06 [Voice/Video]

Jan 19, 2011 22:30

[The picture is blurry and dimly lit. There are darker patches of something on the pair ground. The fingers fumbling for the correct sequence on the Forge are obviously stiff. There's only the brief image of Tseng's bruising face before he turns the video off]Elena, I need you. I'm...not entirely certain where I am, but your assistance would be ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

Voice wellsuited January 20 2011, 14:22:23 UTC

[Elena's voice is panicked. Because no matter how brief that video was, no matter how dark and blurry, you can bet she caught every last detail.

Her breath catches, like she's afraid the very act of breathing will prevent her from hearing his instructions. She focuses on the video, automatically checks her gun even though she knows it and the two others just like it are battle-ready.

An exhale and she's in Turk mode. Move. Watch your back.]

Sir, I'm on my way. Hold on!


Voice (totally not on vacation for four hours) fingersloophole January 20 2011, 18:21:18 UTC
[He's a little proud. Well, more than a little. He'd always known she grew up but normal Elena and Turk Elena are almost different people.]

Do not panic. Nothing is...life threatening. Proceed cautiously and patiently. [And his tone is still bland, because honestly there's been much worse.]


voice; bulletsforbaby January 20 2011, 17:45:24 UTC
... shit! Tseng?

[Okkaaaayyy, no need to flip. Haven't even met the guy yet, heard what timeline he's from (this stuff was confusing, seriously), or anything. Thing is, Tseng is Tseng no matter what. Still his superior, still his support. Still a friend.]

[Shiva help whoever did the damage.]


Voice fingersloophole January 20 2011, 18:25:45 UTC

[Wait, is he hallucinating? Through the Forge? It doesn't make sense but not a whole lot has since he got here.]

You picked an interesting time to show up. [And he's amused, even if there's fatigue and a little pain mixed in.] We'll speak later.


Voice bulletsforbaby January 20 2011, 19:28:25 UTC
Good guess, big man. And you're damn right we're gonna speak later!

[Holding back everything he wants to say, a demand for who did the job on him, a better idea of where he was, all that, he withdraws.]

I didn't pick anything, trust me. I'm gonna set that goddamn door on fire.


Voice fingersloophole January 20 2011, 19:46:14 UTC
...you're still not my subordinate, Reno. I suggest you remember this. I won't be speaking to you from a sick bed or a death bed.

[Fire. He instantly wants to lecture about how much that is going to cost their department but really that is entirely irrelevant here. They don't own the door and it's not like anyone would make them repair it.]

I broke several ribs on a mission a few months ago...for me at least. I'd assume they hadn't healed all the way. Do not give Elena any problems.

...but it's good to have you here, even if I feel sympathy for not wanting to be here in the first place.


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