[ broadcast mind - dream/memory ]

Feb 20, 2011 01:39

"Do you have a wish, Byakuya-sama?"

"A wish?"

She smiles pleasantly, gazing up at the night sky with this look, a look that reminds you of someone. It's soft, kind, yet there is an authority there that cannot be denied. An authority that, if she exerted it, would probably surpass your own. It's amusing, you find. "Yes, a wish," she repeats, her hand, somewhat hesitantly, seeks your own, a slight caress against the back of your knuckles to see if you will protest before she slips it in and gives a light squeeze. It's still so very new to you, but you return that little squeeze with one of your own, watching the sky and the marvels it holds while listening so very intently to what she has to say. "Do you want something that you don't have?"

Wants. Desires. Does everyone not have them? You don't answer right away. It's a question that requires serious thought because she hangs to every word you say and she only asks what she finds to be serious, what she truly, deep in her heart, wants to say. "I don't wish."

"Why not?" She asks without delay. "Everyone has something they want to wish for."

She doesn't sound invasive. At the most, she appears curious, her smile still evident, her hand still in yours, and her eyes still focused on the heavens.

"I am a Kuchiki," you respond, eyes peeling away from the moon towards the graceful beauty that stands beside you. "If there is anything I want, I will attain it with my own power. I have no use for wishes." Wishing is for the hopeless, you want to say, but no. She has many wishes, many wishes you will grant, are granting because she deserves to have the entire world. You'll even find some way to give her the moon if she ever asked for it, because that's what you do. You give to her anything she wants and she... she will allow you these moments where nothing but you, her and the night sky exist.

"There is nothing that 'Byakuya' wants?"

How amusing. "No."

"I feel selfish, now," she sighs, head bowing, eyes closing. "I have so many, so many that you have fulfilled, yet have asked for nothing of your own."

"Tell me of your wishes, Hisana." Selfish. Never. She is never selfish. She does so much, even if she doesn't realize. "Tell me, so that I may grant them."

She looks up, startled, but just as quickly as it comes, it dies away for this smile that she uses when she thinks she's said too much, when she's thinking about something so important that she forgets to tell you how her day has been. There's a wish you want to grant, but she won't ask. She won't tell you all of her wishes because she doesn't want to burden anyone. 'It's my mistake' she will say, 'I will clean it up. Please don't worry.' And she doesn't realize how much you do worry when she says those things. She uses that smile when she forgets that you can and will fulfill any wish she has. She uses it when she'd not focused on you, her husband, but something in the distance.

And you do have a wish. You want to obliterate that look and save her from herself. You want to promise her that all will be well and you'll fill in that emptiness she seems to feel whenever she thinks about that one wish she won't let you give her.

"What do people usually wish for?"

Hisana's thoughtful, hanging on to your hand as if it's a life line. It's there, but you don't shun it. Allow her this regret she holds onto, because a part of you fears if she lets it go, she'll let you go. It's almost devastating to think about. "Food. Clothes. A warm bed and maybe a nice house. They dream of people to love, people to hold, a family. Where I come from, Byakuya-sama, they just wish for happiness."

"... I see."

"Sometimes, just wishing makes people happy."

Wishing. Wishing seems like such a sad thing to do. Reflecting on what you don't have, living wanting something that you would probably never have. It's such a waste, isn't it?

"People wish for happiness. They wish so that they may be happy. It sounds like a story for children."

She smiles. "That's what makes it special. Tales that become real. Even a prince has a wish, Byakuya-sama."

You consider this. Even a prince has a wish. People, wishing for happiness. People who wish to make themselves happy. These are foreign concepts. If you want something, you know you only need reach out with your hand to grasp it. It is always so much better to achieve something on your own, you think, than to wait, to wait until it falls into your lap.

"Then, Hisana, I have nothing to wish for."

-event: broadcast mind, kaien shiba, lilly rush, lust, bellatrix lestrange, !byakuya kuchiki, naruto uzumaki

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