[ voice ]

Jul 07, 2011 15:09

I left and returned, and nothing had changed. Everyone I knew, or most of them, were still here. Zack and Angeal. Kenpachi and Cloud, too. Lenalee. Sakura...

[ She trails off, quiet. She wasn't here the whole time, but she remembers them. All of them. And more, too.

And now they're gone. Anatole seems kind of lonely, compared to what it was. She's ( Read more... )

the trickster, yachiru kusajishi, !mei chan, priscilla

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Comments 53

[voice] trickster_treat July 7 2011, 21:22:33 UTC
How did you leave and come back?


[voice] pandamaiden July 8 2011, 00:49:29 UTC
I don't remember.

[ She sounds maybe a little thoughtful, but not too concerned. ]


[voice] trickster_treat July 8 2011, 00:58:55 UTC
People just disappear, huh?


[voice] pandamaiden July 8 2011, 02:24:25 UTC
Yes, I guess so... I don't remember leaving, but everyone told me I had been gone.

I can't explain it, even though I've been over it many times.


[video | private] inpiecesofcloud July 8 2011, 00:19:59 UTC
[She smiles. It's getting easier to do that again.]

That would be fun, Mei-Mei!


[video | private] pandamaiden July 8 2011, 00:47:37 UTC
[ She likes that smile. She wants to keep seeing that smile. ]

Where should we go?


[video | private] inpiecesofcloud July 8 2011, 00:51:20 UTC
Let's go to the place where I got my shoes for the masquerade. There's a hat shop next door we can go to, too. They let you try on all the funny hats there!


[video | private] pandamaiden July 8 2011, 00:57:55 UTC
Really? They don't mind?


[ voice ] lonestray July 8 2011, 01:14:07 UTC
I'm sure they are.

[It's not something he knows he believes, himself. But he's not about to let Mei know that. That's another thing Anatole has change about him--before, he would not have given or accepted empty reassurances. But there was a period where "hope" was all that kept him moving, so he understands, now. The need for it.]

...One of mine did, in a sense. But not the way I had wanted [As for the other one...well, as long as he is here, it will have come true.]


[ voice ] pandamaiden July 8 2011, 02:20:06 UTC
Yes... I am sure you are right.

[ And she really hopes he is. ]

What happened?


[ voice ] lonestray July 8 2011, 05:23:53 UTC
[...Crap, he should've seen that question coming.]

...I'd rather not talk about it. Suffice it to say, it was a trick of the mist...and nothing more. [Nothing more, he's told himself, over and over. It's the only way he can make peace with having watched his brother die, again.]


[ voice ] pandamaiden July 9 2011, 05:42:14 UTC
[ Luckily for you, Scar, Mei knows when not to press. You'll tell her eventually. She's quiet for a bit. ]

... My wishes came true. [ Focus change! ] But I think I have a new wish.

Do you have any new ones?


atonementsucks July 8 2011, 03:36:56 UTC
You celebrate Tanabata here?

[...well as far as ice breakers go that's... something.]

Sounds like there's a lot of disappearances lately. That normal?


pandamaiden July 9 2011, 05:53:07 UTC
We haven't this year, but it was celebrated last year. You know about it?

[ Perfect. Now, can he keep it going? ]

Yes. [ A little somber. It's not as fun to talk about as Tanabata is. ] It isn't uncommon for people to come and go in small groups.


atonementsucks July 9 2011, 06:16:29 UTC
Kind of. ...I used to travel a lot. You run into all kinds of cultures that way.

[And eat them. He can totally keep it going!]

I wonder why. That makes it sound like someone's choosing them.


pandamaiden July 11 2011, 01:13:04 UTC
Really? Where have you gone? What sort of cultures did you learn about?

[ No eating the cultures, Angel. ]

It's possible. It seems to favor some worlds over others, but I do not know why. The worlds it favors appear to have many strong people. Maybe it is attracted to power?

[ She's thinking now. See what you did? ]


[voice] ignite_the_sky July 8 2011, 04:21:21 UTC


[voice] pandamaiden July 9 2011, 05:48:28 UTC
It is a festival!

The Ramen Shop owner hosted one last year. We made wishes and hung them.


[voice] ignite_the_sky July 10 2011, 03:33:05 UTC
Sounds as though it was enjoyed.

[Hanging wishes, huh? Talk about weird cultural observances.]

What did you wish for?


[voice] pandamaiden July 11 2011, 00:59:57 UTC
It was! Very much.

[ Maybe a little weird for someone else, but perfectly normal for her. ]

I wished to restore status to my clan.

[ A long pause. Does it matter, since it's already happened? is it really okay to talk about it? ]

I wished... for him to smile. [ Him. Scar. And he smiled for her. She's content with those few times. ]


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