[text: -handwritten. Using Forge as tablet and wand as stylus. Handwriting, scrawled, is an echo from what's gone, semi-translatable glyphs of an inaccessible land: he's still half-asleep. But tries to capture that last clinging moment of a
of the dawn from ^come the dawn
they float away
breathe again
float away
the Door opens again someday
Does your friend want to return? I'm not sure ... everyone has said there is no way to go back. [ Another small pause. ] Why won't you go back to your home if you had the chance?
She does want to, but she's also realistic-and very smart, enough to know that the best thing to do right now is make the most of the situation in this world.
[why won't he… decides to leave it at:] My family is dead. [which is especially true when including himself in the unit]
[ She's taken aback by that, and a soft noise, as genuine and heartfelt as his words. ]
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
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