{ 005 - Video }

Mar 07, 2011 14:00

[ You feel it, don't you? ]

[ Well before the thunderous howl of collapsing stone and screaming glass fills your ears, streaming in from the Forge, well before the fine, powdery traces of dust can fill your nostrils should you be so unfortunate to be that close, you will feel it...a power so immense it is a force all its own. Oppressive, it grows, and grows, and grows until finally, you think, it just can't grow anymore. ]

[ But it does. ]

[ And with it, so does the echo of hunger-an insatiable starvation-in the folds of that energy. ]

This world is polluted by weakness...and it will decay into nothingness if it is permitted to remain that way for too much longer.

[ Most would recognize the voice as Isley's-it bleeds over the speakers of the Forge, a greeting that is spoken in tones as soft as velvet, as cool as sub-zero temperatures. ]

[ He does not appear on camera, however. ]

[ Only the looming shadow of a half-man, half-weapon can be seen beyond the skeletal remnants of a collapsed wall in what's left of a bedroom, supposedly in Patrol headquarters. The shadow's left arm hangs at its side, human in shape, a small object grasped in hand. The right side, however, is deformed and twisted, a frightening mass of jutting edges and lines protruding from the shoulder, appearing almost like a wing...or an axe too enormous for any normal man to wield. ]

[ A four-poster bed, lacking three of its four posts, sits in the room. Papers flutter across the screen, this way, that way...tapering slowly downward to the floor. Splinters of wood, shreds of blanket and curtain hide what was once a white area rug beneath. ]

...A catalyst is sometimes necessary to stimulate evolution.

[ Apparently he is playing the role of the catalyst. ]

It is the way of life. Things are born, and they die...but that which possesses the strength to surpass limitations, it alone may endure lifetimes. It alone possesses the right to shape the world.

[ A blur across the screen appears, the shadow of the figure obliterated, an entire wall knocked clean away by the sheer force behind the blow. Light streams through the rising dust, and voices from outside can be heard. Screams of panic, of outrage...and somewhere amidst it all, closer at hand, soft chuckling. ]

They fear the end...but this is just the beginning.

[ End transmission. ]

ichigo kurosaki, roy mustang, sousuke aizen, mail "matt" jeevas, river tam, yachiru kusajishi, john, sophia, senji "crow" kiyomasa, medicine seller, irene, zack fair, !isley, prussia, rafaela, luciela

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