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Comments 11

[Video] swordofthenorth October 10 2011, 21:54:41 UTC
[There is nothing to say, so Isley says nothing. Snake-Eyes has interested the Abyssal One from the first moment they met, when he'd had Isley's back in a civil conflict...and this dream is fuel to that fire.]

[So he sits patiently, staring at the screen and waiting for Snake-Eyes to tell him the outcome of the mission. Was it indeed suicide? Or did he return, and if so, what had he returned to but an life of loss?]


Text hebime October 11 2011, 07:20:00 UTC
[His patience is rewarded. Non-verbal cues come to Snakes easily.]

She lived. Against all odds.

The obvious lesson is it's never till it's over. But they later told me my absence woke her up.

I just might truly have been a broken man had I stayed.


Video swordofthenorth October 11 2011, 11:56:51 UTC
Then you made it back safely and had something worth returning to waiting for you in the end. [How fairytale. But Isley isn't bitter. He smiles softly.] Did she make a full recovery after waking?


Text hebime October 11 2011, 14:15:07 UTC
At the price of my objective. George died standing up for an orphaned peasant on the verge of execution.

[Not that much of a fairytale after all. The only solace Snake-Eyes can take from this is that George died the way he'd wanted, and the orphan earned herself a brighter future in the US.]

In time. No injury that grave heals so easily. But today she remains unmatched with the crossbow, to say nothing of her counter-intel savvy.


[video] reddenedrage October 12 2011, 05:11:59 UTC
How'd your war go? You seem to got the right idea about it at least.


[text] hebime October 12 2011, 05:57:21 UTC
Not good, in the long run.

The rebels we helped fell within months. Borovia's trapped in a cycle of revolutions and counter-revolutions to this day.


[video] reddenedrage October 13 2011, 00:56:03 UTC
What, you didn't go back in there and kick their asses for it?


[video] hebime October 13 2011, 06:13:41 UTC
No point.

Waste of manpower and resources. The next guys in line got to kick their asses for us anyway.


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