Aug 27, 2011 15:08

[Snake-Eyes' lair. There's a new rack in the same corner as his ninja equipment. This one's displaying half-a-dozen spike-knuckled trench knives. Their blades, lovingly polished to a scinitillating sheen, gleam in the flickering candlelight ( Read more... )

!snake-eyes, faith lehane, roxas, elena, jin uzuki, elle bishop, lust, -minievent: lust

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Comments 70

[ voice ] swordofmiltia August 27 2011, 07:14:05 UTC
That is quite the hobby.

[ Can't say much. He collects books, a friend collects guns. But it is interesting. ]


[ text ] hebime August 27 2011, 07:24:44 UTC
Didn't remember I had one until today.

[A bad thing for a man on the job.]

Do you have any yourself?


[ text ] swordofmiltia August 27 2011, 07:32:26 UTC
You must be a busy man, then.

I have a few. Mostly books -- history in particular. I do have an appreciation for blades, though.


[ text ] hebime August 27 2011, 07:50:13 UTC
Our Commander sees to that.

[A scholar and a warrior? Barring casual interest in the latter, at least.]

I find that admirable. Not many bother to reach for that kind of balance.


[video] sonvisage August 27 2011, 13:34:36 UTC
Stay another month and it's solved, then.


Do you plan to use them?


[text] hebime August 27 2011, 13:48:52 UTC
'For Display Only' is somewhat wasteful.


[video] sonvisage August 27 2011, 13:59:31 UTC
It is isn't it? I like to combine looking with touching.

[And the things she says sound even more terrible than usual. Probably because she's not bothering to seem nonchalant about her choice of words. In fact, she'll follow up with a wicked laugh. Because everything is suddenly amusing.]

You fought in the Arena, didn't you?


[text] hebime August 27 2011, 14:10:35 UTC
[Lucky for Snakes, his 'lust' is focused on the purely non-carnal. Else he'd be doubting his feelings for Scarlett right this minute.]

A few times. Didn't end well.

...surprised anyone noticed.


Video wellsuited August 27 2011, 21:05:17 UTC
They're really nice...

[Really nice.]

Are they for sale?


Text hebime August 28 2011, 00:34:19 UTC
[Rare smile beneath that mask. Attaboy Kunsel!]

No. But I could always make an exception for a returnee.


Video wellsuited August 28 2011, 01:24:38 UTC
That's okay. I know how much things like that can mean to a person.

[Persons like them.]

I...heard you looked for me. [A tad sheepish.] I really appreciate that.


Text hebime August 28 2011, 02:27:34 UTC
It's just a hobby.

[Watch him try to find out when your birthday is from now on.]

We all look out for each other. Isn't that the secret to living here?

Besides: you stood up for me first.


Video. takesthings August 28 2011, 12:28:49 UTC
Hottest thing I've seen since I got here.


Text hebime August 29 2011, 00:00:24 UTC
Check back in this weekend. They might not look so hot once whatever's got into us passes.


Unless you're as crazy about them as I am.


Video. takesthings August 29 2011, 11:54:44 UTC
Who said I was talking about the knives?

[ ...Actually, she really was talking about the knives. ]


Text hebime August 29 2011, 13:38:12 UTC
...I get it. It's the mask, isn't it?

[Oh he could tell, Faith.]


[Audio] key_destination August 29 2011, 01:10:45 UTC
You're...collecting them? [Clearly you're defining the word "hobby" for him right now, Snake-Eyes. Or at least he's editing what he thought might have been the meaning of it.]


[Text] hebime August 29 2011, 01:28:19 UTC
[Awkwaaard, though he's not sure why.]

My one passion in life, I'm afraid.


[Audio] key_destination August 29 2011, 01:33:38 UTC
...Huh...That's cool. [What is "passion", he doesn't even...]

I can always summon my weapon, so I guess I've never thought about collecting stuff like that--

[Wait a sec.] Why would you be afraid of it?


[Text] hebime August 29 2011, 01:52:07 UTC
["Summon"? Oh right... man, he'll never truly get used to the idea of real magic.]

I'm not afraid of my favorite pasttime, per se.

It's just that... owning up to a love of blades can send the wrong signal. Then people may have trouble putting their trust in you.


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