(broadcast mind. video.)

Jun 19, 2011 02:46

[Your first born is just eight months old and he's fallen fast asleep on your arm, his mother right behind you with her arms around your waist. The baby twitches and gives out little gurgles at this age, making his mother squirm behind you anxiously in her sleep. He twitches his little hand, rolling over to rest his little leg on your shoulder and ( Read more... )

juushirou ukitake, ichigo kurosaki, !isshin kurosaki, maes hughes, tseng, rukia kuchiki

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Comments 17

[video] popparazzi June 19 2011, 21:56:44 UTC
[Awww... you know just how to tug on this Daddy's heartstrings, Isshin.]

It's a nice feeling, isn't it?


[video] captainpapa June 20 2011, 21:57:40 UTC
Ahhh, it is! Even then he was trying to kick me in the face too.


[video] popparazzi June 20 2011, 22:38:54 UTC
Awww.... my daughter hasn't done that yet! But she's still young!

[He's going to ignore the fact that he won't be there to see it.]


[video] captainpapa June 20 2011, 23:57:42 UTC
You have a little girl too! I have two of them as well. What's her name?


video; maelstroms June 20 2011, 03:33:23 UTC
That you found happiness outside of the Seireitei, I'm glad.

[ And he's smiling, impossibly bright. ]

It's a blessing, isn't it?


video | private captainpapa June 20 2011, 22:04:45 UTC
It really is, my little strawberry was so small. [he doesn't even bother hiding the fact that he's choked up about it too.]


video | private maelstroms June 20 2011, 23:22:20 UTC
[ Oh, Isshin, if only you were in the general vicinity - you'd be getting a manly pat on the shoulder right about now. ]

Aa. They grow up too quickly, perhaps.


video | private captainpapa June 20 2011, 23:58:23 UTC
Sometimes you just want to keep them young so that you never have to let them go.


(The comment has been removed)

[Video] captainpapa June 20 2011, 22:05:10 UTC
See! He isn't so tough. You just have to cuddle him until he relents.


fingersloophole June 20 2011, 06:16:01 UTC
[Tseng is just watching. Because why is a baby actually cute to him? It's wrong!] Your child I assume?


captainpapa June 20 2011, 22:05:33 UTC
One of three babies!


fingersloophole June 21 2011, 00:26:06 UTC
That's quite the number. Where were the others? [Did you eat them? Abandon them in the woods?]


[voice] slaythemoon June 20 2011, 07:42:38 UTC
[Under normal circumstances, he'd be incredibly embarrassed.

Well, he is... but he knows those arms that wrap around the man in the video, and while he's seen Isshin nearly every day since, it's been a long time since he last saw anything of his mother (and neither Grand Fisher nor that massive poster count). Instead of flailing, though, he's oddly silent, the only thing betraying the fact that he's seen this at all is the faint thump of the Forge against the table as he puts it down.

For once, he really doesn't know what to say.]


[voice.] captainpapa June 20 2011, 22:06:21 UTC
[Isshin doesn't reply, he knows when to give his son room and when to smother him. Granted, often times he misses the mark - horribly, but this is one of the times that he hasn't.]


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