001 [ voice ]

Jun 15, 2011 23:40

[There's no fumbling with the Forge before the audio kicks in. The newcomer's tone is equal parts serene and curious; he would have wanted the former, and been unable to avoid the latter. He sounds American and on the older side, with a diluted West coast accent more indicative of education than birthplace.]

Greetings. Namaste.

You would not believe ( Read more... )

!kevin flynn, river tam, snake-eyes, quorra, lelouch vi britannia

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Video. impossibly June 15 2011, 14:12:27 UTC
[ The video flickers to life simply so River can perform the pranamasana. ]

There's only the city.


[ voice ] zenthing June 15 2011, 14:44:30 UTC
[A little familiarity goes a long way. His smile might touch his voice, but he's sticking with audio.]

Nothing beyond that? No next town over?

[Which isn't to say that he'd want to head out there, if there were.]


[ video ] impossibly June 16 2011, 11:22:42 UTC
Unknown. It's dangerous to explore.


[ voice ] zenthing June 16 2011, 11:55:53 UTC
All right.

[It's a pretty conversational tone he's taking. He won't mind if she doesn't have - or doesn't want to provide - the answers.]

What about inside the city? Is that dangerous, too?


Video. impossibly June 16 2011, 12:04:19 UTC
[ holds up three fingers ]

The Mist outside the bubble leaks in.

[ one goes down. ]

There are monsters in the Mist.

[ a second. ]

There are people in the bubble.

[ lesson over ]


[ video ] zenthing June 16 2011, 13:21:44 UTC
[He switches formats and bows his head a little, just briefly, showing due gratitude to teacher. He hasn't left the room he started off in. Curiosity doesn't often override his common sense.]

I'll keep that in mind. Sounds like a nothing's-really-safe type deal.

How's the bubble treating you? [It's a fanciful way of asking how she's coping, though she may not interpret it as such.]


[ video ] impossibly June 16 2011, 14:11:58 UTC
[ River bites her lip, tilts her head. ]

Three milligrams of quetiapine, twice a day, with food.


[ video ] zenthing June 16 2011, 15:20:04 UTC
[He has the decency to look apologetic for his phrasing. All that time among beings who mostly only took him literally, and he never learned. He'd feel intrusive asking a follow-up question, although it does occur to him to wonder what the quetiapine's actually doing for her. He tries the first question again, more carefully.]

What has it been like for you, here?


[ video ] impossibly June 16 2011, 15:33:01 UTC

[ Unpredictable would be more accurate, but that in and of itself is the unexpected thing. ]

I miss Serenity, but not for the right reasons.

[ She wants to say more, but she's struggling with the words. ]

Buildings crumble, everything turns to dust, there's still seeds in the rubble. I- I can walk around barefoot in the grass if I want to, and even when I'm afraid it's here with me, all for me, like it's- like a truth, a truth that won't be extinguished.


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