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Comments 25

1/3 couragetodare December 29 2009, 20:16:06 UTC
[He fixates on the 'making him dinner' part first because, well, it's food. So his initial response is to stare. Which. Can't be seen naturally. Still the Forge clicks on. Naruto's mouth works. Nothing comes out.

Sasuke sucks at keeping secrets. Or, he just doesn't give a shit. How much did Sakura have to twist his arm? ... can Sakura cook?

Shit. Can Sasuke cook?!

Off goes the Forge.]


2/3 couragetodare December 29 2009, 20:16:52 UTC
[And back on a moment later, because-]

Hey! What do you mean 'your home'!?


[Voice] earned_my_eyes December 29 2009, 22:50:27 UTC
Exactly as it sounds like. Surely, it's not that complex of a comment.

[He's quiet for a moment, as if trying to debate on broaching a subject, before finally giving in.]

I found something of yours under my bed the other day. Try keeping your mess in your room rather than everywhere else in the house. Especially my room. [Quieter still.] Especially that.


[Voice] couragetodare December 29 2009, 22:57:59 UTC
Depends on how you wanna look at it. Depends on what you think a home is.

[Ah. Well. He'd sort of thought -hoped- that would stay hidden a bit longer. A small cough.]

No. I have mine. That one's yours.


[Voice] earned_my_eyes December 29 2009, 23:35:58 UTC
That place is not my home any longer. You know this.

[His. The communicator flips off, then back on once again.]

I don't have one, or want one, for a reason.


3/3! couragetodare December 29 2009, 20:18:25 UTC
[Let's go for three.]

... you guys are cooking me dinner?

[Very hushed. After which there's a long, long pause. He doesn't know what to say. Now, how often does that happen?]


[Voice] earned_my_eyes December 29 2009, 22:52:58 UTC
[He snorted, audibly rolling his eyes.]

Don't read too much into it. It's for what you did for us.


[Voice] couragetodare December 29 2009, 23:01:20 UTC
I didn't do that so you guys would cook me a dinner. That's not- You're not su- You don't need to do anything back.


[Voice] earned_my_eyes December 29 2009, 23:36:48 UTC
Shut up and just accept it.


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