 2011, 06:40:54 UTC
Mercenario? My brother was one. Do you need assistance? Financially, I should say.


Locked oberynmartell December 14 2011, 06:17:44 UTC
Your brother was one as well? [Such odds.]

Perhaps so. I was merely musing, for I have heard of such dangers here. If you would like to meet in person, ser, this could be of benefit to both of us.


Locked antesignano December 14 2011, 06:25:08 UTC
My brother was a condottiero.

Let us meet, then.


Locked oberynmartell December 16 2011, 22:04:05 UTC
Very well. Just name a place and I will see you then.


Video takemysword December 14 2011, 02:54:55 UTC
I am not quite certain that mercenary work is a...noble and worthwhile pursuit. We do not seem to have the type of intrigue to allow for the flourishing of mercenaries.


Video oberynmartell December 14 2011, 06:21:32 UTC
Perhaps not, milady, but it is one that has brought me a fair amount of gain and respect. Good and loyal mercenaries are hard to find, and I am able to provide that, so long as those in my service can prove themselves.


Video takemysword December 14 2011, 07:22:45 UTC
Perhaps I would be interested if you could specify what type of mercenary you intend to lead. I should hope not the kind who steal from honest, God-fearing people?

[Be a Russian mercenary instead, dammit.]


Video oberynmartell December 16 2011, 22:05:19 UTC
Not quite. I have heard of the dangers of this place, and not all know how to fight. Protection, as it were, to those who cannot wield a sword half so well as my future mercenaries.


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