11 >> {eventual video?}

Mar 15, 2011 22:47

{Truly, nothing beats the comforts of home. Isn't that right?}

{He should ask Riza. She'd probably like to be home right now, no? He should have tucked her head away under his arm. Brought her to his home, at least. Fed her sweets and spoke warmly to her of his successes ( Read more... )

sousuke aizen, lady, zack fair, isley, !malfatto, lust, bellatrix lestrange, john

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Comments 68

[ Voice ] swordofthenorth March 16 2011, 01:55:08 UTC
Some in the medical profession say kinds words for the newly departed.

[ A brief pause, and he adds... ]

Rabbit...sounds delicious.


[ Voice ] malfattore March 16 2011, 02:08:26 UTC
I suppose I could, but I wasn't familiar with any of them. It wouldn't be my place.

{Or... not familiar in the traditional sense. He might have hovered creepily over Riza's body before moving her around and abandoning the scene, but that doesn't count.}

It is. When prepared correctly.


[ Voice ] swordofthenorth March 16 2011, 02:16:36 UTC
I prefer my rabbit...raw.

[ Unprepared in fact. (In more ways than one.) Preferably alive. Still squirming. It always tastes better when their entrails spill freshly into your mouth, slick and sweet, slurped into the back of your throat, wriggling on the way down into the pit of your stomach. Mmm... ]


[ Voice ] malfattore March 16 2011, 02:42:06 UTC
I suppose. I'm more a fan of... dressing it up. Savoring.

{Raw? Really? He'd never tried it. Catching blood in the mouth as a result of splashback was pretty much the closest he'd come. This was why he rarely removed his mask during... work hours.}


1/2 theotokos March 16 2011, 02:03:51 UTC
theotokos March 16 2011, 02:04:19 UTC
How kind of you.


malfattore March 16 2011, 02:09:25 UTC
I do what I can, and promise no more.


theotokos March 16 2011, 02:25:23 UTC
[And she's starting to wonder about you again.]

Why, that's all anyone can do in a crisis, isn't it?


1/2 lestrangestone March 16 2011, 02:10:40 UTC
Death is nothing, here.


2/2 lestrangestone March 16 2011, 02:12:11 UTC
I hear the latest victim was common, even for one of the Scorched. [Have a verbal shrug.]


voice malfattore March 16 2011, 02:16:27 UTC
I know nothing of her. Shame, I suppose. It's not easy to relate to people when you're disconnected from the source of their miseries.

Then again, if she's Scorched and deceased, she'll be back. All they have to do is wait. {He clucks his tongue, following up with an oozing yawn.}


voice lestrangestone March 18 2011, 00:16:53 UTC
I find that I care very little for their miseries. Although, she's been put quite definitely out of hers, hasn't she? Probably a favor.


[video] sonvisage March 16 2011, 02:15:45 UTC
Perhaps you could work on your bedside manner, doctor.

[The couch, however, is lovely.]


[video] malfattore March 16 2011, 02:18:21 UTC
{A dismissive wave of the hand.}

They're dead, my dear. There is no bedside, and no use for the applicable mannerisms anymore. Only acceptance and an offer to comfort those affected.

{Thanks. Ikea, baby.}


[video] sonvisage March 16 2011, 02:26:16 UTC
[That hand? Earns a little huff of irritation. Because really, now.]

Which I recall also left something to be desired.

[As the nonhuman judges the human for not being ....yeah.]


[video] malfattore March 16 2011, 02:35:49 UTC
{The huff earns a smirk, hidden beneath that indifferent visage. So cute when she's irritated.}

And who, pray tell, am I meant to entice? I do what I do, my dear. You're free to react how you will. It's not my problem.



Voice i_love_squats March 16 2011, 02:35:25 UTC
You know, saying you don't care about those that die across the network where their loved ones can here you, might be a place to start. There are still living folks that don't want to hear people say things like that, even if they are true. You're turning people into a statistic on your "Save/Die" list.

Weren't you ever told, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?"


Voice malfattore March 16 2011, 02:47:48 UTC
Their loved ones have more to worry about than what I have to say. And I? Am here to worry about the living and their respective physical ailments. Not the deceased. And if the living are particularly close to me {fat chance}, they shall receive my sympathies.

To a realistic extent.

I've been told that, yes, though I also believe that a person's perception of "nice" is relative.


Voice i_love_squats March 16 2011, 03:23:07 UTC
Look, no one's asking you to send flowers and a card or make a charitable donation in their memory. I think they'd just rather you didn't talk so...cheap about it, like the deaths don't matter on an emotional level. Just, you know, not say anything at all about the dead. Not unless you're giving your sympathies.

[And he's not referring to himself. Oh, no. Not him. He's not still sore about it.]


[ Voice ] malfattore March 16 2011, 18:18:54 UTC
I don't prance around the subject. If people take that as... cheap... that's their issue, and not mine. I'm indifferent because I have to be. There's nothing I can do for a dead person, and I won't refrain from speaking my mind simply to pacify the public.

I have acquaintances here. Not friends. Some I prefer over others, yes, but not friends. The sooner you learn that, the sooner you can cease attempting to tell me what I should and shouldn't be saying.

{Y'big ass.}


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