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Comments 26

Gotei 13 & Allies Filter Forever turquoice May 27 2011, 03:48:38 UTC
What do we know about whatever's releasing that power?


Gotei 13 & Allies Filter Forever! video forever as well. heartbetween May 27 2011, 07:15:41 UTC
There are about three distinct energy signatures I can make out. Of those, I recognize two. One of them was responsible for the murder of a civilian last year. It was also battling that captain-level energy I mentioned.

The other engaged Aizen in combat and was able to fight him on relatively equal terms. We also know he can destroy most of a large building in a matter of seconds, and presumably with only a fraction of his power.

I'm not familiar with the third, but it seems to approximately be on the same level as the other two.

Obviously none of them are human. I believe they're creatures known in her world as "Awakened Beings"--human beings infused with the flesh of monsters who lost control of the monster side and turned into something more powerful than they were before.


turquoice May 27 2011, 10:27:02 UTC
Equivalent to Aizen's power? [Oh God, the horrible flashbacks]

He's involving himself in this war now too, it seems. I want to know which side he's on.

[As for these 'Awakened'...] If beings with that kind of power use this place as a battleground, they're likely to level anyone and anything in their path.


heartbetween May 28 2011, 06:33:06 UTC
I'm not exactly sure--from what I'd heard, the Arena gave out on them before either of them reached their full power. But from his most recent post, I would presume "Luciela" is the third presence that I didn't recognize.

That's why I we should try to get anyone we can to Dismas. All powers are rendered null and void in the undercity.


[filter!] inpiecesofcloud May 27 2011, 04:40:01 UTC
[Yachiru, too, does not appear to be her usual cheerful self. This could be because she can just about sense what's happening, because knows the players involved and their specific energies better than anyone else from her world.]

It's way more, Yen-Yen. Way more.


[filter!] heartbetween May 27 2011, 07:33:17 UTC
I know. It'll take more than any one of us if we want to be able to protect the people in the city.

We'll have to be careful.


[filter!] inpiecesofcloud May 27 2011, 18:59:19 UTC
I don't think they really care about the city. They don't live here. And they're pretty angry.


[filter!] heartbetween May 28 2011, 06:43:52 UTC
Wish they realized that they won't have anywhere else to go if they destroy Anatole. [A sigh.]

Nothing we can do but try to minimize the casualties and collateral damage, though.


[Riding on that fliter] sewing_prince May 27 2011, 04:51:57 UTC
I've felt similar back home. Perhaps even stronger.


[Riding on that fliter] heartbetween May 27 2011, 07:34:31 UTC
[A nod.]

Did you have any experience fighting them?


[Riding on that fliter] sewing_prince May 27 2011, 13:21:47 UTC
The ones back home? Yes.


[Riding on that fliter] heartbetween May 28 2011, 06:45:19 UTC
They're obviously not the same as the ones here, but anything you would recommend for minimizing the damage they'll cause?


[voice | private] slaythemoon May 27 2011, 05:42:59 UTC
I'll help people with getting someplace safer, but unless there's an actual enemy and not just a playground bully taunting others, energy spikes and shaking buildings...

[A long pause. He's taking the time to think about this long and hard beforehand, since it's not really his fight and protecting others is more important to him than rising to a little kid's bait.]

I hate to say it, but until then, count me and Zangetsu out. We'll protect the people without hesitation, but I won't do someone else's dirty work for them.


[voice | private] heartbetween May 27 2011, 07:37:22 UTC
I'm not saying we should launch ourselves into the fray and oppose them all outright. That's basically asking them to kill us all and then the rest of the city might as well be doomed.

But this kind of fight...it probably isn't going to stay just between them, and when it comes to us...we'll have to fight together.

Protecting the civilians is all I could ask for. Thank you, Ichigo.

And be careful.


[ FILTERED ] captainpapa May 27 2011, 06:47:17 UTC
What's happening?


[ FILTERED ] heartbetween May 27 2011, 07:41:08 UTC
It seems like there's a battle going on between three of us so-called Scorched.

Given the energy spikes and the physical damage they're causing, it's safe to say the battle will likely come to us soon. You'll help us protect the civilians, right?


[ FILTERED ] captainpapa May 27 2011, 07:50:57 UTC
I'll do what I can, I'm more of a doctor rather than a shinigami now.


[ FILTERED ] heartbetween May 28 2011, 06:56:15 UTC
[He still has to wonder why you left, but now isn't the time. Nods.]

That's good too--we'll definitely need as many hands as we can get to take care of the wounded by the time this is over.


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