014. [Video]

Jan 07, 2010 00:03

[Here's Priscilla, for once not in her armor! She looks relatively calm now, despite the cat crawling up her bare arm, leaving scratches that quickly disappear.]Construction on the headquarters will begin tomorrow morning. Anyone who can help is welcome to come. Nagi is providing food, and if you'd like to save your energy on walking, I can ( Read more... )

senji "crow" kiyomasa, turk knife "valeria", !priscilla, zack fair, byakuya kuchiki, akira takizawa, kaien shiba, xion, teresa

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[VOICE NOT VIDEO] clawofsin January 7 2010, 06:01:32 UTC
Sorry, did you say something to me? Kinda sounded like a cat whining.

At least now you got your own training area to mess up and can leave mine alone.


[Video!] yetsleeping January 7 2010, 11:18:11 UTC
[Priscilla's eyes widen slightly when the video comes on, and then she... watches him.]

It's necessary. There isn't any other way to fight the-- just a second.

[She reaches over, and then...]


There isn't any other way to fight the yoma. Humans can't do it. Even if they were strong enough, which is very rare, they wouldn't be able to sense which human body belonged to a person and which to a monster.

That's why we're needed.

[And now a little pause. Her voice softens.]

Thank you. I am... still learning. Actually, I just finished training a few months ago. The truth is, you're a much better fighter than I am.

I'm sure you've noticed. I wouldn't have, until recently.


[SCANDALOUS PRIVATE VIDEO] clawofsin January 7 2010, 11:54:33 UTC
[He's very deliberately not looking at the screen while any of this is going on.]

Yeah, you're goddamn right I'm a better fighter than you. You swing like a girl. I bet you start cryin' if things start going south too, don't you?

[he presses his lips together and rolls his ...uh, eye]

It's novice little brats like you that give people who know what they're doing a hard time, always barreling straight through without even thinking. You want revenge or justice or - shit, I dunno. That's all that's in your head though. You wanna do what's right.

[And now he looks into the camera directly]

I got people like you on my world, too. They're annoying. But plenty of them figure out how to survive, and I don't see them turning into monsters.

...and knock it off with the yoma crap already, will you? You ain't gonna find any here. Jeez.


[SHOCKING PRIVATE VIDEO!] yetsleeping January 7 2010, 12:01:18 UTC

I'm pretty sure that was meant to be something like a compliment, so thank you.

...I think.

[She frowns a little, then sighs.]

There's nothing wrong with seeking justice or doing what's right. And I still need to go home and complete my mission, so there's no sense in wiping yoma from my mind now.

[She looks slightly off-camera]

But I do think. In a way, I think the Door gave me a gift by bringing me here. When I was home, I had never faced anyone stronger than me, so when I fought Teresa I didn't know what to do. So, ever since I got here, I've been practicing on the monsters, and by myself, so that when I get home she won't be stronger than me anymore.

[And now she's looking a little amused.]

And I am a girl.


[THE PRIVATE VIDEO THEY DIDN'T WANT YOU TO SEE] clawofsin January 8 2010, 01:49:24 UTC
[He turns his head away a little, looking very much like he's struggling to tolerate all that precious optimism. And. Girlishness.]

If you get back. And what the hell are you worried about that for, anyway? I thought your mission showed up here too.

Not that you're ready to finish it anyway. A couple of waterlogged zombies might be good for target practice, but they don't fight back like one of you Claymores. You're going to make fuck all kind of progress unless you use a real person. Jeez, don't they teach you people anything in that Organization?

[And now he sort. fiddles with a bandage on the back of his hand]

You ask me, you're better off without any of those shady bastards. Especially when they got a dress code like that one.

...and quit reminding me.


[PRIVATE VIDEO GONE WILD] yetsleeping January 8 2010, 02:01:19 UTC
...she did, but it isn't the same. It's not the same Teresa, really. It's...

[A little frown. She shifts her position, leaning over her knees.]

It's a time anomaly? I think I've heard it referred to that way. The Teresa that appeared here is not yet guilty of the crimes for which she was condemned. I cannot in good conscience seek her death if she has not yet broken the cardinal rule of the Organization. But you're right about the zombies. Unfortunately, there is not much opportunity for true training. Even you. I hope you will not be offended if I say that while you do fight like one of us, you are not Teresa's equal.

[And then there is a long pause! In which she tries to decide whether to say this next bit. Well, why not?]

To be honest, I've asked her to train me. She wants to see if I am worthy of her mentorship. But there is a chance that she is lying and will try to take my head.


It's a standard issue uniform.


[PRIVATE VIDEO LIVES ON THE EDGE] clawofsin January 8 2010, 08:52:19 UTC
[Senji definitely seems a bit more interested in that first part]

Time anomaly... heh, what do you know? I got one of those too. 'Course, I didn't have to kill the guy or anything. Kinda tempted to sometimes though.


[Aaaand now he looks sort of annoyed. ...well, more annoyed than usual, and clicks his tongue in an annoyed way.]

So, what? You're an expert on me, now? Just what's so damn special about this Teresa anyway? I get that she's got more experience than you, you can tell that just by talking to her. But I haven't seen anything to be especially impressed by.

Then again, if she ends up taking you down, that could be pretty impressive. Guess we'll have to see how that training goes.

--it's a disaster just waiting to go off, is what it is!


[Private Video is an adrenaline junkie!!] yetsleeping January 8 2010, 09:25:05 UTC
You do? It's... confusing. And a little frustrating.

[She leans forward a little, watching his annoyed face. and kind of grins.]

You're irritated!

[A short pause. She bites on her bottom lip.]

When I was certified, I was told that I was... special, the way she is. And moreso. I was told that one day I would be her superior, assuming that she did not die before I gained sufficient experience. But things do not always happen as expected. The truth is, I don't know what's so special about her. I do have some thoughts, but most of them won't mean anything to you.

She is the finest warrior I have ever seen. That may be it. And she's stronger, faster, than most of us as well. I can match her strength, and nearly match her speed, but her skills are unparalleled. I can't fight as well as she does. Not yet.

[She wiggles her feet offscreen, and offscreen Irene meows.]

I don't believe you want her to take my head. But do you know what I do think?


[Private Video is... the mayor. of videoville.] clawofsin January 8 2010, 13:03:12 UTC
What's confusing about it? You know shit, they don't. It ain't rocket science.

[Still not looking at the screen! And still looking irritated. Ignore ignore.]

So you were told that she was just that great? Give me a break, what the hell kind of people are running that Organization anyway? People aren't superior until they prove it, and that's just how it is. Now if she's a better fighter than you that's one thing, but, shit. Anyone can learn. Even a rookie like you.

Unless they're some kinda genetic failure or something.

[He looks... somewhere else. Again, not at the screen, but it's obvious he's a bit curious.]

I'm not gonna start crying if she needs to. And after all that I'm not sure I do want to know what you think. But now you're gonna tell me anyway, right?


[Private Video is an anarchist] yetsleeping January 8 2010, 13:17:23 UTC
It depends on what they know. And your language is very offputting, I hope you know that.

[Well now she's rolling her eyes.]

Everyone knows. I could tell you the story of Teresa's aborted executions, but I doubt you care. And most of it... you don't understand the Organization, or its rankings. In any case, I don't disagree that anyone can learn. That, in the end, is my purpose.

[A little pause. She kicks feet around, and the kitten scurries up her leg, climbing over her knee.]

I didn't say you would cry. And I think you're curious about the dam. What happens when the doors open and when the barriers break. It's the sort of thing that would interest you, being who you are.


[Private Video killed the radio star. ...wait.] clawofsin January 9 2010, 01:08:02 UTC
You just now noticed that?

[A little bit of laughter - kind of sadistic, but at least he's not swearing]

[And then he stops laughing so much]

Aborted executions, huh? That sounds pretty pathetic, but... you're right, I don't care. From what I'm hearing the Organization is just another bullshit bunch of hotshots who don't want to get their hands dirty. And if that's true then... hell, I know 'em. Better than you do, maybe, but that can't be hard.

[He glances up very briefly at the cat movement, and wastes no time in... looking away again]

...hah. Heheh, you think so, do you? So, what, is that information classified or something?


[Private Video pleads innocent to all charges.] yetsleeping January 9 2010, 01:38:21 UTC
No, I had noticed that all along. But I didn't think it was important to mention, since we were normally involved in arguing about my armor.

[A little huff. Priscilla moves the cat... to her shoulder.]

Please don't speak ill of the Organization. You don't know anything about them.

[She pouts a little, because of course neither does she. At least not these days.]

I wouldn't say it's classified, but I don't think any of the warriors here at the moment are known for releasing their youki, so you'll probably have to stay curious. I'm sorry.


[the jury finds Private Video guilty] clawofsin January 9 2010, 07:08:12 UTC
[His visible eye widens a bit at that, and then narrows]

Well, no point in bringing it up now, I'm not about to change my speech just because it offends your delicate little ears. And I'm not gonna stop 'speaking ill' of your Organization - I don't owe them anything anyway. You're the one putting your blind faith in a bunch of wackos.


And I've never seen armor that useless in all my life!

[Okay, now he really is annoyed that she won't tell him more about it]

What the hell, you little-- gimme a break. You said they turn into yoma, but it can't be that all those yoma are old warriors, right?


[...Private Video will find a grounds for appeal. :| | 1/2] yetsleeping January 9 2010, 07:24:52 UTC
It's a standard issue uniform!


[Private Video... is still appealing, IDK | 2/2] yetsleeping January 9 2010, 07:29:53 UTC
...anyway, it's not like I need a lot of protection. I don't get hit much, even by you.


[She huffs and settles down a bit.]

You're incredibly infuriating. And my sensibilities are anything but delicate, I just don't see any reason to be rude if you don't need to be.

Anyway, no, you're right. Yoma have been with humans for long as long as anyone remembers. Preying on them. For the most part, with very rare exceptions, humans are not powerful enough to defeat yoma, so the Organization found a way to merge human flesh with yoma flesh to create a hybrid - those my world calls Claymores. Or Silver-Eyed Witch. Or monsters.

We are ranked according to our strength, from One to Forty-Seven, but even the strongest warriors are more formidable than the average yoma. But that means that, when we awaken, become one of them, a voracious eater is created. A yoma far stronger than the normal yoma, and more intelligent.


[Private Video will be executed at dawn!] clawofsin January 9 2010, 11:16:56 UTC
[Here he is growling, through his teeth.]

You wanna say that again, princess? You're starting to get on my nerves. If that ain't enough reason to be rude, I don't know what is.

[...and he huffs too, and makes a little irritated clicking noise before sitting back. STILL NOT LOOKING.]

So you're all a bunch of ex-human genetic freaks? That explains a lot. It's funny, seems like they're pretty common around here.

[Since he's avoiding the screen, his attention is on his arm now, on the spot where he normally cuts into it.]

Voracious eater... damn, that's a nice name. Nice and stylish, you know? That's good. Shit.

Sure is a shame all your bratty friends turn into super-yoma, though! I bet you just get all broken up about it.


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