April Foolscast Mind

Apr 02, 2011 12:08

It's a party. All your friends are coming to the party. All the people you know are coming to the party. You've squeezed into that tight pink number you picked up on that shopping trip with the girls. You've strapped into matching stilettos. You've organized the caterers and champagne and the only thing left is to get the guest of honour. A fond eyeroll. He's probably working late again.

You prop the wave transmitter up next to the dressing table mirror, so you can pin your long hair up while you talk to your girlfriends. "It's a last hurrah, right? I mean, next month who knows what planet we'll be on. With our jobs there won't be time for these little shindigs."

A couple of beeps. Dad on the other line. You switch the feed.


"I've managed to prise your brother away from Emergency. Your mother's putting him into a tux now." An indulgent smile at his wife's inability to let her children grow up.

"He hasn't guessed?"

"He thinks we've been invited out with some Blue Sun bigwigs." You nod, lift a gold chain to your neck. You are the one who ruins surprise parties with the guessing. "We'll be there at eight."

"And don't let him leave his pager on."

A chuckle from your father, the laugh lines around his eyes creasing. "Only if you turn yours off."

"Daddy, you know I have to remain contactable. It's all right, I promise if they call me in while dancing I'll wait for the music to finish before taking my leave."

Mock-sigh. "And that's all a loving father could hope to ask, I suppose." He glances over his shoulder. "Sounds like I'd better go."

"See you soon."

"See you soon, ai nyu. And River?" You stop adjusting your jewelry and look over at the little screen. "You look beautiful. I'm proud of you both."

stephanie brown, !river tam

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