[ 013 - Thoughtstream ] (Broadcast Mind)

Mar 29, 2011 11:03

[ There is no video. There is no voice. There is just the presense of thought. Continuous, seemingly endless, and it completely inundates you...overtakes you, an explosion of doubt and guilt, loneliness and confusion all combined into one. ]

Slithering, sliitheering, sliiitheeering, across your skin one hundred black legs, in sin, inside. Or ( Read more... )

-event: broadcast mind, !yazoo, dawn summers, oerba dia vanille, tseng

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Comments 33

girl_unlocking March 29 2011, 23:25:47 UTC
You're not nothing.


[ Video ] velvet_zealot March 29 2011, 23:41:23 UTC
[ Oh, Dawn. He's unhinged. Be careful. ]

[ Not that the gun in his hand isn't enough of a warning for her...the barrel aimed directly at the Forge. ]

What would you know.


[ Voice ] girl_unlocking March 30 2011, 00:01:40 UTC
[The sight of the gun causes her to start, especially now that she's up-close-and-familiar with the damage they do. What they leave behind. Which might just be what pushes her to speak. That what if behind the thoughts that hover there, new memories.

What if someone had talked to Warren? Before he---

(it wouldn't have mattered)

---before everything collapsed upon itself, because wasn't that what this is, a collapsing? This feeling? This crushing (disappointment?) thing.

Maybe. Maybe not.]

More than people think I do.

[But not enough to stay silent. Mostly because she does not remember any of the previous horror.]


[ Video ] velvet_zealot March 30 2011, 00:13:19 UTC
Nothing that matters, though...hm?

[ A beat. His gun shifts to the side, away from the camera...his leather gloves creaking as they fidget, flex at the trigger, and then relax again. ]

You have no idea where Mother is...and neither do I.

I'm...a failure to Her.

[ A bad son. ]


fingersloophole March 30 2011, 03:12:58 UTC
She's not your mother, you know.

Not that I know exactly what you are. Except that she's not capable of being a mother.


velvet_zealot March 30 2011, 03:25:57 UTC
Don't speak of Mother that way.

[ Bad son or not, she is still his Mother! He refuses to believe anything else. ]


fingersloophole March 30 2011, 03:48:18 UTC
But mothers shouldn't be disappointed in their children for something beyond their control.


velvet_zealot March 30 2011, 03:59:27 UTC
[ Why do so many keep saying that to him? Why! It isn't true. He failed Her, and She has every right to be disappointed in him. ]

...I was separated from Mother, and when I was given a chance to be reunited?

[ He messed everything up. ]

[ Zack killed him. ]

[ And then Mother was gone, what little of Her he'd had, and he was left with nothing. ]

I have...continuously let Her down. Time and time again. It is not Her fault that I am not a good son.


[Video] sugaryoptimist March 30 2011, 09:01:31 UTC
Erm...that doesn't sound good.


[Video] velvet_zealot March 30 2011, 17:15:58 UTC
Who...are you?


[Video] sugaryoptimist March 30 2011, 22:00:46 UTC
I'm Vanille.


[Video] velvet_zealot March 31 2011, 01:24:40 UTC
[ He stares and says nothing, looking expectant. ]


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