[05 → video]

Dec 25, 2009 20:12

[the Forge clicks on, and Oruha peers into the screen, her expression a little bemused, but happy all the same.]

I'm not sure who did it, but thank you so much for the gift. I love it.

[she touches the barrette nestled atop her dark curls almost reverently and beams at the camera, before she looks up and away ( Read more... )

!oruha, sakura haruno, kaien shiba, souji seta, leon scott kennedy

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Comments 33

[voice] cop_for_one_day December 25 2009, 16:54:44 UTC
You, too. Merry Christmas, even if no one's really celebrating.


[voice] marked_songbird December 26 2009, 03:01:45 UTC
Well, it's not... very festive, is it?

The snow's a lovely touch, but...


[voice] cop_for_one_day December 26 2009, 07:57:19 UTC
Nah, guess not. Snow is nice, though.

By the way, I've seen you around a lot, but I never caught your name.


[voice] marked_songbird December 26 2009, 07:58:53 UTC
Oh, I've never ---- ? I'm sorry.

My name's Oruha.


[Voice] sucker_punches December 26 2009, 03:45:39 UTC
I got something too. It was very strange.


[Voice] marked_songbird December 26 2009, 03:46:58 UTC
Oh? What did you get, Sakura?


[Voice] sucker_punches December 26 2009, 03:52:36 UTC
A bracelet. It's pretty, I just don't know where it came from.


[Voice] marked_songbird December 26 2009, 07:55:11 UTC
We're in the same boat then. I wish I knew just who I was thanking for the gift.


[ voice ] heartbetween December 26 2009, 06:21:43 UTC
Merry Christmas to you too.

Oh, your cafeteria's up? Maybe I'll pay a visit later tonight.


[ voice ] marked_songbird December 26 2009, 07:56:01 UTC
It is, and you should!

Souji's been working hard to put everything together.


[ voice ] heartbetween December 26 2009, 08:48:35 UTC
I'll definitely stop by.

...Uh, can't promise I'll buy anything, though. My free month's about to run out and I gotta pay rent, y'know? That and all the presents I got for my friends--oh, right, did you want anything, Oruha? [he sounds a little sheepish for having forgotten to get her something.]


[ voice ] marked_songbird December 26 2009, 09:02:10 UTC
Oh, please don't worry about that. It's fine if you don't buy anything.

[she's a little startled by the offer, but she answers warmly]

Thank you, Kaien, but you don't have to get me anything. You should use the money you'd spend on me for your rent!


socialinksarego December 27 2009, 05:40:06 UTC
It's beautiful, Oruha. Fits you. [Souji looks momentarily concerned, but won't say anything about the mysterious sender.] Merry Christmas.

It looks like we were right. But... do you have enough blankets over there?


[video] marked_songbird December 30 2009, 03:42:12 UTC
Thank you, Souji. I thought you might have gotten it for me at first, but since you never mentioned it...

Ah, blankets? [she has this guilty, sheepish little smile that says more than her words]


[video] socialinksarego December 30 2009, 04:42:26 UTC
No, sorry. I do have a gift for you, but... it's a little late. Sorry. Mind if I drop it off?

[He sighs here, but there's a faint smile on his lips.] I'll bring you some.


[video] marked_songbird December 31 2009, 07:53:33 UTC
You ---- [icon is so relevant, Souji. that's about how expression shifted] You didn't have to, but sure. You know you can come over anytime.

[she giggles a little, deprecatingly] I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm sure I'll be able to find some in the market.


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