[Accidental Voice 23]

Jun 23, 2011 19:35

 -going to have to tell you brats? [Well, Lucian certainly doesn't sound too happy.] Stop following me!

[Several voices - some male, some female, all young - respond in a chorus of "Please?"s and "Come on!"s.]

Dammit, you listen to me! [The kids all go quiet. Lucian sounds really pissed off now.] When I tell you leave me alone, I mean it! I've taken down entire armies of undead, a train full of monsters, and chimeras as big as some of these buildings! I've gone up against a casket armor mech the size of a warehouse and an aerial fortress designed to destroy planets! I am not someone you want to piss off!

[There's a brief moment of silence before the kids all react with a burst of excited chatter and overlapping questions. His attempt at scaring them off seems to have backfired spectacularly. Maybe someone could offer some tips for dealing with a fan club?]

verity kindle, !lucian

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