[video] 001

Apr 04, 2011 23:17

[When she'd found herself going back towards the light of Lifestream after everything was okay, Aerith had expected to go...well, back to the Lifestream. Waiting there - and of course being surrounded by flowers - was something only someone who'd left the physical world could find soothing ( Read more... )

zack fair, oerba dia vanille, merlin, rigaldo, kunsel, !aerith gainsborough, priscilla

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Comments 60

Voice i_love_squats April 5 2011, 04:11:34 UTC
[He knows that voice. Shiva, he knows it as well as he knows his own, heard it over his PHS many a times in the most remote places his home had to offer. He heard it in his dreams here, in the ones that weren't prophetic, and had heard it on these streets once, a year ago.

[And now it was back. Give up Angeal, receive an Aerith. It was a balance, cruel and uncomfortable, but there.

[His throat clicked as he swallowed, and he tried to make himself sound calm.]

Is that an angel I hear?


Voice lifestreamqueen April 5 2011, 04:27:41 UTC
[She's not sure why she's so surprised to hear that voice. After all, hadn't she just seen Zack? Either way, there's no mistaking the smile in her voice.]

Zack! [And then teasingly] Still a flatterer, I see~


Voice i_love_squats April 5 2011, 04:51:56 UTC
[It really was her, not a dream, not a piece of the Mist. At least, not that he knew of. Not yet. Funky things had a way of happening here, after all.]

How would you recognize me if I wasn't?


Voice lifestreamqueen April 5 2011, 05:00:58 UTC
I bet you say that to all the girls.

[She couldn't imagine him not being such a flirt, after all. But after a pause, her voice becomes a little less teasing and a lot more curious.]

Are there other people here? This isn't - it's not...[The Lifestream, she didn't say. For some reason, she couldn't bring herself to.]


voice silvereyedlion April 5 2011, 05:33:55 UTC
It would be a poor city with no one else in it.


voice lifestreamqueen April 6 2011, 01:25:15 UTC
I didn't know it was a city at first. It's been awhile since I've set foot in one. And it's so foggy!


yetsleeping April 5 2011, 06:43:45 UTC
Yes! There are, um... yes! There are people here!


lifestreamqueen April 6 2011, 01:38:06 UTC
I'm glad! I would've hated to end up here alone.


yetsleeping April 7 2011, 05:12:30 UTC
I don't think that's much of a danger, at least not for the moment. I mean! It's more or less, um, active depending on-- well, anyway.

Are you... Aerith?


lifestreamqueen April 8 2011, 01:41:19 UTC
Yes, I am. [Hmm.] How'd you know?


pratservant April 5 2011, 14:22:22 UTC
Pretty sure I'm somebody...though there's been moments I've been told otherwise.

Are you alright?


lifestreamqueen April 6 2011, 01:28:46 UTC
Everyone's somebody, or you'd be...nobody! [And we can't have that!]

I think so. I'm just not entirely sure how I ended up here...


pratservant April 6 2011, 02:37:11 UTC
Couldn't agree with you more.

I think we all feel that way at first. You should be careful about that fog though. I hear it's dangerous sometimes.


lifestreamqueen April 8 2011, 01:43:02 UTC
That's all anybody can seem to tell me. What's so dangerous about the fog?


ohai i know u fingersloophole April 6 2011, 01:02:04 UTC
Miss Gainsborough.


*sits on* <3 lifestreamqueen April 6 2011, 01:23:29 UTC
[Had Zack not mentioned that Tseng was here, she probably would've been more surprised, but now all she can do is tease him.]

It seems I can't escape you no matter what I do, can I?


*gives popsicle* fingersloophole April 6 2011, 03:33:32 UTC
You know how I felt...how I feel about you trying to get away without permission. Not that you could, in this place.


you've mistaken me for Cloud! lifestreamqueen April 6 2011, 03:42:23 UTC
I didn't think I still needed your permission. [Half-smiles.] What is this place, anyway?


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