15 >> {voice}

Apr 07, 2011 20:53

{It was funny. He knew he'd die.

Didn't expect to wake up in an alley, though, least of all that alley. Malfatto recognizes it the moment his eyes flash open, the brick, almost the scent, though what comes new of it is the sheer, crippling pain when he tries to move, tries to turn on his side. Rasping a breath, lungs searing, he cries out ( Read more... )

dawn summers, !malfatto, kunsel, bellatrix lestrange, riza hawkeye

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Comments 45

[ Voice ] knows_it_all April 8 2011, 00:09:12 UTC
[ Anybody could come right out and say it, that he was the one that killed Malfatto, that the doctor had deserved what had happened to him for the senseless slaughter of innocents he'd orchestrated...so Kunsel will be the one to say it first. ]

[ At least, he wants to be the one to say it first, but it's not exactly easy to come right out and say, Hey there, old friend! I'm the one that done dinnered your ass a few days ago! ]

[ Right...so, where to begin? How to proceed? Shiva...he could really use a brush of good luck about now. ]

...You don't remember, huh?

[ Can't say I buy it, buddy. But...what if you really have lost your memory? Wouldn't this be the perfect chance to figure out what makes you tick? ]

It's a long story, Malfatto. Do you...need any help?

[ Yeah, you probably do...because I bet there are countless people who want to rip you to shreds now that you're back. ]

[ This is so screwed up... ]


[ Voice ] malfattore April 8 2011, 03:55:16 UTC

{Well well well! Look who it is. He'd be lying if he even tried to deny that taste of blood still lingering in his mouth, though he knew the effects of death all but erased it from then to now. Still, it remained, a stale film on his lips. Coppery.}

{Teeth grit, he has to calm himself all over again at the sound of the others' voice. This is the first time he's heard anyone's voice since that night... and it had to be his.}


I don't think so. And no.

I find it irritating.

{Grr, argh. All that.}

... what do you mean, "a long story"?


[ Voice ] knows_it_all April 8 2011, 04:00:39 UTC
[ Careful now. ]

[ Take it slow... ]

[ He's a wily one, not to be underestimated. ]

What's the last thing you remember?

[ If it's a lie, he might trip himself up. If not...well, he can stomp across that bridge if/when he gets there. ]

...I don't mean to be abrupt, but it seems the best place to begin is from there.


[ Voice ] malfattore April 8 2011, 04:10:15 UTC

{Feigned thought. And you know what, SOLDIER boy? No more underestimating you, either.}

I was leaving the Arena. Work. It was quite late. I... {the sounds of frustration, as if he's struggling to arrange his thoughts, memories} ... a multitude of dreams, after that. But they're blurred. I remember a red-haired child ghosting about.

{And then? Revelation!}

Could it have been the Mist? Has it... done something?

{It tends to. Not a bad scapegoat.}

It's confusing. I dislike it.


[voice] firebornfidelis April 8 2011, 00:34:38 UTC
[She's been expecting this since she heard he was killed. She knew he would come back. And she's really not disappointed he has. She hadn't really expected to get her sight back, especially not in time for this, but it seems luck is on her side the last day or so.

Wonders never cease.

But this? To say he doesn't remember? She doesn't believe it. He's a liar, of that much she's certain. And even if it is the truth, she's sure he'll get his memories back.]

So you don't remember?

[Forgive her if she sounds extremely skeptical.]


[voice] malfattore April 8 2011, 03:48:40 UTC
{Stranger things have happened here, aside from the dead losing memories permanently. There's a first time for everything!}

{Or at least... that's the card we'll play.}

You'll have to specify.

Don't remember how I got here? No.

{She's forgiven! Who wouldn't be skeptical?}


[voice] firebornfidelis April 8 2011, 04:17:37 UTC
[Play that card if you want to, she's no more convinced now than she was two minutes ago.]

Do you remember me? Do you remember my voice?

[Do you remember cutting me? Do you remember my death?]


[voice] malfattore April 8 2011, 04:23:06 UTC
{Please. If you were that easily fooled, he'd be out to kill you again already. Patience is a virtue.}

I've heard you speak over the Forge before... I saw you at a gathering once, as well. But that was quite some time ago, bella.


{I remember your eyes spilling down shredded cheeks, yes. Fondly. And if I'd had the thought at the time, I'd have snapped a photo of it and sent the thing out as a Christmas card.}

{Heck, Bella would have liked it.}


[voice] lestrangestone April 8 2011, 00:47:29 UTC
[Ah, there you are.]

I suppose there's something to be said about giving word to wishes. And here I thought we'd lost you.

Do you remember this place?

[...better yet:]

Do you remember that alley?


[voice] malfattore April 8 2011, 03:45:24 UTC
I do. Anatole, Dismas. I remember working at the Arena. I remember you, my dear, vero Bella.

Am I meant to?

{A pause, as if he's looking about.}



[voice--->private] lestrangestone April 11 2011, 00:39:30 UTC
And do you remember all that came before this place? I had a rather troublesome experience with my own memory the first time.


Are you sure? It's all right if you are, but much better if you aren't.


[voice] girl_unlocking April 8 2011, 02:34:59 UTC
[Merda. Yeah, that's about right. How much? Oh, she still despises you, but this is just enough to dislodge it from its foundations, like threadline fractures in colored windowglass.]

You died.

[And you deserved it.]


[voice] malfattore April 8 2011, 03:42:27 UTC
{Well of course he deserved it!}

{... not that he knows of, though. Pity, that.}


Why? How?


[voice] girl_unlocking April 8 2011, 11:27:22 UTC
[What. Why is he even asking this? She's shaking.]

I don't know how. [Brick? Gun? Strangulation? She's okay with all of them.]

You killed people. [through gritted teeth] You killed Riza.


[voice] malfattore April 8 2011, 17:42:23 UTC
Riza? {Thinking... thinking... } The angry woman up there?

Who else did I kill?

{A sigh. Oh, the trauma of waking without memories. So trying.}

I don't remember any of it. I... I'm not sure what else to say.


Voice wellsuited April 8 2011, 15:12:00 UTC
...You're back.

[Elena's a gifted girl. Stating the obvious is one of them.]


Voice malfattore April 8 2011, 17:32:11 UTC

Have I missed work, Elena? Do you need me there?

{Hey, that's what he likes about her. Sometimes.}


Voice wellsuited April 8 2011, 18:21:26 UTC
Why don't you...take a couple of days off. Pull yourself together. There's nothing going on that can't wait.

[...Wow, did she really just say that?]


Voice malfattore April 8 2011, 18:34:44 UTC
{He's wondering the same thing. Cue the confused blinking.}

I suppose? If that sits well with you, dear.


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