[ 50 - video ]

Aug 27, 2011 15:39

[Kaien shows up onscreen, and he's sitting on a rooftop, as shinigami in Anatole are often wont to do, overlooking the marketplace. He certainly looks better than he did during the broadcast weekend, if a bit...antsy?]

Uh, hey everyone. So, um. [Hrrrgh, what's with the stammering. He clears his throat and tries again.]I know a bunch of you guys ( Read more... )

juushirou ukitake, xerxes break, minatsuki "hummingbird" takami, !kaien shiba, faith lehane

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Comments 20

video brothercumface August 28 2011, 01:27:49 UTC
Oh - wow.

[What a pathetically valiant white knight move you're pulling right now, Kaien.]

That's really a nice thing of you to offer.


video heartbetween August 29 2011, 05:09:25 UTC
[He chuckles at rubs at the back of his neck]

Ah, it's nothing, really. I don't really have much else to do right now and it's better than just wasting the time.


video brothercumface August 29 2011, 08:29:19 UTC
But if you do so many people favors, you'll get very worn out.

[Quietly - hushed... ; ]

Someone might take advantage of you... People take advantage of nice people...


[Voice] break_onthru August 28 2011, 02:34:56 UTC

Seeee, this is how you'll get taken advantage of, Kaien-san!


[Voice] heartbetween August 29 2011, 05:14:06 UTC
[Yyyyeah he has trouble thinking like this even under normal circumstances, Break.]

Eh, I don't see what the big deal is. It's not like I had plans or anything today so I might as well put it to some use.


Hey, did you want anything?

[You had to see that coming, okay.]


[Voice] break_onthru August 29 2011, 21:44:52 UTC

Why yes. I was thinking I might rob a sweet shop. Could you be my accomplice?

[He's not serious, he just wants to see what Kaien's reaction will be, so that Break can demonstrate his point. Except... the more he thinks about the idea, the more it seems oddly appealing...]


[Voice] he needs more scandalized icons lmao heartbetween September 1 2011, 08:40:52 UTC

[What the fuck, Break. Kaien is just going to stare at you in some mixture of confusion and mild horror]

Would--!! Wh...Why would you--what?! What the hell kind of question is that!


video; maelstroms August 28 2011, 04:28:45 UTC
[ Blink. Blink. ]

Might there be a reason behind this particularly obliging mood of yours, Kaien?

[ And then, a laugh. ]

Though, I don't think I'd mind sharing a cup of tea with you, if you've enough time to permit it.

[ Nope. No other requests here, alas. ]


video; heartbetween August 29 2011, 05:29:44 UTC
[A grin that's mostly cheerful and just slightly sheepish]

Ah, nothing in particular, taichou. Just doing my part, you know?

[Especially since he couldn't before, with the elves. Feeling oddly guilty about that, not having been able to be more useful.]

Tea sounds great. Any place in mind?


video; maelstroms August 29 2011, 21:33:46 UTC
Aa. It's good to see you in better spirits, all the same.

[ Strangely overzealous or not. ]

And, as far as tea is concerned... I could join you on the rooftop, perhaps?

[ Because, maybe, he wants to do something for you, Kaien, as restless as you seem. ]


video bedsidemanners August 28 2011, 05:52:14 UTC
You couldn't provide it.


video heartbetween August 29 2011, 05:15:37 UTC


What makes you say that?


Video. takesthings August 28 2011, 11:58:38 UTC
I've got a suggestion.


Video. heartbetween August 29 2011, 05:16:15 UTC


Video. takesthings August 29 2011, 11:43:14 UTC
I'm all alone in my apartment - well, right now, anyway. And I need a hand. Maybe two.


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