// 012. voice ---> video

Apr 24, 2011 20:05

[It's only voice at first, but it's the voice of someone who is tired of parting with her money. Whatever, it's her money now..

The response is drowned out by sounds of a scuffle in the distance - many voices. Human by the sounds of them. There's a woman's voice that rises above them. She's shouting.

She'd only ventured out to find some more chocolate (damn these people and their frailties) and had stopped at the murmurings of employment. Murmurings which were very obviously a trick.]

---ivories? I don't think so. You said you had an opportunity. I heard you very clearly. [Thin, strained and on her last nerve.] You said it to that man right over there. What makes me different? Why offer him employment but---

[Video is on now, thanks to the troll trying to grab her hand. She doesn't sound frightened, just extremely annoyed.]

Get out of my way.

[The screen jostles every which way, from the angle it looks to be waist level - a belt, perhaps? The feed is shadowed and jumpy - she looks to be a few feet from the opening of an alley. Sounds suggest that she's loosed a blade and pierced her opponent just enough to make him scream a little. He curses, recedes back into the alley on limping feet. Is he clutching his shoulder? Look carefully enough and the answer is yes.]

Fuck this.

[Someone has been hanging out with John too much. Upon exiting the alley with a great sigh of irritation, she is now face to face with an ogre. Her sigh is now almost a growl. It may or may not be another curseword. Have some more jostly screen, because the thing has dropped its club and is reaching toward her, grinning with a mouth full of shredded flesh. The monster spits bone and lurches forward, with a wet cry of something that may or may not be girl.

She's much quicker, unsteady as she is, still weak from whatever sickness she'd managed to catch in Dismas, whatever plague that's burning through this city.

Infected her.


In turn infected Remus.


Oh, yes. And then Scar.

(another swipe, cutting deep into its torso)

Are you responsible, tall, lumbering thing? Or did you just happen to show up? Either way she doesn't care because you are on her fucking last nerve.]

I'm sorry. I don't know you well enough for for a hug.

[Another dodge - and the ogre slams its bloodied fist into the pavement. The ground shakes and cracks and she's knocked backwards with a breathless huff.

It's still smiling as her blades swipe past it - through it - a crumbling tableau of flesh and bloodspray - cleanly separated into four pieces and now not saying anything at all.

As the pieces fall, to those of you who have a keen eye for detail might notice the form of a girl lying in the not-too-distant ...distance, just before Lust rises and turns. Makes her way back from whence she came.

What of the girl? Oh, she might be familiar. Dark cascade of hair, blossom of blood at her breast (it's the heart, isn't it?) and the glint of metal next to her. It's a heart, too, and if you know her then you know that.]

[ooc: ;;; Jennifer]

!lust, john

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