{ 010 - Video }

Jul 09, 2011 19:55

“He’s one of them, one of the beasts!” The shouting voice belongs to a man wielding a staff.

“I remember him!” shrieks another, a dainty woman who is wearing her hair in a too-tight bun.

“Destroyed that building-” a kid attempts to chime in.

“He destroyed a lot of buildings, him and the others like him!” the first interrupts, fist in a white- ( Read more... )

!isley, buffy summers, rigaldo, snake-eyes, medicine seller, priscilla

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Comments 98

stakesthings July 10 2011, 00:46:32 UTC
[Well, then. Buffy makes a clicking noise with her tongue.]

Can't say I'm bowled over with shock, but that's still quite the display.

[Of skills and mercy. It makes her nose tingle.]

[Not literally.]



[Video] swordofthenorth July 10 2011, 00:57:55 UTC
[Isley is distracted momentarily by something off screen. He observes it before replacing his scabbard upon his belt and collecting his sword. It's slid back into its sheath in one seamless movement before he makes his way over to the Forge and picks it up.]


[He's still smiling as he greets her.]

It's good to see you again.


[Video] stakesthings July 10 2011, 01:05:00 UTC
Good to see you looking all... humanish.

[And not at all like a multistory murderous demon. It's a change of pace.]

Gotta say, though, after that whole city-stomping thing? I pretty much had you pegged for an evil people killer. Now I'm going with "category-resistant."

[Not her favorite category, the category-resistant.]


[Video] swordofthenorth July 10 2011, 01:11:39 UTC
You're attempting to categorize me?

[He could make it simple for you, Buffy. Of course, he's never been a fan of simplicity. Things are always more interesting when they're complicated.]

Well, resistant wouldn't be too far off I suppose.


Action hebime July 10 2011, 00:47:43 UTC
[He arrived in the middle of the brawl, perched himself on a clothesline right above it to watch the whole thing. It's the echo of what happened to him a few nights ago that caught his eye. Right down to this silver-haired defender using the bare minimum of violence to preserve himself.]

[Snake-Eyes doesn't think of himself as a true master. Even if he is. But he knows one when he sees one.]


Action swordofthenorth July 10 2011, 01:02:58 UTC
[Isley is aware that countless sets of eyes have settled upon him. There is one particular pair that stands out amongst the rest. They are unseen, not to the left or the right, and not among the men he felled. Above.]

[But he doesn't allow his gaze to wander that way. Instead he replaces the scabbard at his hip and collects his sword. He slides it back into its sheath, collects his fallen Forge and mumbles into it softly, to someone else it would seem.]

[He remains aware of those eyes, though. He can feel them even if he doesn't dare look to pinpoint their location. Not yet.]

[It would be too obvious.]


Action hebime July 10 2011, 01:31:51 UTC
[Stepping off the clothesline, he touches the ground in a noiseless crouch. His steps are fluid, cat-like, as he strides over to each still-breathing Native who just had the fight knocked out of them. Looks them over carefully.]

[It's just like he saw above. No bloodshed.]

[Is this man in black the overly vengeful type? Is he blind to the lack of bloodshed? Why the telltale ratchet of a pistol slide being cocked back?]


Action swordofthenorth July 10 2011, 01:47:02 UTC
[The sound behind him draws Isley's attention. The owner of the odd pair of eyes he felt upon him earlier has moved. Landed. And Isley turns to regard the figure with his own.]

[Clad in black and of notable stature, Isley deduces the man is a stealth operative that likely specializes in close-range combat. At the secondary notice of the gun in hand he adjusts his theory.]

[This man specializes in close-range and ranged combat.]

[But why the interest in the fallen Natives? And whatever does he hope to accomplish with that gun? At best he could put the dishonored humans out of their misery; the weapon certainly won't harm Isley, and before it the Abyssal shows no fear.]


Video | Private yetsleeping July 10 2011, 00:58:42 UTC
[...if it weren't for the ID number on this reply, it would be rather difficult to tell who it is, due to the hood.]

[At the moment, she's sitting in a tree overlooking the crowd.]

...feeling gentle today?


Video | Private swordofthenorth July 10 2011, 01:08:21 UTC
Gentle is hardly the word I would use.

[A fleck of dirt is brushed off one shoulder. The motion is used to survey his surroundings. Not only is he able to feel out Priscilla, but he spies her from a distance. Does not hold eye contact. Is staring back at his Forge before anyone at all can follow the direction of his gaze.]

Lenient might be more appropriate.


Video | Private yetsleeping July 10 2011, 01:23:49 UTC
I'd like to go with merciful.

[Although the word doesn't quite fit him. Well, he probably has an ulterior motive, anyway. She sighs.]

I'm not going to say this is surprising, but it's still a little heartbreaking. Err, the rally, not the part where you didn't kill the rally people.

Some of the scorched aren't accustomed to being hated, even now.


Video | Private swordofthenorth July 10 2011, 01:37:35 UTC

[Isley takes a moment to glance back at the bodies still strewn upon the ground, some of them only just now beginning to stir. He felt bones break when he struck some of those people, but none of the injuries would be life-threatening. None of the breaks would take very long to heal, either. At least, if proper care was administered.]

[His gaze returns to the Forge.]

Merciful indeed.

[His shoulders shrug, whether to knock his cloak back into position around him or to dismiss the topic, it is unclear.]

Discrimination, fear, and hatred will exist wherever humans do, Priscilla. Heartbreaking though it may be, it's to be expected. As a product of human insecurity, negative emotions such as these will fester and grow, and eventually consume a person whole. Rarely is it avoidable.


silvereyedlion July 10 2011, 01:34:03 UTC
Was that necessary?


swordofthenorth July 10 2011, 01:39:42 UTC
I wonder what dictates necessity in this situation.


voice; justasimple July 10 2011, 03:02:51 UTC
I do appreciate you sparing them. [Not that he cares about their well-being. It's just that the more creatures that are killed while still holding a grudge, the more difficult his job is.]


voice; swordofthenorth July 10 2011, 03:09:59 UTC
I wonder why that is?


voice; justasimple July 10 2011, 03:16:31 UTC
Life will not grow on dried blood.



voice; swordofthenorth July 10 2011, 03:22:34 UTC
Life grows in surprising places I'm afraid.


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