Somehow I thought being dropped into a victoritech Hell dimension meant an escape from the horrors of dating, but I guess that poster sure did prove me wrong. I'd consider tossing my name in the proverbial hat but... well, no, I so would not consider it
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You should be careful, mentioning unrelated things in the same entry. One might get confused.
[trying to say it flippantly, like he's joking, and fails.
No snark or threat either.
He thought that anything with her would be enough. Friendship and regard more than to be hoped for, nothing to be expecting. But to patrol with her and not get to see her for the rest of the day-or night…
knowing the reference is to Angel…]
No hopes. No expectations. No demands. No right. She granted them back then and there but bets off here and now.]
...but seriously, we should meet up. We'll talk about things, I'll teach you how to use the privacy function. You don't want your private thoughts getting all... spilly.
You can come by sometimes, you know. Be social. Say hi.
Y'know. If I find the time.
Got a busy schedule.
Whatcha doing now?
[Back away, Buffy.]
If you leave now, I might even be done smacking my head through this table by the time you get here.
…except right before the forge hits pocket:]
I'll bring the-
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