.third.quarter. [video]

Jun 23, 2011 15:23

[the image swirls up as if from great depths, from behind a curtain, of muffled sound and swirling shades-where first there was only Mist ( Read more... )

nymphadora tonks, !remus lupin, shirley, hermione granger

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[Video] ...and angry!mione is a go! 8D I should not be happy about her anger, but. femininehermes June 24 2011, 02:27:33 UTC
[In that hour, Hermione's emotions take a turn for the worst. She alternates between crying and pacing: her desperation and anger at Lestrange nearly driving her mad. When her Forge finally transmits Remus's voice, she forces herself to sit down and listen to him. Clutching her hands together, she tries to look in control. Merlin only knew what he was feeling at the moment.]

It's...al-alright. [She swallows around a lump in her throat.] Sh-She does that. It's l-like a sick game to her. [It's no use. She wipes at her cheeks with her sleeve, inhaling shakily.] She p-probably liked having you trapped like th-that.

[Just imagining Remus trying to find Tonks and then thinking she was dead makes Hermione nauseous.]

H-How is she? [Her voice softens so he knows she's talking about Tonks.] W-Will...she be... [Whole? Sane? Healthy? Maybe all of that is asking for too much. Right now, alive is a blessing.]

I'd like to see her, but I understand...how hard it must be on her.


[Video] HER-MI-OH-NEE!!!! /sobs/ --And your ICON! lumenrelegandus June 24 2011, 06:12:20 UTC
[What he was feeling at the moment… this moment, actually, was more concerned for Hermione than for anyone else at all.

He had hit a threshold in his worry for Tonks. For this evening, at least. It had plateaued to the point of numbness. One stops focusing on the given. -the fact that she was at last resting helped. And, much more easily, it was a relief to turn his attention wholly off himself, especially to Hermione.]

You should see her. You'd do her good.

...In fact, you can probably do something very material to help her. Better than I could. You're better at potions, I think. Do you have the ingredients for a Dreamless Sleep Potion?


[Video] 8( femininehermes June 28 2011, 02:33:32 UTC
[Hermione is biting her lip so hard that she is drawing blood. It's like her body is tightly wound and any moment she might burst.]

...I w-will. I'll do anything I can for her.

[She thinks quickly and nods.]

I can make that. I'll even give her a small stock of it.


[video] lumenrelegandus June 29 2011, 18:45:24 UTC
[There are moments when he still forgets that it's a forge image, and he reaches his hand toward her as if to touch her face. He drops it before touching the screen.]

I know you will. That will be wonderful. Thank you.

[beyond trying to give her a tangible task-]

-Can I do anything for you, Hermione?


[video] femininehermes June 30 2011, 06:09:58 UTC
[It's a testament to how mentally strained she is when she misses his motion. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she tries to get a hold on what she needs to do. Making lists has proved helpful - and logical - in the past.]

I don't mind in the least.

[The last question catches her off-guard. For a moment, her tense expression softens.]

...no, Remus. Thank you, though. [Wait.] Actually, you could do something for me: get some rest. I'll make some potion for you too.


[video] lumenrelegandus June 30 2011, 07:41:40 UTC
[a truly affectionate smile, his first unstrained]

Clever and wise.

I'll do as you say.

[glances at something past his forge] Tonks is resting comfortably for now. The potion can wait a day, so no need for you to stay up all night either. I'll call you again tomorrow and we can exchange progress reports.


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