04-2 [video]

Aug 11, 2011 21:11

[The feed comes on to a gurgling Abyss Feeder in the background, all teeth and stitched face. The sound of hard breathing can also be heard... and then the image changes, shifts to a very very angry blond. Her eyes are not so silver now, having changed to cat-like gold, and her armor slightly dirty, her clothing torn in several places from having ( Read more... )

uryuu ishida, !dietrich, isley, yachiru kusajishi, roxanne, sousuke aizen, clare

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Comments 70

[Video] sewing_prince August 12 2011, 03:08:10 UTC
Dietrich-san? What happened?


[Video] falleneighth August 12 2011, 19:34:01 UTC
Stitchy got away from me.

[It's TRUE, technically, since Stitchy did get away from her... by loaning her to Aizen. It was nothing bad, right? He was just watching her for a while.]


[Video] sewing_prince August 12 2011, 20:51:19 UTC
Do you need assistance in tracking her down?


[Video] falleneighth August 13 2011, 04:15:46 UTC
I was able to locate and detain her, but there was... some assembly required on my part.

[Oh-ho! But perhaps she can make use of you, boy.]


...however, I may require assistance in the event that Isley should pursue the matter.


onequarter August 12 2011, 06:06:54 UTC
Atrocious is a good word for it.


falleneighth August 12 2011, 19:36:26 UTC
I don't think I'll ever understand what drew her to that one.


onequarter August 13 2011, 16:04:30 UTC
Shared interests.


falleneighth August 13 2011, 19:16:26 UTC


[Video] swordofthenorth August 12 2011, 16:41:37 UTC
[This comes the day after her post. In frame you can see Isley has regenerated his lost arm already. The same cannot be said for his usual cheer.]

Dietrich, your absurdity at this particular moment demonstrates no bounds. I in no such way attempted to provoke that monstrosity.

I was in Dismas at the time, as I'm certain you saw. Priscilla can undoubtedly vouch for me.

[...Speaking of which, where is that girl?]

What eludes me is the reason it was loose in the first place. What exactly were you up to?


[Video] falleneighth August 12 2011, 19:49:32 UTC
You saw yourself that she did nothing at all when in your presence before, and I have done nothing to change her food preference because it would require something of yours... and I would rather not be around you long enough to acquire anything.

...which means that she would have had no reason to attack you at all. They hunt in packs, Isley, and she's the only one of her kind. Unless provoked, her instinct says to flee, not fight. Based on that knowledge, what else am I supposed to believe?

[And obviously Aizen wouldn't have done anything to her to cause that change.]

What I was "up to" was reattaching my arms. It isn't easy to restrain her when she wants to run.


[Video] swordofthenorth August 13 2011, 00:48:43 UTC
[Tread carefully, for you're walking upon thin ice now, Dietrich.]

Do you honestly believe that I would go out of my way to provoke that creature? What's more, if I wanted it dead why would I waste time luring it around instead of simply cutting off its head? Do you realize how far-fetched your accusations are?

For whatever reason it was in the tunnels in Dismas and it happened upon me. If you released it, Dietrich, then you have only yourself to blame for what happened. And if you were the one who released it down there, I give you my word, you will soon be missing a great deal more than your arms.


[Video] falleneighth August 13 2011, 04:31:34 UTC
You don't strike me as one who would be that stupid, given your history with her kind. But it happened and as I did nothing to alter her perceptions or remove her inborn limitation, the fault is not mine to bear.

What would you have me do, Isley? Apologize for an imagined slight? What reason would I have had for intentionally releasing her if I knew she would run?


...since Pris was actually captured by elves before this all happened... XD lovedthedeadone August 13 2011, 03:04:22 UTC
Another warrior? It seems there really are a number of us.

But generations must different entirely in attitude if you're threatening an Abyssal One. I hope you at least have the power to back up that kind of threat.


I guess Santa's helpers didn't like their 401K? falleneighth August 13 2011, 04:22:55 UTC
There are far too many of us to keep current on others' comings and goings. As it stands, there are few whom I recognize or associate with.

I was present in the earlier stages of the battle in which he fell and I know how it was executed. It's merely a matter of manipulating the circumstances in order to control the outcome. [aka. She's still mad at him :|]


Private infidus August 13 2011, 03:08:38 UTC
Please... don't concern yourself over it. I remain unharmed.

As it happens, my flesh isn't especially appetizing.

[Mostly because it's not really flesh.]


Private falleneighth August 13 2011, 04:18:52 UTC
Still, I'm glad to hear you are alright. I would hate to be the one responsible for another's demise.

[...or at least only insofar as it might make things a little more difficult later since he seems to be one of the few able to keep Isley in check by strength alone]


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